1. the gratification of or yielding to a wish
2. something that somebody lets himself or herself or somebody else have, especially a luxury
3. a kind or tolerant attitude toward somebody
4. in Roman Catholicism, a grant by the pope of partial remission of time to be spent in purgatory or of some other consequence of a sin.
5. time given to a debtor to repay a bill
1 in 8 kids exposed to binge drinking, drug abuse: study? ABC
A new report has found nearly 250,000 Australian children live in households affected by substance abuse.
The Australian National Council on Drugs has found that about one in eight Australian children are exposed to binge drinking and drug abuse in their own homes.
But what about air pollution etc? What about all the other things they are also exposed to? Don't they count or is chocolate on the safe list? What about Coca-Cola does that make things go better? How about a fast car like a Mazda, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom?
I notice you're very particular about what studies you do and display? Is there any corporate affiliation I might ask?
The study estimates that 230,000 children have a parent or carer who drinks excessively, while 40,000 children witness marijuana use in their homes on a daily basis.
They also witness life and community and lies on TV. What about Mazda Australia Zoom, Zoom, RX7 Zoom, Zoom, Zoom how do we deal with that? What study has been done? Are children exposed to it? What about backyard swimming pools are they exposed to that? What about the chlorine use to clean them are they exposed to that? What about the dirt they play in are they exposed to that?
So is it any wonder they are also exposed to Indulgence? Isn't a better question why do people indulge really?
Not just 'specified indulgence' but everything indulgence good or bad?
About 14,000 children are exposed to their parents' or carers' methamphetamine use.
The council's chairman Doctor John Herron says that figure is higher than the international average.
"I think what's happened here [is] it's a reflection of our prosperity in the sense that there's more money that is available for drinking alcohol for example and/or using drugs," he said.
Rubbish, more problems are more likely the cause when people indulge too much because they are worried about their future and how they can cope or manage to survive.
Herron "[That is, the] cost of drugs and alcohol has gone down."
Sure it has so then prove it?
Because the cost of drugs and alcohol has always been up.
The council's report recommends that treatment programs for drug users should be more family-friendly and address the needs of children in drug-using households.
But nothing about air pollution that can just go on forever hey? Or ads on TV about snacking out? What about all the other dangers should we just ignore them too? Or are they just corporate protected?
It found that those families with substance abuse problems are also commonly affected by issues like mental illness and physical and sexual abuse.
So what happened to poverty and family breakdown?
But the New South Wales Commissioner for Young People, Gillian Calvert, says some situations are worse than others.
"It's the ones who are really struggling to parent children that I'm most concerned about," she said.
The ones who are poor and not educated perhaps? The ones who have been screwed and neglected by the government perhaps? The ones who have been abused perhaps? The ones living on the streets without any public housing perhaps? The ones who just lost their property through bankruptcy perhaps? The ones who had their dole cut off for six weeks perhaps? The ones who have to pay exorbitant fines to the government perhaps?
The National Council on Drugs is now conducting another study which looks at the impact that children's drug abuse has on families.
Well how about on INDUGLENCE per se which looks at the impact that children's Indulgence has on families and vis a vis?
Related: Legal & Illicit Drugs Blog
NSW: Six arrested under new family breakdown laws
If police have to bust people then just leave the kids argument out of it because it's just ignorant and wrong to use people's children to get back at them or to warn others.

Six arrested under new child protection laws
Six people have been arrested in Sydney after their children were allegedly found in houses where drugs were being grown.

Lion Nathan posts half-year earnings boost
The brewing and wine-making giant Lion Nathan has overcome rising costs to post a solid increase in half-year profits. The company has reported an 8.8 per cent rise in its bottom line result to $162 million.

Top lawyers' 'heads full of coke'
Melbourne lawyer Peter Faris, QC, says there is a drug problem among high flyers in the legal profession. Mr Faris says cocaine is being used in the Victorian and New South Wales legal fraternities.

Drug arrests up but seized amounts down
Cannabis is still the most prevalent drug making up about 70 per cent of arrests, but the commission has also been targeting the production of amphetamines.

[Alcohol related] Liver disease killing blue-collar men: study
The study, which examined death rates among Australian men between 1981 and 2002, showed [alcohol related] liver cirrhosis is the 10th biggest killer of men in Australia.

Profiteering Parasites & Plutocrats
The indigenous folks used to sum all this up by saying "why pay a white man to poison you ?"

Switch off Capitalism...[temporarily as a test run] mp3s out
Mardi Grass Hemp Hours, Playspace and Scan Dot Org out now.
Illicit drugs and how much they're doing to our society? Goddess: I got up and said that all 98 percent of all drug related deaths are caused by alcohol and cigarettes. We're looking at 2-3 percent of drug related deaths over here. From the best of my knowledge, and I'm very knowledgeable, that no one had ever died from Marijuana."

Alice goes dry in 'landmark' decision
Drinking in public places will be banned in Alice Springs from August, in the latest attempt to address problems associated with chronic alcohol abuse in the town.

Euthanasia drug makers shrug off jail threat
Euthanasia proponents are defending the illegal manufacture of the barbiturate, Nembutal. ABC TV's Four [Walls] Corners program last night reported that members of the Exit Foundation are making the drug illegally in a backyard lab in New South Wales. The Federal Government has warned anyone caught producing Nembutal faces a 15-year jail term. A Queensland-based foundation member, 64-year-old Bron Norman, says it is a risk euthanasia proponents are willing to take. "At some time in the future, I may need to end my life in a peaceful way, rather than suffer a horrendous, long, drawn-out death," he said. "I don't see why politicians should have the right to tell me that I've got to suffer."

Pregnant women 'need better alcohol guidelines'
Perth researchers want clearer alcohol guidelines for pregnant women, after finding recommendations for safe levels of drinking during pregnancy vary across the country.

Response to "Is Pot Going Off the Boil"
Don’t take our word for it though, let’s see what the Health Dept has to say about everyone’s favourite drug of choice: “Alcohol is the most widely used (D & J: no, consumed as it is also abused) psychoactive drug in Australia. (And we might, add…the World).

Alcohol worse than ecstasy on shock new drug list
Some of Britain's leading drug experts demand today that the government's classification regime be scrapped and replaced by one that more honestly reflects the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco. They say the current ABC system is "arbitrary" and not based on evidence.

website to check out
A long read, but worth it if you want to know about all drugs.
So, grab your ethyl alcohol drug; cannabis joint/bong/vapouriser/tea/cookie; cigarette (or slap on a nicotine patch), a caffeine drug, pop a few vicodin or whatever and sit back and enjoy.

Alcohol damages women's brains faster than men: study
The brain-damaging effects of alcohol strike women more quickly than men, a new study says.

Police 'distraught' over death in custody
A police superintendent says police officers at Bendigo in central Victoria are distraught over the death of a woman in custody yesterday morning. The 51-year-old Kyneton woman was arrested on drug charges on Thursday and complained of feeling ill over the weekend.

Businesses call for support on workplace drug issues
A business group is calling on governments to do more to help with drug problems, after a report which found drug issues cost companies more than $3 billion a year.

Big drop in wine grape harvest predicted
Extreme wBig drop in wine grape harvest predicted
Extreme weather conditions have slashed this year's national wine grape harvest, with predictions it will be the smallest in seven years.

Bali trio appeal against death sentences
Lawyers for three of the six members of the Bali nine who have been sentenced to death in Indonesia have filed a judicial review appeal with Denpasar's District Court. Thanh Duc Tan Nguyen, Si Yi Chen and Matthew Norman are arguing that their sentences for trying to smuggle heroin out of Bali should not have been increased to death.

Mardi Grass 2007 Special - The drug war is real, but we didn't start it

Hemp Hour - 2007 Year of Hemp

Bali Nine appeal to challenge death sentence
Lawyers for convicted Bali Nine drug trafficker Scott Rush say experts on international law will speak in Indonesia's constitutional court next week in the appeal against his death sentence.

Researcher welcomes 'ice' crackdown
A Western Australian drug researcher has welcomed a new Federal Government campaign aimed at cracking down on the manufacture and use of methamphetamines, or 'ice'.

Illicit drugs costing Australian business billions in sales$$$
Because and old report has found illicit drugs are costing Australian businesses because less people are buying alcohol and cigarettes. But alcohol and cigarettes are costing the community a lot more, because of the community having to pay for absenteeism, road accidents, domestic violence, police, prisons, hospitals and the morgue.

PM unveils $150m plan to combat 'ice'
The Prime Minister John Howard says a $150 million package to fight use of the drug ice will make a difference.

Binge-drinking police need support, Minister says
A working party has been formed to combat binge drinking among Queensland police officers.

NSW crime down, boozing youths a concern
It said alcohol abuse also was largely responsible for a 4.3 per cent increase in malicious damage to property in the two years to December 2006.

Dope Pushers Brand Others Dopes
After our local newspaper, the Coffs Harbour Ethanol Drug Advocate, (explanation coming up), put out a discriminatory and prejudiced titled article called ‘Campaign to stop DOPES from smoking’ (consuming their drug of choice), I felt it was time to expose yet another example of highly blatant drug apartheid discrimination policy and belief being applied by those in power and the so-called ‘know’.

A-Gs push to make drink swapping a criminal offence
The New South Wales Attorney-General says he has received the support of the nation's lawmakers to include drink swapping on the criminal register as part of a nationwide move to make drink and food spiking a jailable offence.

Study reveals meth plague among young Aussies, but not an alcohol plague?
New statistics on drug use show Australians are the biggest users of ecstasy and methamphetamines in the English-speaking world. But what about amongst the biggest drinkers in the english speaking world? The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report says one in five Australians aged in their 20s has tried methamphetamines. But the community says just about every Australian aged in their 20s has tried alcohol. Australia is ahead in tackling smoking, with the fourth lowest rate in the developed world. Since 1985, the number of daily smokers has reduced by 40 per cent. But the number of drinkers has gone up!

So what about the smoking and drinking plague?
Bad luck about the alcohol? How do we rate? Smoking cigaretts kills more people than all those drugs put together. Perhaps if we deal with the real plague amongst young Aussies then we can deal with the rest? So we need to start with corporatocracy first!

Police target private schools after marijuana report
Police will push to extend their drug protocol policy to Victoria's private schools after a report of drug problems at a Catholic secondary school in Melbourne. [So now they take ICE]

Schools work towards drug-testing code
The Association of Independent Schools says it is confident there will be no withdrawal of students from national competitions over drug tests carried out by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA).

Schools air opposition to drug testing student athletes
The heads of Australian independent schools are meeting the Commonwealth's anti-doping authority today to protest against the drug testing of school children at sports carnivals.

Decriminalisation and integration
I would rather be disliked for what I am than liked for what I am not’. We have become the unconscious victims of the Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological survival mechanism whereby the victims of oppression unwittingly take on the norms and values of the ones who hold them to ransom. We can organize parties with Bette Midler look-a-likes, bingo and sports events, get our priests ordained so that they can marry us and even come up with our own liberal candidate.

Prohibition - Nothing Has Changed
Taken from various websites with my comments.
WEBSITE: In the late seventeenth century, the Reverend Increase Mather, probably the most influential Puritan minister of his time, said that alcohol was "a good creature of God" and that man should partake of the gift without abusing it. His son, being a little more concerned about drinking, encouraged people to set a good example by not getting drunk. (which is still drug abuse, so they were really saying the same thing).

Low-calorie bubbly aimed at health conscious women
While some wine critics have labelled it a gimmick, the launch of a new range of low calorie, low alcohol sparkling wines is expected to attract a new group of wine drinkers.

Schoolboy drug test objections pursued
The heads of Australian Independent Schools will meet the Federal Government's anti-doping authority next week to protest the drug testing of school children at sporting carnivals.

Police in our community and responsible ethanol drug dealing?
Considering that the Drug Ethanol is a proven cancer causer, and that we sent (one month ago) ethanol and cancer information to Cr. Rod McKelvey, so that he could address this important issue, we find it quite insulting that no mention has been made when it comes to this drug and cancer, or about psychosis, schizophrenia, dementia, diabetes, central nervous system damage, organ damage, neuro-toxic poisoning, alcoholic hepatitis, pellagra, foetal alcohol syndrome, anti-social personality disorder, amygdaloid syndrome (to lose control of one’s rage response) etc. etc. etc. There wasn’t even a mention, anywhere, that ethanol was a DRUG! The drug dealers didn’t mention it; the police didn’t mention it; our drug Advocate - who printed the article - certainly didn’t mention it. Why should they? They get their money by advertising and advocating the drug ethanol.

Alcohol mixed with other drugs proves popular with students
"Don't take alcohol with anything it's mad mans broth," he said.

Dangers of kids drinking
A research team from Boston University analysed the results of a 2001-2002 survey of 43,000 adults and found that 47% of people who had started drinking before the age of 14 met criteria for alcohol dependence within 10 years, compared to 4% of those who started drinking at the age of 21.

Cancer warnings needed on alcohol, Salvation Army says
"We actually print the labels here, put them on the alcohol, send it overseas to these countries, yet we don't do that for our own citizens," he said.

Parents regularly give alcohol to 12yo kids: study
A study of Australian high school children shows parents are giving alcohol to children as young as 12 on a regular basis.

Study finds half of pregnant women drink
New Australian research has found almost half of all pregnant women drink alcohol during pregnancy.

Foster's posts $554m half-year profit
The company has reported a 90 per cent jump in net profit after tax to $554 million. A total of $190 million of that was from the sale of one of its businesses.

So how much did the federal gov't make?
Corby's book profits frozen
Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby has been stripped of profits made through the sale of her book My Story.

Kidney disease hits record numbers
A new report shows a record number of Australians have kidney disease.
Doctors want patients to be offered regular kidney check-ups as part of preventative health care.

Did you notice they left off drinking alcohol off the list? Why was that Sophie?
Woman returns home after ground-breaking eye surgery
A Hobart woman who was left blind and paralysed after an adverse reaction to antibiotics has arrived back in Tasmania after undergoing ground-breaking eye surgery in Singapore.

What if like I am you're allergic to alcohol? How do you party?
New ADHD drug to go on PBS?
Yeah, if they don't like school, cure 'em with Strattera. Not only will it make them pay a bit of attention (or maybe puke and nod off) in class, it will stop the boys playing with themselves (sexual dysfunction) and encourage some of the trouble makers to go and top themselves (suicidality). A great all round choice for dealing with problem kids. The odd liver failure is a small price to pay.

Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
"Vaccines contain many toxic substances that are needed to prevent the vaccines from becoming infected or to improve the performance of the vaccine. Among these substances are mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum."

There is no such thing as an Indonesian anti-corruption body
I'm looking in the space. This time, this void. I'm making my way through the muddy minutes. The pull is in my muscle. The ache is in my bones. It's hard to be alone.

Consuming and Indulging anything
How to deal and balance indulgence the best?
By having choices. Questions you need to ask yourself...
1) Lethal: Is this a lethal substance?
2) Moderation: How often do you take the substance?
3) Limit: How much do you take at one time?
4) Balance: Do you take the same substance all the time?
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