the Anarchist Black Cross Network on Friday 8th June in London.
As part of the ongoing campaign in support of John Bowden and his parole
application and against the labelling of him and the Anarchist Black Cross
network as "terrorists", Brighton ABC are calling for a picket of the Parole
Board HQ at Grenadier House, 99-105 Horseferry Road on Friday 8th June at12.00.
John has consistantly resisted the brutalisation of prison system throughout
his 25 years inside and is being targetted for refusal to bow down and tow the
line by the prison authorities. Having patently failed to break John through
systematic beatings, ghosting and years of sensory deprivation in solitary
confinement, the prison authorities are now trying to prevent John ever getting
out using the smoke screen of the politically motivated ravings of Matt
Stillman, a right-wing American social-worker brought in from outside the
prison service to deliberately concoct a negative parole report.
In this supposedly objective report Stillman writes "Bowden has written for a
self-proclaimed anarchist website called ABC Brighton, and he says he supports
many of their ideas and actions. A review of this website brings into question
the nature of this group. The memebers of this group appear to be primarily
eco-terrorists or para-mililtary members involved in what they see as battles
against political systems and principles." As we have seen recently in Spain
and Italy this is part of a slippery slope by which the uthorities, by
labelling ABC groups as terrorist organisations because their prison support
work involves contacts with prisoners that use extra-judicial methods in their
actions against the organs of state repression, they can target all anarchsits
for repression as terrosrist.
Support the campaign by coming along to the picket. Bring banners. Or if you
can't make it ring, fax or e-mail the Parole Board on that day.
Parole Board for England & Wales
Grenadier House
99-105 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 2DD
Telephone: 0870 420 3505
Fax: 020 7217 0118


Chief Executive:

Parole Board of Scotland
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD
Telephone: 0131 244 8373
Fax: 0131 244 6974
Send a card reading 'Hands off John Bowden' to the Scottish Prison Service
Headquarters, and also don't forget to send John a card or letter to support
him in his struggle for freedom.
Check out for more information about his
case and for a letter written by John about what has been happening to him.
John Bowden,
HMP Glenochil,
King O' Muir Road,
FK10 3AD
Scottish Prison Authority:
Audrey Parks,
HMP Glenochil,
King O' Muir Road,
FK10 3AD. Scotland
Scottish Prison Service:
Scottish Prison Service Headquarters
Communications Branch, Room 338
Calton House, 5 Redheughs Rigg
Edinburgh, EH12 9HW. Scotland

Tel: +44(0)1259 760471
Fax: +44(0)1259 762003
Posted by: Brighton Anarchist Black Cross


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