Does anyone care?
There are ten million disabled people in Britain. As John Rogers asks; “where is the support from progressive forces of all kinds: from unions, charities, churches , unions etc to the far left, anarchists, anti-capitalists, etc?”
And as if to add insult to injury, millions of people are being slowly poisoned by harmful chemicals and then told their subsequent health problems are psychological in origin and their disability ‘all in the mind’, and all because this protects the chemical and insurance industries and the government who grant them licence.
If the continuing campaign to demean and denigrate serious life threatening conditions like myalgic encephalomyelitis (which accounts for the biggest cause of school absence in the UK) as well as several other related conditions including fibromyalgia, gulf war syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity is left unchecked, we may very soon find ourselves faced with the legitimisation of the concept of "the undeserving ill" and what that implies for the future - although it is already too late for those who, through neglect, abuse and inappropriate treatment, have been hastened to an early death or driven to suicide.

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