The aircraft landed at a 9:45am ACST (10:15am AEST).
Mr David Hicks is now in Australian custody and is being processed before being transported to Yatala Prison in Adelaide, where he will serve an additional implemented punishment of nine-months for John Howard's re election campaign.
Federal attorney-general, war criminal Philip Ruddock says he does not know whether the Australian Federal Police (AFP) will seek a control order for Hicks when Hicks is released from jail.
In other words whether they will seek to punish him again. Does he have anymore-political points to be scored on by the war criminal government? That may now depend on how they demonise him in the prison system. Which they have done and can do. Claims like they found something in his cell or that he was writing to Bin Laden wishing him a happy birthday or merry Xmas etc. A plot to destroy society from another isolated prison cell.
Ruddock says he would have liked to see Hicks returned to Australia much earlier.
As if he and his corrupt war criminal goverment had no control over the matter?
He has said he would have done things differently if he had his time over.
"I might've wanted to make it perhaps better known the level of concern that the Government had and the way in which we were continuously making representations to the United States to bring the process of dealing with him forward," he said. [Scoff, Scoff, Scoff, ah! bullshit!]
Hicks, originally from Adelaide, was picked up by the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan and was sold as a slave to the US military in December 2001.
Mr David Hicks now a legend in his own time was the first Australian sold in the alleged "war on terror" which is a war on freedom for resources in the Middle East.
After five years at gitmo in Cuba and after being isolated and tortured, Mr David Hicks put his hand up to an alleged charge of providing material support for terrorism but the deal was illegal - done under duress and with an illegally constituted tribunal which didn’t conform to Australian standards of justice. So any confession is obviously worthless.
Also this deal was to be used to provide material support for G W Bush's alleged war on terror and in reality (war crimes against humanity) in the Middle East, and also for John Howard's (re election campaign) hence the gag order made on David Hicks.
He was sentenced to seven years' jail, with all but nine months suspended.

That on the same basis that having David Hicks meant they could do whatever they wanted to him – and did, now that Australia has him we will treat me with the dignity and respect for legal institutions that we should always do.
In other developments:
Legend David Hicks due to leave gitmo
Shame John Howard Shame on You! When is your ABC going to stop lying for you? ABC you should be totally ashamed of yourselves for lying to the people of Australia. Take the mask off and take a good long hard look into the mirror. See whom you are trying to protect and portray as mr nice guy? Send War Criminal John Howard off to the Hague ICC for crimes against all of humanity! Do your conscience a favour!

Father angered by secrecy of Hicks's return
The father of political scapegoat David Hicks imprisoned, isolated and tortured at gitmo for 5.5 years says he is angry the details of his son's return have been kept secret from him.

David Hicks repatriation a farce, Brown says
The Australian Greens leader has described as "high farce" the repatriation of political scapegoat David Hicks.

David Hicks transfer to Aust in home stretch
Plans are being finalised for the transfer of tortured political scapegoat Mr David Hicks from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to Australia.

For the record, ABC
On tonight's news they say. "That David Hicks is going to be interrogated again prior his release, and that David Hicks agreed to do so? So they obviously intend to make new allegations against him once he's back in Australia to try to cover John Howard's political arse. On the basis that no one believes the 'official' reasons for his torture and subsequent 5.5 prison term. Shame Howard, shame on you!

David Hicks very lucky to be tortured, isolated for 5.5 years for nothing?
John Howard must repudiate the deal as it was illegal - done under duress and with an illegally constituted tribunal which didn’t conform to Australian standards of justice. Any confession is obviously worthless. That on the same basis that having David Hicks meant they could do whatever they wanted to him – and did, now that Australia has him we will treat me with the dignity and respect for legal institutions that we should always do.

Lawyer to formalise David Hicks homecoming
The Australian lawyer for political scapegoat David Hicks will go to Guantanamo Bay to ensure Hicks understands documents to formalise his move to Australia. David McLeod is expected to travel to Cuba early next week. The documents will be presented to David Hicks by representatives of the federal government. David Hicks will serve the balance of the US/Aus government's 'implemented' nine-month sentence at Yatala Prison in Adelaide.

More rubbish from Rann...
Rann concerned about security arrangements after Hicks's release but he's not concerned about the government being run by war criminals?

Rann suggests control order against Hicks?
South Australian Premier Mike Rann has asked the Commonwealth to ensure that political scapegoat David Hicks will not pose a danger to the public on his release from prison? [Now why would he? He's a political scapegoat used as a pawn in the alleged 'war on terror' by the John Howard gov't, which by the manner of his case is 'a war on freedom' and David Hicks is no danger to anyone.]

Free David Hicks rally - Melbourne 21 April
As part of a national day of action, Civil Rights Defence organised a rally at the State Library in Melbourne where speakers included Greens Senator Bob Brown and David Hicks' father, Terry...

Terry Hicks seeks legal advice to get around gag order
The father of convicted political scapegoat David Hicks says he is seeking legal advice as to what effect his son's gag order has on him speaking out publicly.

Guantánamo Bay detainee railroaded into guilty plea
The issues of principle in the case of David Hicks

War criminals need time, not a timetable: Community
Not only has Labor left the Iraqi's in the lurch by being complicit in the illegal and degrading act of aggression killing over 655,000 people in a holocaust but now they say, after the fact, that they won't leave the Iraqi's in the lurch. So why have we been left in the lurch?

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