Little consideration is given to the impoverished exploited ‘donors’ who are targeted by unscrupulous agents and lured to ‘clinics’ expressly built in impoverished areas to harvest human organs! Increasing numbers of villagers in these poor areas carry the large scars of kidney extraction operations. The inequity that laissez faire capitalism creates/ensures a constant supply of organs from poor, exploited regions – capitalism equates with wealth for the few!
The human species has reached the nadir of all ethical and moral standards by not only tolerating this trade but by direct consumer participation -- what we do to another we do to ourselves.
When living humans are viewed as a source of ‘spare parts’ without any regard given to other human qualities, hell becomes our inheritance.
The social horror of this trade is highlighted by the absence of outrage/criticism from religious, moral and ethical leaders in affluent communities. In fact these leaders have consciously chosen not to focus on these issues as it might disrupt the trade upon which some of their affluent peers depend for survival.
The brave new world has dawned, one in which hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians are slaughtered for the sake of oil exploitation; a world where criminals lead nations; a world where flagrant crimes are tolerated by the people – a world that has sealed its fate!
Today Paris Hilton wept as she faced the consequences of her actions.