The fact of election fraud in the USA isnt possible to dispute further - proof has already put people in prison - the rest unravels fast. The finger points at Democrats too, but it seems certain factors used the "cover" of "hardball election play" to open up the nation to some serious warspin racketeers, softcash fiddles etc. . . .
. . . . but, spades as spades - the hard news is that the
"getting away with it" meme was fake, as is the "you shall never get proof" spin.
. . . . full details at

Do other people get the sensation that certain criminals are getting the equivalent of that "this is a message from your captain - remain calm, obey orders" taped message as the plane goes down, the captains parachute flutters down over a dollar dictatorship or "secure zone" hotel complex . . . .
. . . . perhaps a good time to break out of group(un)think