* 15:40:
Rostock: The situation seems to be calming down a little. There was an announcement from the stage that the music will be stopped until the police retreat and police have allegedly said they will.
* 15:30:
Rostock: Police have retreated to the edge of the harbour along the trees line, but are still 'charging' into the crowd every now and then on that side of the demo. Several more people have been arrested and more injuries.
* 15:20:
Rostock: An ambulance was seen taking someone with injuries. Several injuries have been reported but no details yet. It is not only the so-called Black Bloc that is being attacked but also other 'normal' protesters.
* 15:10:
Rostock: A group of 40-50 riot cops, who had charged into the demonstrators, were surrounded by people putting their hands up peacefully, while pushing towards them, until they drove them out of the crowd, but then the cops turned around and started hitting with their batons again. This hands-up pushing was repeated again a while later.
* 15:00:
Rostock: Confrontations have kicked off on the Rostock march as it arrived in Am Strande street by the Harbour, where the concert is supposed to be held. Blocs of riot police rushed into the crowd for no apparent reason and split the mass into two parts, hitting people randomly. Some demonstrators reacted back by throwing stick and stones. At least 5 injuries and over 10 arrests have been witnessed so far.
* 14:15:
Schwerin: The first bus of people who were arrested at the central train station has arrived at a 'detention place' in Graf-Yorck Street. The second bus, which has 6-7 minors aboard, has just left the station.
* 13:45:
Rostock: Demonstrates at the Rostock central station are still preparing to march and will continue to do so for at least another 20 minutes. There are about 40 big puppets and two samba bands at the front of the march. A black bloc of several thousand people are on the march too. It was announced from the rally stage a while ago that Nazis are heading towards Rostock but not to worry.
* 13:15:
Rostock: The big demo has started to march from the Rostock central train station.
* 13:05:
The 150 or so Antifa activists penned in at the Schwerin train station are all being arrested right now. So far 30-40 have been put on a green police coach as well as a public transport bus commandeered by police. There are approximately 100 left in the pen in the process of being arrested and their personal details taken. Legal observers are also trying to get people's names through the windows. While being walked to the buses through a corridor formed by police vans, arrestees are being interviewed by mainstream media.
* 12:30:
Rostock: The demo coordination group said that all buses carrying protesters have arrived in Rostock without any police controls.
* 12:20:
The National Democratic Party (neo-Nazis) are demonstrating at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. There are some 200 Nazis in Güstrow. Another 5 buses of Nazis are on their way to Berlin.
* 11:50:
Schwerin: Police have cleared the square outside the train station and cordoned it off. A water canon has been brought in. Antifas are still inside the pen and it looks like they might be arrested soon (police have put helmets on etc.). There are some legal observers and mainstream media.
* 11:00:
Some 100 Antifa activists are penned in by police at the main train station, while a helicopter is hovering overhead. The city looks deserted and there are anti-Nazi signs (a Swastika in a red rubbish bin) all over the place.
* 10:50:
Schwerin: Cars driving into the city are being stopped by police and people asked whether they are going to the demonstration. There are some 100 Antifa activists at the central train station at the moment waiting for the court decision.
* 09:00:
Bombodrom: The Bombodrom action has successfully finished this morning. Everyone has now left the 'settlement' area and most people headed back to Rostock. No repression by military police was reported.
* 09:00:
The Nazi demonstration and the antifascist counter-demonstrations today in Schwerin have been banned again. People turning up for the latter are being turned away by police at the starting point and handed legal warnings that they would be arrested if they returned. Police have also set up check points outside Schwerin to prevent cars from driving into the city. There are, however, two other registered rallies organised by other parties in other parts of the city and people can go there. A Supreme Court decision is expected at around 10am today.
* 02:00:
There will be a new radio frequency in and around Rostock during the next days on 87.9 MHz.
* 01:15:
On Friday evening, police forces were spotted behind Evershagen and also in Bad Doberan welding shut pothole lids.
* 01:10:
Around 10 cops in riot gear rode on along the last train from Schwerin and controlled the identification papers of some of the 50 passengers throughout the trip. At the Rostock train station they were controlled by other cops again and, in some cases, backpacks were also searched. The personal data of the people checked was sent by radio to the police headquarters. The train eventually arrived at 1:05am.