Pope Benedict XVI: “Imagine that you are a lawyer. A new client walks in the door and wants to sue Mr. X. Mr. X is your client. It is your obligation to tell the new client that you cannot act for him because you have a conflict of interest.”
Pope Benedict XVI continued: “Many world governments have adopted a separation of Church and State. This means that the Government must be secular, separate from religion.”
“Imagine that the air is gray and filled with poison caused by cars burning oil, gasoline. Now imagine that your political leaders are oil executives. Is this not like putting the fox in charge of the hen house? Is this not the ultimate conflict of interest? The oil executive political leaders lured by the allmighty dollar are putting their own finacial interests above the right of every person on earth to breathe air free from deadly poison.”
“A cancer chemical shot out of a car’s exhaust pipe hits a man, woman or child and then explodes inside of that person 10 years later in the form of a deadly cancer which eats the person alive from the inside until they die a prolonged and agonizing death. The time has come to stop wasting our money treating the symptoms of the cancer. The time has come to weed out the Root Cause of the cancer, the car. This is why we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to demand an immediate permanent world wide car boycott.”
Pope Benedict XVI continued: “Soon I will be traveling to New York City to address the United Nations. The United States of America is using an obscene 22 million barrels of oil per day, 12 million barrels of which are imported from Saudi Arabia. Four years ago the United States invaded Iraq to capture the Middle East’s oil. No other country uses even 2 million barrels of oil per day. It is the burning of these fossil fuels which is causing the global warming catastrophe now upon us. It is this addiction to gasoline which is the root cause of the Iraq War now spreading to Iran and Nuclear World War 3. Every scientist here today knows that Nuclear World War 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will leave no survivors and will soon cause the extinction of life on earth forever at our human hands.”
“God helps those who help themselves. God gave us all brains and it is time for us to use them. A dilemma is when a person has two choices, one bad and one worse. The lesson of the cross is personal sacrifice. Replacing cars with bicycles and bicycle paths will be painful in the beginning but this is how we will save the world ourselves. Humans lived for 5 million years without cars until 100 years ago. This proves that we can all live without cars again.”
Pope Benedict XVI continued: “Disregard for the environment, the earth, water and air of which we are made will soon end our existence as a species and the rest of life on earth, God’s planet, forever. The mastery of man over life on earth, God’s creation has become despotic and senseless. We must safeguard life on earth, God’s creation. We must preserve the rainforests. Trees and plants are our only source of oxygen. Humans and other animals will not be able to survive drinking man made deadly poison acid rain water.”
“Our God carved in stone, “Do Not Murder”. Poisoning the earth’s air, water and earth is the ultimate world wide murder suicide of life on earth forever and in order to weed out the Root Cause of the problem we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to call for an immediate permanent world wide car boycott. Stop buying cars immediately.”
“This personal sacrifice by all of us now will save life on earth. Your continued purchase of cars will soon end life on earth forever because cars are the Root Cause of our biggest problems. Loving yourself and loving your neighbor does not include poisoning yourself and your neighbor to death and extinction with your car. When the earth returns to its original pristine pure clean condition your children and grandchildren will thank God that you stopped buying cars today.”
Claire Foster, the environmental policy adviser to the Church of England said at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday, “The environment and religion is a no brainer but we are all only now realising it. The Church of England is 100% behind Pope Benedict XVI. It’s only common sense. You cannot break the laws of nature but if you do it will break your back.” The Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Sikh and all of the other religious leaders at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday unanimously backed the call for the immediate and permanent world wide car boycott.