Wednesday, July 11, 2007
DUBLIN, Ireland, Jul. 11, 2007 (Business Wire) -- Research and Markets (

Raymond is one of India's leading fabric and garment manufacturers. In 2006/07 alone its textile and clothing operations -- including wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures -- generated sales of Rs11.1 bn (US$283 mn). From its origins and core strengths in worsted suiting fabrics, the company has diversified into the production of denim fabrics, cotton shirtings and garments. It has also built up a presence in retailing and, as such, it claims to be India's largest fabric and garment retailer.
Since 2001 Raymond has been expanding aggressively through divestment, collaborations and joint ventures with foreign firms, as well as capacity expansions. In 2001 it acquired Regency Texteis Portuguesa -- a plant in northern Portugal which manufactures suits, jackets and trousers for the European market -- and in 2002 it bought ColorPlus Fashions. Since then it has set up four joint ventures, namely Raymond Zambaiti, Raymond Fedora, Raymond UCO Denim and Gas Apparel. It has also established three wholly-owned clothing manufacturing subsidiaries: Silver Spark Apparel, Everblue Apparel and Celebrations Apparel. In addition, it has added approximately 25 mn metres of annual fabric capacity to its existing plants.
Raymond has also become vertically integrated by constructing state-of-the art facilities for its garment manufacturing companies as well as design studios established through joint ventures and retail operations. Raymond sees retail expansion as an important way to penetrate the market and increase sales even further. The company has over 400 retail and brand stores across 170 cities in India and the Middle East. Recently, it opened its 350th The Raymond Shop in India, and plans to increase this number to 950 by 2010. It also has exclusive standalone stores which stock its brands -- including Manzoni, Park Avenue, ColorPlus, Parx, Be:, and Zapp!. These stores are on the increase as the company broadens its product portfolio.
Content Outline:SUMMARYINTRODUCTIONCOMPANY DEVELOPMENTMARKET STRATEGY AND BUSINESS OPERATIONSWholly owned subsidiariesRaymond Apparel LtdColorPlus FashionsEverblue ApparelCelebrations ApparelJoint venturesRaymond UCO DenimRaymond ZambaitiRaymond FedoraGas ApparelWORSTED SUITING FABRICSManufacturing plantsThane plantChhindwara plantVapi plantWorsted suiting collectionsWORSTED SUITS AND FORMAL TROUSERSSilver Spark ApparelRegency Texteis PortuguesaDENIM FABRIC: RAYMOND UCO DENIMRaymond UCO DenimDenim fabric manufacturing plantsYavatmal, IndiaGhent, BelgiumRockingham, North Carolina, USASnyder, Texas, USAGuirgiu, RomaniaDENIM APPARELEverblue ApparelSHIRTING FABRICSRaymond ZambaitiSHIRTSCelebrations ApparelWOOLLEN FABRICRaymond FedoraAPPAREL BRANDSBe:ColorPlusManzoniNotting HillPark AvenueParxZapp!Retail storesBrand-specific storesBe: storesManzoni luxury boutiquePark Avenue storesParx storesZapp! storesThe Raymond ShopMulti-brand storesFINANCIAL PERFORMANCERevenuesProfitsSubsidiaries and joint venturesRaymond UCO DenimRaymond ApparelColorPlusSilver Spark Apparel and Celebrations ApparelRaymond Zambaiti and Raymond FedoraOUTLOOKList of tablesTable 1: Raymond: financial performance by business segment,2001/02-2006/07
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