This update from the ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK was written and published on the internet at 1445 Hrs GMT from London on Monday 13 August 2007
Email address for contacting the ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK is

The UK Bangladeshis, some f the most hard up people living in the western hemisphere as migrants doing some of the least dignified or rewarding of jobs and tasks - whose money has been stolen via 'First Solution' [that had the promotional front of 'community link’ and even ‘mosque-proximate-site credibility' because the perpetrating operation was headquartered at the 'London Muslim Centre' next to the 'East London Mosque' on Whitechapel Road London E1 - are NOT anywhere near getting their money back. It is over 6 weeks since they lost money that the vast majority had handed to ‘First Solution’ in trust for transfer to the needy family and realties in Bangladesh.
A lot of ‘news’ items has appeared and most of those who have been given paucity as ‘leaders’ of the ‘rescue’ attempts have turned out to have been involved in directly or indirectly aiding the perpetrators!
Because the 'secondary fraudsters' whom THIS ACTION CMMITTEE diagnosed at the start of July 2007, have done what they would do if given the scope. The 'local' East London Advertiser has given the perpetrators coverage that the crooks could not dream of getting. And they have got what they wanted. They have got away so far. Read on...
The ACTION COMMITTEE strategy has been to try to keep everyone claiming to be active or concerned about helping the people whose money has been lost via “First Solution" to keep the focus only on the duty of the perpetrators to immediately return the money and to lawfully and constitutionally force them to do the decent thing and to pay up.
In this task, we have come across evidence that a planned diversion has been going on thus enabling the perpetrators to get away. We summarise here the key incidents that show how the operators have been aided in getting away so far:-
1. The office and the facilities that are constitutionally available via a ‘local’ MP have been diverted in key particulars AWAY from the onus of the perpetrators and into the territories of career-building or careerist grandstanding. Over the top almost addictive attention has been given to internal goings on between rival Bangaldeshi-controlled satellite TV channels. Unjustified and contradictory advances have been made or supported towards creating or backing links with present UK Government. Repeated attempts at getting information about where the documents belong to the people who have lost money are, have been met with total silence from those who used their association with George Galloway to get those documents - and the documentary evidence of the actual handing over of the money as well as the receipts of the handing over - from the people.
2. Whereas the ‘local MP’ G Galloway personally stated that a wide action committee should be set up and devoted to the return of the peoples’ money – Galloway said this in his first statement made on the subject on the first Sunday of July 2007 outside Galloway's 'political group' address at 9 Club Row, london E2 – certain elements claiming to be working for the same objective and from facilities that exist in the name of the constituency MP, have engaged in taking the attention AWAY from the very crooks who owe the money to the people they robbed.
3. One very noticeable such diversion has been the concentration given in the ‘coverage’ [or the cover-up] by the ‘East London Advertiser’ which has misled the public about the activities that have taken place on the matter. In particular the ‘East London Advertiser’ has aided the self-seekers to an extent that in a recent ‘report’ it gave almost full page space prompting a bunch of bogus faces that had NOT lost money and had not done anything credible or genuine or selfless to get the people their money back. ALL the particular faces belonged to shady, corrupt or unreliable individuals that had been seeking publicity for themselves as part of their careers, their personal profiteering enterprises or their status within the Blairing environment of the Gordon Brown administration in the UK or within the still very Blaired and the very corrupt Blaired party [the former Labour Party] across the East End of London. The event staged at the Tower Hamlets Blaired Council controlled Brady Centre was held to facilitate another stunt to enable a current minister Stephen Timms to collect some brownie points, rather than to enable the people - also known by the ‘East London Advertiser’ as the creditors – to get their money back. Indeed most of those who lost their money and being referred to by the ‘East London Advertiser’ as 'creditors' were NOT even invited to the stunt staged at the Brady Centre. The faces in the main belonged to many dubious individuals and NOT to people who had lost money via ‘First Solution’. Indeed, the headline to that promotional piece that appeared in the ‘East London Advertiser’ is the subject of a formal compliant to the ‘Press Complaints Commission’ that the ‘Action Committee to Get the People their Money Back’ is lodging.
4. In another set of pieces, the ‘East London Advertiser’ printed a hint that a Gordon Brown minister had become an ‘admirer’ of ‘George Galloway’. The ‘newspaper’ did not refer to any fact or to any credibly made or proposed or suggested liaison that could possibly justify such a sub-sleazy diversionary reference. The ‘East London Advertiser’ did not print any fact showing any evidence of any action that anyone it was promoting had done that fell outside their call of duty. Especially in relation to keeping the community’s pressure on the perpetrators.
5. All the items published in the ‘East London Advertiser’ during the past six weeks [six editions of weekly printed title] and those promoted on the publishers' ['Archant'] web site, have been and were promoting the diversionary line and creating the impression that the UK Government was DOING the necessary things and that it was doing the right things. Despite being presented with evidence from the start, beginning with the communication from the convenor of the action committee who had spoken to the ‘East London Advertiser’ about the ‘First Solution’ scandal in June 2007, that the money would NOT be recovered without the UK Bangaldeshi community being united to act as the central force to put the moral and the community pressure on the Perptrators, the ‘East London Advertiser’ has persisted in omitting that central fact and factor and has focused on heaping praise on George Galloway’s ‘staff’ and office and on Galloway himself for bringing attention on the matter. As if a ‘local’ MP speaking up – to highly CMPIANT octane TV crews and pliant newspaper crews- on matter involving such a large number of people who had been misinformed to come to the East End [an aspect that the ACTION COMITEE is about to publish a statement about [separately] – was doing anyone any favours other than to their own claim to be ‘doing their job’ as the MP!
6. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK is currently investigating another factor – and allegation – that the ‘East London Advertiser’ has failed to intestate information that one of four identified perpetrators has been aided by or been in secret talks either directly with a sitting Tower Hamlets Councillor or with a number of their close associate and de facto partner to make a deal whereby the perpetrator is given an excuse and be shown to have been in the clear contrary to the facts and the evidence.
7. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK has found new confirmation that the overly promoted William Beveridge Foundation-linked claim that they would be paying money to the people who have been robbed via ‘First Solution’ has been a con in itself and that there has been no money that can be even mentioned as being paid by the William Beveridge Foundation.
8. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK has also established that the ‘East London Advertiser’ has in effect admitted that it was wrong to promote the ‘farefax-type’ diversion as anything like the relief for the robbed people at all. But that admission by the ‘East London Advertiser’ has been couched a typically dishonest and sneaky sentence that was buried in arranged or onger piece that had the opposite message and impression to what that admission would suggest. In the larger and onger piece in which the de facto admission of ‘error’ was buried was still continuing to promote the perpetrators and their shoulders who were being painted by the 'East London Advertiser' as ‘the rescuers’. There is NO EVIDENCE that ANY rescue by those promoted by the 'East London Advertiser' [a] has happened, or [b] is happening or [c] will happen in the foreseeable future. We here refer to and use the word ‘rescue’ in the sense of then people getting their money back in full and NOW.
9. The “ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE THEIR MONEY BACK” is in possession of information which shows that one of the very highly promoted ‘rescuer leaders’ that has been praised in or promoted to the skies by the ‘East London Advertiser’ has been themselves the subject of an investigation over misconduct and suspected theft or misappropriation a few years ago, a fact which was generally conveyed to the ‘East London Advertiser’ which was asked to investigate the claim but the newspaper refused to investigate the claims. the ‘East London Advertiser’ continued to praise the same individual and painted the individual as being far more influential in ‘solving’ the ‘First Solution’ misconduct than the facts support. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK has also uncovered evidence that serious allegations of misconduct to do with misappropriation of funds belonging to a de facto charitable organisation had been made against the same person over a decade earlier and that the allegations had only been dropped because of the party political opportunism inside the then Labour Party in the East End which was using the same individual as a tool to gain votes. The ‘East London Advertiser’ has failed to investigate those allegations, deciding instead to paint the individual as being a selfless ‘rescuer’! The people who have been robbed via “First Solution’ are not feeing rescued at all. With each day passing, they are feeing farther apart from their money than they were before. And this is an achievement of the perpetrators who have so far
10. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK had announced pans for a weekend demonstration opposite the ‘London Muslim Centre’ [that was to be held at 2 PM on Sunday 5 August 2007]. Three days before the panned demonstration, the management committee in control of the ‘London Muslim Centre’ issued a statement clearly denying any inks with the "First Solution' wrongdoing on their part in so far as they had allowed their premises to be rented by those who controlled the ‘First Solution’. That statement meant that the ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK called off the demonstration for the time being and accordingly and informed all concerned MONEY BACK the fact and the reason for the calling off of that demonstration.
11. The East London Advertiser has on the records of its promotion of the secondary fraudsters and the secondary career makers, behaved as disgracefully as the original perpetrators in that it has aided the criminal behaviour of creating a wall of diversion way from the demand and the needs of the people who have lost their money.
12. The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK has taken legal and constitutional steps to keep the focus and the legal pressure firmly upon the original perpetrators. We are also putting the necessary auditing pressure on the secondary perpetrators and are moving to make the behaviour of the ‘East London Advertiser’ the subject of two investigations s. First we are comparing to the PCC and then we shall refer the behaviour of the title t the CRE and also to the National Union of Journalists.
This update from the ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK was written and published on the internet at 1445 Hrs GMT from London on Monday 13 August 2007
Email address for contacting the ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPE THEIR MONEY BACK is