Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Jul. 25, 2007 (McClatchy-Tribune Regional News delivered by Newstex) --
A Longwood doctor
who will be a key witness in a national online steroid ring case -- told investigators she sold her signature on prescriptions for $50 a pop.
Dr. Claire Godfrey, 36, is the latest doctor to plead guilty in connection with Orlando-based Signature Compounding Pharmacy, a $30-million-a-year, family-run business.
New York investigators say Signature operated as the hub of a national drug ring that involved people who were illegally buying drugs from Web sites with help from doctors who were signing prescriptions for patients they never saw.
Godfrey -- who started the Ageless clinic in Seminole County -- pleaded guilty in Albany County, N.Y., to criminal diversion of prescription medication. She could face up to six years in prison. If she continues to assist investigators, prosecutors will recommend to the judge that she receive five years' probation.
'She is the most important one of the doctors in this case,' said Assistant District Attorney Christopher Baynes. 'She's familiar with [Signature's] principals and the inner workings of the pharmacy.'
Signature's web began to unravel Feb. 27 when the company's top four executives were arrested on a 20-count indictment from New York. Naomi Loomis, chief executive officer; her husband, Robert 'Stan' Loomis, chief operating officer; his brother, Kenneth 'Mike' Loomis, head compounding pharmacist; and Kirk Calvert, director of business development, all pleaded not guilty to the charges, which included criminal sale of a controlled substance and insurance fraud. Each was released on $30,000 bail.
Two days later, authorities arrested Godfrey.
She told prosecutors that Signatures referred online clinics -- which needed doctors to sign prescriptions -- to her. Godfrey said Calvert and Stan Loomis helped her set up a pay structure, including charging $50 a scrip. She learned later that Signature charged clinics about $10,000 to connect them to a doctor, Baynes said.
Since 2006, Godfrey wrote prescriptions for at least five clinics, including ones in Texas and New Jersey, the prosecutor said.
On Feb. 1, she sold a prescription for growth hormone and anabolic steroids that went to an undercover investigator without examining the investigator or knowing any medical need for the controlled substances.
Godfrey also agreed to sell a prescription for growth hormone to a New York man without examining him or knowing the medical purpose, according to the Albany County District Attorney's Office.
So far, seven people -- including doctors and clinic operators -- have pleaded guilty and about 20 more remain charged in connection with the alleged drug ring.
The attorney for Signature couldn't be reached for comment.
Sarah Lundy can be reached at

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