It should now be obvious to all – including the divorced from reality neo-cons – that militaristic neo-colonial expansionism has failed. However, late is not better than never, as it is the people that resist who are acutely aware that the beast is haemorrhaging. When surrender is not an option the invader must either eliminate the entire population or retreat. The elephant is staggering and ready to fall.
Ho Chi Minh stated it and America was ousted, “you will NEVER succeed.” It appears that America is a hard learner. Today, America faces a broad spectrum of enemies from diverse cultures around the globe – the myth that Islam is the only opposition can finally be put to rest. From the (South) Americas to Russia, the Balkans and throughout Asia, America is DETESTED for the murdering, marauding, parasitic nation that it is! Wherever America attempts to exploit the resources of other nations local people will fight to protect what is rightfully theirs! America has learnt that it is unable to exploit and plunder if locals target personnel and destroy the infrastructure required to extract resources.
America is unable to occupy successfully so now it attempts to buy its way out of trouble! Is it so difficult to understand that you cannot kill my brother, rape my wife and daughter and torture my son then hope to compensate me with your filthy money?
Soon America will be forced to utilise its last card, tactical nuclear weapons, in the vain hope that it would then be able to secure its needs. However, that strategy will only increase resistance (from all quarters) and facilitate a retaliatory nuclear response that will not end until the pariah is raised to the ground – no single nation has ever prevailed against the world.
The bereft neo-cons have bungled everything from the start; it is now abundantly clear to all that collapse is imminent. The question is in which direction will commercial and corporate interests run?

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