Based on the obvious truth of Vivekananda’s statement, determining one’s proximity to TRUTH/GOD becomes simplicity itself, either it’s direct apprehension/knowledge of God or it’s a herd of blind, subservient ‘believers’ – ‘onya, Viv!
That day in Chicago heralded the rebirth of direct apprehension/experience of Godhead in the West. The intermediary, institutional and regulatory approach of religious authorities had been challenged – who would dare offer the TRUTH of GOD to the people; who would dare state that GOD can be known by everyone without any intermediary?
To all the regulators, anal personalities, liars, thieves and murderers masquerading as religious authorities, I quote from another individual that discovered the TRUTH of GOD, “the law was made for man not man for the law”. There is only ONE ‘author-ity’ in this universe and no man has ever exercised THAT prerogative. We are created beings and it simply is not possible for the created to assume the role of CREATOR or instigator of existence; however, we are able to share fully in the process of creation and perhaps become One with that creative, instigating principle of Peace, Love and Harmony [compare the three principal qualities of God with your favourite ‘holy’ man or charlatan!]
Today, LIARS and KILLERS are easy to identify as are the sheeple; whether we are utilised as a resource, harnessed as beasts of burden by ruling elites or liberate ourselves from lies and the frenzy of destruction, is a matter of choice – there is no such thing as ‘no choice’. The majorities have surrendered their will and determinations to jackals but jackals have no conscience, they seek only to serve themselves!
In order to retrieve your respect, courage and sovereign humanity, you must find your first lost love. Your first LOVE is that splendour you lost in the past but the past IS PAST and today is another dawning. The choice is yours, either persist in slavery or retrieve your soul from the circus of illusions and despair. No other human being is able to bestow freedom, grant you peace or reward you with something you already possess – the creator is no fool you have been made sovereign and complete. Forget the books, experts, gurus, imams, priests, monks and political ‘leaders’, this is a personal affair and if any of the aforementioned ‘authorities’ were honest they would verify it!
If you are ready to go then let’s do it … have you done it yet? No! What a perfect tragedy, especially as I’ve gone to all this trouble to enlighten you! O well, I guess the sheep are good for slaughter. In the faint hope there is one among the braying herd who would persist to the end then I would simply say follow your joy. JOY! What joy? I hear you say. Sit quietly without fear, offer peace, love and harmony to all beings, relax and exhale your tensions; fall into your personal peace, forget your thoughts, they are cultural garbage – be e-a-s-y on yourself; follow the subtle rhythms, the soothing, subtle pulse of life. Cultivate the soothing, rhythmic pulse -- the dance of freedom. Instantaneously or presently, you will BE (free).