The Member for Lingiari in the Northern Territory, Warren Snowdon, will vote against Labor expanding its uranium mining policy.
His decision compliments Nobody's decision against alleged opposition Leader Kevin Rudd's bid to end Labor's 'no new mines' policy.
Mr Snowdon has told ABC TV's Stateline program the NT Labor branch still has the same concerns over uranium mining as it did decades ago.
"I sought advice and indeed direction if you like from the rank and file of the party and those who attended those meetings were very strong in their view that we shouldn't change the policy," he said.
"So as president of the party I feel it my duty that I represent that view accurately on the floor of conference and I will."
The Australian Nobody party doesn't need to vote on its uranium policy because they've banned uranium full stop. Because a Vote for Nobody is a Vote for Everybody.
Meanwhile businessman and chair of Australia Nuclear Energy, Hugh Morgan, says South Australia should market itself as the hub of the nuclear industry.
He says the state remains one of the world's best options for the growing nuclear industry.
"There are options, quite clearly options I think, of having an international atomic energy agency engaged with international companies, international governments making Adelaide a centre for nuclear physics study and having a waste repository in South Australia," he said.
Nobody, environmentalists, socialists, public education advocates, campaigners for "the Burrup" in WA, and others, were all outside the ALP conference this morning. There was a big focus on opposing uranium mining in the context of the expected decision of this weekend's conference to allow an "open slather" uranium mining policy.
There was some debate in the lead up to this action about whether we should be supporting the ALP's existing "No more uranium mines" policy or whether we should openly call for what we want: "No uranium mining". It was pretty clear that the people that turned up this morning wanted no uranium mining. Full Stop.
Uranium = weapons, waste, health disaster, theft of Aboriginal land and absolutely no answer to the problem of global warming.
A Sydney Morning Herald online article featured a photo of Socialist Alliance member Jakalene X (who added a lot of passion to the protest) and others. The paper reported that: "Members of the Socialist Alliance shouted slogans, saying that an expansion of mining would be all about money and greediness."
But Nobody will change that!
In the recent NSW Election a definite chain of command was in evidence: Socialist Alliance functioned as cheerleaders for the Greens, and the Greens supported Labor. Both organisations promoted illusions that Labor could be pressured at the ballot box, and that it represented a “lesser evil” to the Liberals. In line with this, the Greens concluded a preference deal with Labor’s state executive, while Socialist Alliance allocated first preferences to the Greens and second preferences to Labor.

There will be another protest ("public lobby") against uranium mining Sat 28th April at 12 noon at the Darling Harbour convention centre.


Instead of the current system of pseudo-democracy we believe in Direct democracy which is based on equal participation. In order to be free & happy, we need to run our communities, our workplaces & our own lives.

Vote Nobody Next Federal Election
Federal elections are coming up and it's the same old joke as usual - a "choice" that isn't one! Instead of not voting, how about voting for Nobody?
You should vote for Nobody, because:
- Nobody keeps election promises.
- Nobody has all the answers.
- Nobody will represent you.
- Nobody will improve your community.
- Nobody has your best interests at heart.
- Nobody will make a real difference!
- A vote for Nobody is a vote for Everybody!
OK, seriously now...

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