Here is the latest message from the Climate Camp networking crew:
With 6 weeks to go, a fresh batch of publicity just arrived, and summer festivals galore, now's the time for a last big Networking push!
We have spoof airline safety card flyers, in-depth 10 reasons to come to the climate camp leaflets, you are not fucked flyers and posters, and a polar bear swinging at airplanes poster all ready to go.
Many have already gone around the country, so check your local social centre.
BUT we've got loads more and many places still not covered (especially the South coast, Southwest and Wales), so if you can distribute a few leaflets or put up some posters, email this address and let us know how many you can use, and a postal address to send to.
Here is a short text about the camp - please get it out to every list you're on, newsletter/website/zine/events list you know of, group you're part of, etc.
14 - 21 August 2007
This summer, the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents at Heathrow Airport for a week of education, sustainable living, and direct action to tackle aviation, the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
All our efforts to tackle climate change in other sectors are undone by massive growth in air travel.
Holding the camp at Heathrow will highlight the lunacy of the government's airport expansion plans, confront aviation companies profiteering from the climate crisis, and raise awareness of the need to fly less.
The camp will also support local residents in their long-term struggle against the building of a third runway and the destruction of their communities.
The camp will feature over 100 workshops covering topics such as climate change myths, aviation, permaculture in practice, food without oil, Transition Towns, and non-violent direct action skills.
Run without leaders by everyone who comes along, it will be a working ecological
village using renewable energy, composting waste and sourcing food locally.
We are the last generation that can do anything about climate change.
We still have time, but not for long.
Come to the Camp for Climate Action this summer, and be part of a defining moment in the fight against climate change.
The media team are putting together a proposal for the media and cameras on site policy, to be discussed at the July gathering.
Attached is a questionnaire which looks at some of the possible concerns and
solutions about media on site, and gives you a chance to say what you thought was good/bad about last year's strategy.
If you haven't already, please fill in the questionnaire and send it back to us by SATURDAY, 7TH JULY (and don't feel you have to answer all the questions, if there are only some you feel strongly about).
There are thousands of local groups out there that we need to get in touch with! Please think about what local environmental / social change / health / refugee support / progressive education / anti-racism / internationalism / peace / etc. groups exist in your area - including organisations outside our “usual” circles (e.g. what about local associations of people from Bangladesh, India, China and other countries already being adversely affected by climate change?).
Do a quick bit of research, make a list and then either:
a) Get in touch with them yourself and invite them to the Camp - you can use the attached letter (even better if you can tailor it to the particular group and make the camp relevant to them).
If you can arrange to meet up with them, perhaps by attending one of their meetings, even better!
Let us know what you’ve done (to avoid duplication), and also get in touch if you need flyers, posters, Reclaim Power DVDs or any more information.
b) Send the contact list you’ve made (ideally including emails and/or phone numbers) to Danny (

Danny would greatly appreciate help with this from anyone out there with a bit of spare time!
PS. On a different note - One big national group we don't have any contact with is CND. If anyone has good contacts within this NGO, please get in touch!
July 2007
I’m writing to let you know about the Camp for Climate Action, happening this summer from 14th – 21st August.
You may well have heard about last year’s camp outside Drax power station in Yorkshire.
This year’s camp will again combine education on climate change, practical workshops to reduce our ecological footprints, low impact living and mass action to tackle aviation, the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
This summer, the camp will pitch its tents at Heathrow airport, aiming to highlight the lunacy of the government's airport expansion plans, confront aviation companies profiteering from the climate crisis, and raise awareness of the need to fly less.
The camp will also support local residents in their long-term struggle against the building of a third runway and the destruction of their communities.
We would like to invite your group to take part in the Camp for Climate Action.
Of course we would love to see you at the camp in August; but we also hope that you will get involved now, and help to make this year’s camp an effective and unforgettable event.
What we need most is your help in spreading the word about the camp, and encouraging as many people as possible to come along.
There are lots of ways you and your group can do this:
Send an email or letter to everyone who is involved in or supports your group, letting them know about the camp and where to find out more.
Distribute Camp for Climate Action leaflets wherever you can – in your local area, in your office or meeting space, and at workshops/conferences/festivals that you go to.
Host a talk or workshop about climate change and the Camp for Climate Action. Someone from the camp collective can come to your area, and can tailor the event to your needs/audience.
Organise film screenings of Reclaim Power, a documentary about last year’s camp.
Someone from the camp collective would be happy to introduce the film.
(More info on the film available here:
For more information, to get copies of leaflets or the Reclaim Power DVD, for a template email/letter to send out about the camp, or to discuss hosting a workshop or talk, please email

And to find out all about the camp and other ways to help out and get involved, see
If we are to have any chance of preventing climate catastrophe, we need to build and strengthen links within and between our movements.
So one way or another, we hope you get in touch… and see you at the camp!
Best wishes,
Your name
Camp for Climate Action
Thank you for all your help - it's what will make the camp amazing!
The Networking crew
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