What if everything you thought you knew about the world was wrong? And there was an invisible far-right government, a parallel government, operating behind the scenes with almost no scrutiny by the world's press....
First annual Hotwells Bilderberg rant (video)
by Christian Taylor - Documentally.com
YouTube report on the Atlantic ruling class's annual get together
There is a Bristol ranter called Gosling who occasionally makes sense when he is hunting down fascists and neocons - this is one of those rare occasions
a nine minute introduction to and analysis of Bilderberg conferences. One of which is about to take place in Istanbul, Turkey.
YouTube - If it's good enough for Blair, it's good enough for Gosling ;-)
http://www.documentally.blogspot.com see also the excellent Dissident Vox podcast
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLtETeooWds Audio of this year's Bilderberg analysis
in hi-band
http://www.radio4all.net/index.php?op=program-info&program_id=23104 and low-band