Dadullah, who is demented, as most of the Taliban leadership suffers from dementia, does not offer proof for his statements because there is no proof, not that this would ever stop CNN from posting irresponsible headlines. CNN, while stating that Cheney was secreted away in a bomb shelter when the “attack” occurred, does not bother to mention Cheney was indeed a mile away, safe and sound even if he stood outside.
As evidence of Dadullah’s mental illness, consider the following:
Referring to bin Laden, Dadullah told the Arab-language network al-Jazeera, “Praise be to God he is still alive, and we have information about him and praise be to God he orchestrates plans in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
“You may remember the martyrdom mission in Bagram which targeted a very important American official. No Afghan can reach the Bagram base.
“This operation was a result of his blessed planning. He’s the one who planned the details of this operation and guided us and the operation was successful,” Dadullah said.
In other words, even though multiple sources reported the death of Osama bin Laden in late December, 2001, for some reason the Taliban, or a former CIA Mujahideen patsy who lost a leg fighting the Soviets for Zbigniew Brzezinski, would have us believe Osama is still alive, Allah be praised, and will attack Iraq soon, promise, right after “al-Qaeda” attacks the UK, France, Spain, and Israel from Gaza, that is if you believe a spate of recent news stories.
As for the “martyrdom mission in Bagram,” Cheney was never in danger, as he was squirreled away inside a bunker, and the bomb, a mile distant, must have sounded like a kid’s ladyfinger firecracker down the block on the Fourth of July. For the former CIA-ISI patsy who gave up his leg in exchange for eventually enduring a U.S. “carpet of bombs” instead of a “carpet of gold,” this absurd event passes for a successful operation. See what I mean by demented?
It is said the useful idiot Dadullah is operating out of Quetta, Pakistan, which makes perfect sense, as Pakistan’s ISI still runs the Taliban out of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. “The CIA has well-established links with the ISI, having trained it in the 1980s to ‘run’ Afghan mujahideen (holy Muslim warriors), Islamic fundamentalists from Pakistan as well as Arab volunteers by providing them with arms and logistic support to evict the Soviet occupation of Kabul,” Jane’s reported in October, 2001. “Trained by the CIA and the French SDECE, the ISI ‘ran’ the mujahideen in their decade-long fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s,” the Sydney Morning Herald reported in September, 2001. “Opium cultivation and heroin production in Pakistan’s northern tribal belt and adjoining Afghanistan were a vital offshoot of the ISI-CIA co-operation.”
Funny how covert ops and addicting European and American kids to heroin go hand-in-hand.
At any rate, we can pretty much assume Dadullah is simply telling us what the ISI, and hence the CIA, want us to hear, as the show, er war, must go on, ad nauseam.
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