FPF - April 2 - 2007 - The GPS positioning maps and coordinates found aboard of the two invading UK boats are evidence the British SAS special forces were inside Iran's territorial waters when they were arrested.* The UK's psyop plans apparently were the usual: invade and create terror, bomb, kill and/or destroy whatever is planned, than get out again and blame the other side. In short: with another false flag operation further create a pretext to invade and/or start a war with Iran. The illegal invasion has put the US/UK war machine in a bad spot and critical voices are getting louder and louder.
Two years ago UK Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, the former Chief of the Defence Staff and the (misguided) man who led Britain's armed forces into Iraq warned lying UK politicians like Tony Blair and the London warlord's Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, that they will join the admiral and British troops among the accused in the courts when the military will be prosecuted for war crimes in amongst others Iraq.* The illegal invasion of Iran by the US and UK and further war preparations and threats again brings court cases after accusations closer they think apparently.
In a remarkably frank interview concerning the political row over the Attorney General's false and faked legal advice, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce said he did not have full legal cover from prosecution at the International Criminal Court (ICC)." Confirmed Admiral Boyce: "If my soldiers went to jail and I did, some other people would go with me,' said Boyce.
Pressed by UK paper The Observer on whether he meant the PM Tony Blair and Attorney General Lord Goldsmith, Admiral Boyce replied: 'Too bloody right."*
It is reported by different sources today, and Iranian TV yesterday, that "two U.S. airplanes have violated Iran's airspace in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, Iran's state television Sunday quoted a local military commander as saying on its web site. The airplanes on Saturday trespassed Iranian airspace from the northwest of Abadan, Khuzestan province, and disappeared from its southwest, said Colonel Aqili, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Abadan."*
According to outside the US sphere of influence valid international laws and conventions, both the US junta members which are guilty of illegal, hostile armed actions and repeatedly overflying of also Iran, and the UK warlords which with special forces (SAS) have invaded Iranian territory should have been sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council long time ago if the UN was honest. But the US and UK like their brainwashed and evil war supporters everywhere on earth try again to fix the facts around the inhuman policy. To justify their miserable war policy which does not work, as the Downing Street memos proved.*
The with the US war machine collaborating UK navy and warmongering mouthpieces like Tony Blair now try 'to save face' by lying as much as they can and hastily presenting and further fabricating their own faked GPS info. Which logically thinking must be false. And they know they are lying and will, when the facts 'leak' just say they were mistaken concerning the date or something similar stupid. Hoping you and I believe them. But they should have given up that illusion a long time ago. We know exactly who the culprits are and who will be punished and for what.
Blair and his warlords can not make a fist because they have apparently been informed that Moscow will 'leak', better said release the pictures taken of the flagrant UK trespassing into Iranian waters. Like the US, the Russian space command too covers the area and films all those incidents for eventual use. So they have pictures of the area and the invading UK boats via their geostationary satellites. Covering the whole of the area like the US junta's war machines Keyhole satellites do in Iraq and Iran and have done for twenty years. The Russian satellite pictures you often are allowed to buy via the sales department at 'Soyuz Karta'.*
Yesterday afternoon in Tehran logically angry people gathered in front of the UK embassy, protesting the threatening warlike actions by the US/UK war machine, trespassing Iran's territorial waters and air space. The Iranian news agency IRNA reminds of the fact that it is a US/UK trick to impose UN sanctions on Iran ''regardless of admission of IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei that Iran has no weapons program and made no diversion from the civilian program.'' Foreign observers agree that the US and UK juntas and their warmongering collaborators must be sanctioned immediately before they can do any further deadly harm to us, humanity.
According to IRNA reporters of domestic and correspondents of foreign media and news agencies have been present in the area. The facts are however never reported in the global US/UK propaganda media in the usurped countries they keep brainwashing into colonies.
Iranian coast guards intercepted the two British Navy vessels in Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf on March 23 and arrested 15 'marines' on board. The UK marines have confessed to the entry and expressed regret at the incident. The latter is of course by the US/UK propagandists (who advocate torture) called ''enforced confessions''.
Most of the propaganda and the wars are however made by the US and UK warlords and their killing machine which has usurped NATO. They lie and people die. Untill the lying propagandists are stopped in their bloodied tracks.
The Iranians - like all threatened and oppressed people everywhere - know there is no honour in living on your knees as a slave, and they logically prefer to die standing on their feet. Like the people who can resist in Iraq and other occupied countries. They do what we all must do: they resist and fight the foreign invaders and their own traitors in any way possible! Personally I'm against capital punishment and violence, but I've lived abroad in for instance the Arab world too for 10 years. I understand that if the invaders and US/UK mercenaries are going to kill you and the people you love, that you try to kill the invaders first. And since the US/UK junta and its NATO-mercenaries already killed millions of human beings, they deserve to die too, people correctly reason.
Nobody with a functioning brain and normal human decency in the rest of the world understands how the war makers and their propagandists even can think they will survive all their war crimes.
The victims everywhere resist and want revenge.* The courts are waiting.
For the Admiral, Bush and Blair, and all their collaborators too.
Henk R.
* Maps of the area - Google Url.:

* US jets violate Iran's airspace - 02.04.2007 Source: URL:

* US & UK: Fixing the facts - The 'leaked' Downing Street memos - Url.:

* WAR CRIMINALS - UK Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, the former Chief of the Defence Staff - 'The Observer' (UK) in 2005 - Url.:

* Google - Soyuz Karta links - Url.:

* 2 April 2007 - UK for Face Saving Deal With Iran - Journal of Turkish Weekly - Url.:

* "Iran demands Britain admit guilt" - by Ayten Alizadeh - IntraNS - Url.:

* War on Iran: Unleashing Armageddon in the Middle East - Url.:

* REVENGE: 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back."- Url.:

* Google's selection of propaganda items - Url.:

* The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more resistance against the US/NATO junta's war machine and its global terrorism!
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands
