The illegality of the Iraq invasion has entered the historical record but history waits for the perpetrators to face JUSTICE! There is not one but a HERD of elephants in the kitchen! The issue can no longer be avoided or ignored without HUGE COST – total loss of credibility, (especially for international JEWRY). Remaining silent on this issue would forfeit all political capital that screaming (holocaust) victim has afforded various lobbies and political interests. The world is acutely aware that the stolen nation of Israel offers no benefit to the international community whatsoever, in fact it is a major liability and impediment to the establishment of peace in the Middle East. Would the Jews continue to scream 'holocaust denial' is a crime and ignore the travesty in Iraq? Give us all a break!
The travesty of the holocaust in Iraq promises to sink the Titanic of lies and propaganda that have so far been relatively successful in deceiving the public – but the sheer number of innocent deaths is no longer possible to disguise, justify or ignore.
Today the Australian (opposition) Labor Party held its national conference but not a word on the criminal culpability of the prime minister John Howard for his war crimes in Iraq. The US Democrats while calling for the impeachment of VP Cheney for criminal deception have NOT indicted any standing or retired member of the Bush regime for war crimes. Treating the public as a pliable moronic mass that is easily deceived by a lying mass media is no longer a viable option in an age of alternative communication. How much longer do the powers hope to deceive a public whose level of social awareness is growing at lightning speed? Bleeding edge social networking technologies offer levels of social awareness unprecedented in the history of human society. It becomes an increasingly dangerous occupation to treat today’s public with contempt or underestimate their skills. The cost of continued holocaust denial and other injustices may be higher than anyone anticipated – particularly on morality and social cohesion.
The message transmitted by the powers at present is clear, if not heinous; all actions including the murder of innocents are justified providing we first lie, deceive and paint an opponent as non-human or unworthy of human respect. What a wonderful world the conservatives have created! There would be hell to pay if society adopted the values clearly held by conservatives – ME, ME, ME, at any cost and without any moral constraints is the height of psychopathology.
Exploiting chaos and social psychopathology is not the sole province of western criminal ruling elites – a few demonised humans may have already undertaken steps to regain their humanity according to western methods! Would any sane politician continue to advertise their REAL affiliation and persist in holocaust denial if the cost was known?
Teach your children well!
Hide the following 6 comments
thought criminals of the world unite & fight
27.04.2007 07:23
... because you have been lied to again (you must be used to this by now!)
... because the truth does not need to be protected by the law
... because lies need all the help they can get
... because you can not - are not allowed - to think independently or freely about facts relating to these issues
thought criminal
a jewish surviver speaks out
27.04.2007 07:26
... of course, you can scream and run away from the medium (source) here - after all rense is a nazi loving alien obssessed paranoid - that way the illusion of truth is maintained with little or no effort.
earn your truths
A BushandBlair
27.04.2007 08:34
The stongest evidence that there was might be found in the Gypsy population figures for Europe before and after the war, and the number of Jews living in Britain who were not conacted by and could find no trace of their continental cousins after WW2.
We need another term for what happened in Iraq. A term that more directly put full responsibility on Democratic Politicians in the pay of Capitalists. It is not a Holocaust, it is a BushandBlair.
Who will judge us
27.04.2007 09:48
Who will condemn the unions who gave over 100 million of its members money over the life of this government so they may use it to be re-elected and continue the present holocaust.
Who will condemn me and you, the people who gave the union the money to the union who gave it to get the Blairist regime elected.
Its only a pound a week !
Every pound buys a bullet
every bullet is made to end someone's life
never mind
27.04.2007 14:52
not that the quickness with which character assasination is employed in lue of fact checking/exchange gives any indication that those willing to defend the orthodoxy of holocaust religion are interested in fact checking/exchange - but they are willing to defend this with every drop of blood and lengthy prison sentances FOR YOU!
and WTF is wrong with downplaying Jewish suffering if it has been up-played in the first place - or perhaps some really do believe that because they believe it must be true!
sick sick sick
a fantasist
27.04.2007 18:19
So, the fact that Rod Stewart was banned in the USSR makes "Sailing" the best song ever written? I've obviously been a sucker for totalitarian lies all these years.
Here's a list of countries that have criminalised denial:
The stongest evidence that there was no Holocaust is that it is a crime to deny there was one. I don't agree with criminalising ideas at all- after all fuckwit racists do a good enough job of advertising themselves as idiots and their stupid theories get ripped to shreds by people more qualified than the criminal justice system.
What's next? "The Jews were asking for it dressed like that!"
Paddy Maginty's Goat