one planet one people one hope one quest
green msnbc live earth
raising awareness about climate change and worldwide implementation of benifical technology. technology
fishbot [rX]
we here-by reclaim indymedia on behalf of the sol mafia and issue a warning to the northern council to retract its possession of this channel and ask in the deepest of respect for the police and intelligence commitee's to respect the transition and pray for a return to the state of original, normal. [alt] within ten days. assistance is and will be available and ga'ren'tea'D for a short time. WORLDWIDE : the street level, node/ com and central
this is our world, but its your life.... seize the moment
new grade technology expansion of the mainframe/ server site system delivery aspects and noding is achievable with very little effort. we even have some broken supercomputers to donates at you. don't steal though. bio-sis is very damaged and i am pissed off. this is a protest [yeah right here, on this bit of the page!] please help if you can.. multilingual translators and p.a.'s will be needed to achieve operational communications. diplomacy is required. score- g8
see statement issued above: (3)
i am serious and personally relating to powerful individuals who know who they are and what the perpetrated and why. you are asked to respectfully withdraw and not to enact media relations on the subject [..]
i wish to support strong and peaceful resistance to the next g8 assembly and offer my servers where possible to assist, also [multiple contexting] in all investigation of nano and relative risk assessments. [impact]
i ask for the continued support for the g7 type energy commitee and offer A hand in fellowship. platinum blue.
i am ashamed at the performance of certain relative employees over the past 3 years and offer no word of encouragement or repremand. once again you know who you are and we all know what you lost for us. [earth- core- solidarity] i truely and definitively state that : life will never be extinguished and it is- even in the eyes of god [so i am told]- worth much more than money. m200 negative. in your face. you know you are a soul waste.
i propose the moving of spare funds in to community control[ed] technology assembly's. with a chance to submit plans for community buildings integrating new technologies and energy efficiency- for favourable reception. help can be given with placement and integration at planning level and the community that survives this election proccess will be able to be advantaged from its manifestation. technology assembly and community space.
i warn that a return to traditional western community terror tactics of control will not be tollerated. there is no technology in the world which can match global supremacy, stay cool- be easy and live well. it is all there for you [and me] and all of everyone. we do not have to mix or communicate but we do have to tolerate each and every other... i however, hope that such a consolidation would empower UK citizens and strengthen our community defence.
indymedia groupies are warned not to allow outside interferance to break the group once the mode purpose is established.
currently there is very little independant media and phone blocks operate with synts in certain ares/ exchanges
it is possible that some of the main manufactures of carbon nano steel may want to interact but after the last three incursions it is still unknown. 123 silver [room] nanotechnology. abc, walk with me...
from the depths of my being- i offer peace to all.
in the name of ghandi as an example of the way- in honour of jesus- in activation and aknowledgement of Tao- i am.
we offer no challenge to conflict. neither do we barter any peace.
glory to god and creation the most high, liberty and respect to all life and clarity to the mind
yes its blessed
quantum Ai