People think that it is perfectly normal to speak to spirits during prayer but if the spirit speaks back to the person then that person is schizophrenic, suffering from auditory hallucinations and must be heavily medicated, like Anna Nicole Smith. Former Playboy Playmate of the Year Anna Nicole Smith died of an accidental drug overdose at the young age of 39 on Feb. 8, 2007 in Hollywood Florida. Karen Fish is a member of The Temple of Love aka The World Peace Religion. Karen Fish is a 27 year old writer currently living in Los Angeles California. For some reason unknown to her, on January 11, 2007 Karen Fish began to write a series of 7 articles about Anna Nicole Smith.
Often spirits speak to us and we have no idea that it is happening. It sounds identical to our own thoughts. Sometimes the spirit communications, prophecies, come straight out and sometimes they come in code. The great prophet Nostradamus wrote down the names of the 3 anti Christs in code hundreds of years in addvance. The first one was named Napoleon although spelled slightly differently. The second was Hister, Hitler, and the third is Mabus. Many skeptics will say that this was coincidence and perhaps they are right. Like medicine, prophecy is an art not a science and different conditions are subject to different interpretations.
On January 11, 2007, just under a month prior to the death of Anna Nicole Smith, Karen Fish wrote an article called “Anna Nicole Smith Marries Ayatollah Ali Khamenei”.
In this article written on Jan. 11, 2007 Karen Fish wrote: “Muqtada al-Sadr served as best man and security was provided by Muqtada’s Mahdi Army, which had little trouble keeping the paparazzi at bay. The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “You can never be too careful given what happened to Princess Diana and the United States navy and air force steaming towards me in the Persian Gulf. My doctor says that I have more lives than a cat.”
Karen Fish continued: “Anna Nicole Smith spoke at her wedding. Here is what she said: “I know that the tabloids are going to say that I married Ali for his money. Kanye West is going to say that I’m a gold digger. I would like to put that vicious rumor to rest. My psychiatrist says that I have a daddy complex. Take my last husband. Please. He was 63 years older than me. Maybe I have a great grandfather complex. It’s because I was abused as a child. I seem to be making progress. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is only 28 years older than I am. He’s a 68 year old spring chicken next to J.H. My astrologer thinks that I have this Grace Kelly thing happening…Fortunately nobody here knows my track record because they censored it. Plus these people don’t know from contracts. I’ve made so much money for so many divorce lawyers that I have a building at the Harvard Law School named after me, right Reese?... So we went to the emergency room at the Shariati Hospital in Tehran and they gave him some Maalox. I guess he got excited being with his first Playboy Playmate of the Year. He tells me that his goal is to create a world Islamic state. I like men with ambition. He promised me that he wouldn’t hurt you Hef. So I want all of you to have a really great time tonight and thank you all for coming.”
Princess Diana died in a car accident while her car was being chased in Paris by the paparazzi. Princess Diana made the fatal mistake of not putting on her seat belt. Anna Nicole Smith made the fatal error of not going to the emergency room when her fever hit 105. Why did she refuse to go to the emergency room? She had a private nurse, a private doctor, a bodyguard and a private lawyer and she did not go to the emergency room because she did not want to be swarmed by the paparazzi hordes. As with Princess Diana, the obscene idolization of Anna Nicole Smith by the human people and the paparazzi hordes led to her death.
Grace Kelly was an American Actress who married Prince Rainier, the European Prince of Monaco. Anna Nicole Smith was also an American Actress whose last movie “Illegal Aliens” is about to debut. Princess Grace died in a car accident involving her daughter Princess Stephanie. Princess Diana, Princess Grace and Anna Nicole Smith all died young in accidents. At the time that baby Dannielynn was conceived Anna Nicole Smith was having a secret affair with European Prince Frederic von Anhalt. Prince Frederic von Anhalt says that if Larry Birkhead is not the father of Dannielynn Smith then he may be. Prince Frederic von Anhalt has filed for paternity of Dannielynn Smith and undergone a DNA test.
After her beloved son Daniel Smith died Anna Nicole Smith contacted her astrologer in Los Angeles to contact her son Daniel Smith. Anna became convinced that Daniel Smith was trapped in purgatory and she wanted to go rescue him. It was because of the evidence on her laptop computer that the police have ruled out suicide. On January 23, 2007 Karen Fish wrote an article about Prophecy and Synchronicity called “Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Anna Nicole Smith Buy Raytheon Co.”
Karen Fish portrays Anna Nicole Smith using her laptop computer to type in S(ch)wab dot com. The article is about the warming relationship between the leaders of Russia, China and Iran. The headline today reads “China, Russia Leaders Reject Force on Iran, N. Korea.”
The bottom line is that this all may be coincidence or it may be prophecy. The big question is “How do spirits know the future if it hasn’t happened yet?” The lesson in all of this is that human beings are far better off using their own God given minds to save themselves than ancient prophecies just like we are better off using DNA swabs to determine the real father of Dannielynn Smith than the words of psychics. The people of earth long for world peace. Instead of waiting for messiahs which may or may not be the products of ancient imaginations to bring us world peace why don’t we just stop fighting? If 200 people stand up today at the United Nations and all vote for world peace then we can have it by tonight for the next 5 billion years. Then we can get back to analyzing the Anna Nicole Smith case without unnecessary distractions.
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26.03.2007 21:13