Some actions were small, some large, some with only a minimal of impact. While others, in particular Sao Paulo in Brazil, where 140 000 took to the streets and tried to free priosoners, ended with serious property damage, police repression and torture in police custody. Others acted with the setting up of infopoints for live transmission of g8-tv and imc-radio direct to their local communities in attempt to build local resistance that might lead to further action for the G8. This year, you could say, there was only a handful of global actions, but what if this trend were to grow....making it evermore difficult to maintain the present hold of the G8.
June 7th, day of global action against G8 : international actions
anti g8 actions from around the planet.
--------------------Indy-Fundamentalism: Its Root Causes

--------------------Brasil -
Sao Paulo
[G8-Brasil] Sao Paulo protest report

[G8-Brasil] Torture at the jail in SP

Mais de cem ativistas anti-G8 são presos em São Paulo (images)

Protesto Anti G8 São Paulo

Fotos da repressão no protesto anti-G8 na avenida Paulista

[SP] [G8] Protesto de punks termina em confronto com a PM na avenida Paulista

Porto Alegre
[Porto Alegre - G8] Manifestantes se reunem contra as multinacionais e o G8
Porto Against the G8

--------------------Costa Rica
Anti-G8 Aktion auch in Costa Rica

Día de acción global contra el G 8 en Ecuador

Anti-G8 Solidemo in Wien

Dänemark: "Smash G8– Fight capitalism and imperialism!"

G8 Protest in Copenhagen

--------------------Catalunya / Spain
Barcelona: manifestación contra g8

sabotage action against the g8, amsterdam

G8 solidarity speakout at GPO

Porto Ahainst the G8

Soli-Demo in Bremen am Mi., 06.06.07

Protest in Wiesbaden

G8-Demo in Reutlingen

Heiligendamm in Köln

G8-Soli-Demo auch in Oldenburg

Anti-Kapitalismus Demonstration in Oldenburg.

Demo gegen G8 und Polizeigewalt in Darmstadt

Anti-G8 Demo in Darmstadt

Blockade zu den G8 - Protesten in Plauen

spontane aktion gegen g8 in detmold

Spontandemo in Leipzig

--------------------G8 Heiligendamm
Pics + Video of blockades, street rave, thurs

Postings on indymedia uk (pics and vid) from thursday 7th july:
Street Rave at East Gate G8 Blockade - thursday night

G8 West Gate Blockade, Thursday 7th

Heading for the blockade of the west gate

The blockade of the West Gate

Barricade Blockades West Gate Area - thursday

VIDEO Rush - March to Road Blockades

Barricading G8

G8 East Gate Blockade in place 24hrs and counting...

G8 West Gate Blockaded - thurs 7th june

Top 3 favourite hobbys of German riot Police

for update of vids, photos, articles see constantly upgraded link:

------------------------------------------communication space and actions
call for global infopoint network

Contre Sommet au G8 Sikasso 2007


g8 infopoint Vienna

--------------------Catalunya / Spain
Mataro Contra G8

Convergence Space Berlin