With apologies for cross posting. For those unaware of people in
common we are the picnic warriors and we want an end to s.132 and a
new constitution, to be built from below, NOW
(1) at the meeting after socpa movie back in july it was agreed that
we would meet up this sunday 26th for a reunion people in common
picnic (+ website revamp / tactics meeting - see below** for rough

update at

have to sit on the pavement, go to victoria tower gardens (next to the
house of lords) or maybe re-occupy the square?
(2) there is now an interesting Bill for a Citizens Convention going
through Parliament, EDM 1763 (see

and for a u-tube presentation by one of its creators, Ron Bailey

This is being put forward by the same people (Local Works, New
Politics Network and Charter 88) who successfully got cross party
support for the Sustainable Communties Bill/Local Works (after some
battle recently govt assented on it's third reading and therefore more
or less destined to become law) and so, if pushed (given that all
major parties are now in favour of constitutional reform and/or
'people power') has an excellent chance of going all the way as with
Local Works (see

Therefore obviously it would be good to discuss this, and our approach
to it, as with a good grassroots campaign in response to it, from my
view it's constitutional implications are potentially enormous.
Anyway, hope to see some of you (those not still camped out on the
third runway) there, say from 1/2pm?
Best Wishes, in Solidarity
** Rough Agenda for Sunday Meeting - as agreed at last one:
Idea so far is for the site (peopleincommon.org) to be relaunched,
once again with regular weekly - monthly news updates, but also as hub
with links to different political activities / direct action campaigns
of members, including call to organise locally. Also some of us are
hoping to have some resources for arrestees and / or legal advice.
Plus, also we're thinking of reforming the picnic, perhaps on a
monthly basis. this will of course depend in interest and commitment.
personally i am focused in local organising but would happily attend
if others are up for it.
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