John (aluminium tubing) Howard has LIED to the nation so often even his most ardent supporters are becoming agitated. Howard’s lies have not been inconsequential, one would not expect otherwise from a person who determines the course of the nation! Howard, oblivious to public anger and resentment, remains unrepentant for his most heinous lie, a lie that involved the nation in an illegal, inglorious war, which has resulted in more civilian casualties than military. The highly respected British medical journal, Lancet places the Iraqi death toll at over half-a-million, a direct result of the illegal invasion and occupation – but who gives a shit? Aussies should be aware that this unpopular war was forced onto the spineless Howard by the yanks who contravened international law and UN charters to wage THEIR filthy war of plunder.
After eleven years, has it occurred to Australian citizens that John Howard has never been representative of Australian values and has undertaken every possible means to destroy Australian values and the national identity? But she’ll be right mate, won’t it?
Well cop this you bunch of apathetic losers and cringing non-identities – there have always been Australians who have fought against forces that would enslave us and destroy our national identity. At this moment in Australian history the accused Aussie, David Hicks, left to rot by Howard and the nation, displays more Oz character, identity and values than the entire apathetic population. Hicks is an Aussie who has suffered physical and psychological torture, unjust imprisonment for five years but CONTINUES TO PREVAIL AGAINST THE INJUSTICES AND TORTURE – WHERE DID THIS LAD FIND THE STRENGTH AND CHARACTER TO PREVAIL WHEN OTHERS HAVE SUCCUMBED IN THE MOST DEPLORABLE FASHION? I WONDER! Could you imagine Downer, Howard or Ruddock facing similar conditions for any length of time?
A growing rage against Howard, Downer, Ruddock and the Libs (and to a lesser extent Labor for not ‘aiming up’) has been detected in sections of the community. A controlled and useful Aussie rage; a rage born of witnessing an AUSTRALIAN SON ENDURING HORRID TREATMENT while LYING RODENTS LIKE HOWARD AND DOWNER spew their platitudes onto an apathetic public.
As dissatisfaction and resentment grow and the injustices of the Howard government become intolerable, would anyone be surprised if Howard caught a bullet in the brain? A projectile expertly sent on its journey by a true blue, Aussie-trained sniper – not one of the new breed of inept murderers whose exploits in Timor-Leste tarnish the reputation of the highly trained and skilled Australian fighter, but an Australian son born in the tradition of Aussie fighters who successfully complete their missions.
Perhaps Australia has reached a turning point in its history; no one really knows what the future holds but the fact remains that John Howard’s assault on the nation and his dereliction of duty to Australian citizens will not pass without repercussions being felt for a considerable period.
Kevin Rudd has enough ammunition on the Libs to annihilate them but he is constrained by the same forces that command Howard – Kevin Rudd is a DUD, a U.S. slave by any other name remains a slave – you servile piece of Labor shit!
What is stopping you, Kevin?
Take Aussies for granted at your own peril; if you had any balls you would arrest ‘aluminium tubing’ Howard for crimes against humanity and immediately demand the repatriation of Hicks – do you think the public is unaware of Howard’s crimes and failings, you whimp? Prove yourself, attack him where it hurts and allow the law to do its job. You will ignore important issues at your own risk and perhaps verify what everyone suspects – that you have NO CHARACTER OR INTEGRITY!