2.Police and a doctor denied to give first aid to some French activists who were injured due to a car accident
The bikers were on their way from the demo in Rostock back to Camp Reddelich. About 6 police vans followed them. When they left Rostock on the B 105 (the street to Camp Reddelich) the police cars switched on their lights.
The bikers stopped to let drive by the cars. But the cops began to beat them from their driving vans, tried to catch them and threw them from their bikes. They pepper sprayed them from less than one meter into their faces.
The bikers began to panic and tried to flee in a nearby forest. Then they went to a petrol station and waited for supporters from Camp Reddelich. The mad cops dissapeared, but another 10 police vans arrived and began to videotape the bikers. They accompanied them all their way to the camp.
Another case of police brutality is reported. A car of french activists was involved in an accident on the highway at Rostock-West. The car of the french driver was hit by the car of a woman fallen asleep while driving.
Riot cops - coming from the demo in Rostock - arrived and began to threaten the injured french activists. They called them "dirty G 8 opponenents" and did not give them any first help or medical treatment.
They were brought to hospitals by some vans of the red cross. In one hospital the doctor did not give medical treatment. He said it is because there´s no social insurance security card. He also stated the injuries were from the riots in Rostock - and not from an accident. A woman was begging him for at least some pain-stopping medicine - but he did not help her.
Finally they got first aid in the Camp Reddelich where they arrived by taxi.
original report in german: