Nine security personnel were killed and two dozen have been wounded in air attacks by the Flying Tigers to date. It is believed the kit aircraft utilised by the Tiger ‘Air Force’ is the single-engine Czech-made Zlin Z-142 (pictured). Logic dictates that this trainer aircraft is no match for the MIGs of the Sri Lankan Air Force but the success of the attacks proves otherwise.
From the strategies of Sun tzu to David’s sling against the weaponry of the ‘giant’ Goliath, the supremacy of asymmetry has been demonstrated yet again by the resourcefulness and ingenuity of a highly motivated and disciplined small fighting force, the Tamil Tigers of Northern Sri Lanka.
No superpower is able to successfully contend with the Maoists, Naxalites and Tigers of South Asia, nor are governments able to suppress the numerous rebel groups on the Indo-Chinese peninsula. From the Middle East to the South Pacific, neo-colonial forces are haemorrhaging from attacks and rebuttals of smaller superior and committed forces. Neo-colonial military expansionism is destined to fail wherever it encroaches – all local populations today clearly reject colonial exploitation and slavery. The days of subservience have been relegated to history; no one today is willing to accept military or economic slavery from ANY nation or economic interest.
To the rogue, criminal, murdering USA and its allies; the prerogative lies with the occupied, the advantage is ours [you will never succeed]. Be advised, we are skilled, decentralised, invisible, unconquerable, relentless and
We are One.