The demonstrants from Polish Neonazi party Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski aand other organisations were citing Mussolini: "W naszym kraju jest miejsce dla czarnych - ale tylko dla czarnych koszul" (In this country there is place for black, but only for black shirts).
Their slogans included: "Nasza święta rzecz, czarni z Polski precz." (our holy thing, get the blacks out of Poland), and the demonstration was closed with the appeal of NOP:
"Polska jest krajem cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej i łacińskiej; krajem cywilizacji Białego Człowieka. Nie pozwolimy, by nasze dziedzictwo zastąpiła kultura buszu i bambusa. Dla dobra wszystkich - i Białych i Kolorowych - rozdział cywilizacyjno-kulturowy musi zostać zachowany, a każdy winien żyć tam, gdzie umieściła go ręka Najwyższego".
translation: (Poland is a country of christian and latin civilisation. We will not allow, that our heritage was replaced by the culture of bush and bamboo. For the benefit of all= white and coloured, the cultural and civilisational divide needs to be preserved, and everyone should live there where he was placed by the hand of Almighty".)
People passing by were asking policemen, why they were not reacting hearing racist slogans. They responded to the person, that the demonstration was legal. In fact, such slogans are inciting to racial hatred and these people should face legal charges.
However, no demonstrators were arrested, only two of antifascists were jailed and sentenced accused of attacking policemen. They were accused of taking part in an illegal meeting of antiracists.
More infos in Polish:

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