Debut NEU World Order album featuring 7 tracks (52 minutes). The album features Alex Jones, Cynthia McKinney and John Pilger...
Second album featuring 8 tracks (52 minutes) with Aaron Russo, Micheal Parenti, Greg Palast, David Korten, John Turmel, Tom Kennedy..
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NEU World Order 2
Whilst I was working on the first NEU World Order album, I had in the back of my mind that it would be a good idea to devote an entire album to Economics and the Economy. This was based on information I was coming across whilst researching the initial project. After watching any documentary or reading any book on the 'New World Order' or history of currency, it is painfully clear that this is a major problem for the majority of the population of Planet Earth. I then received an email from Tom Kennedy urging me to do some music on 'Usury,' he sent me lots of info and a couple of DVDs, one of which was 'Turmel.' On watching this I was instantly inspired to start the album with the track Death Gamble which features both Tom and John Turmel, so many many thanks to him for the initial inspiration!

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