Monday 2 July, 7.30pm for 8pm start, @ the Cube Cinema. £2/3 on the door.
Note: 1 July, 6.30pm, benefit cafe for MOVE at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY (

This months film night offers a rare opportunity to see the 2003 ‘MOVE’ documentary on the big screen. Plus an even rarer opportunity to hear from, and question, long-time MOVE member Ramona Africa.
MOVE (documentary – no rating; 2003, USA, 53 minutes)
Dir: Benjamin Garry & Ryan McKenna
Film Review - Like a cross between the Weather Underground and Waco: The Rules of Engagement, this compelling documentary covers the full controversial history of the radical MOVE organization. With archival footage and a clever use of still photos it captures the group evolving from protests and demonstrations into riots, barricades, and self-fortification, to the astonishingly violent police actions to stop them. From its origins in Philadelphia in the 1970’s guided by the teachings of John Africa, the MOVE story is told through interviews with actual MOVE members including Ramona Africa, the MOVE 9 prisoners and MOVE supporters, and analysed by it’s neighbours, Philadelphia journalists and others. MOVE is narrated by Howard Zinn, author of “The People’s History of the United States”.
Venue: Cube Cinema: Dove St South (off Kings Square), Bristol

Useful background info on MOVE & the MOVE 9 prisoners:

Criticism of MOVE & Mumia:

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