the American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC) calls upon you to join us
this March 17th, show determination, resilience and unity to stop the war in
Iraq and deter the establishment from starting another war.
the American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC) calls upon you to join us
this March 17th, show determination, resilience and unity to stop the war in
Iraq and deter the establishment from starting another war. For
transportation and reservations to D.C. call:
914-273-885 or send an email to:

In the U.S.-Iran conflict, like many others, there is an aggressor and a
victim of aggression. If our reason for not standing up to the U.S. war
plans is our perception that Iran must share the blame for the conflict, we
must look at Iraq and the history of U.S. excuses for going to war; their
arguments were primarily to demonize the government of Iraq and justify an
attack to "get rid of the dictator". And what do the poor Iraqi people have
All evidence shows that Iran has not had a plan to develop nuclear weapons
and the White House is counting on our doubts about Iran's intentions.
Don't fall for it.
When Senator McCain, another voice of the war-mongers tells us that worse
than the U.S. war on Iran is an Iran with nuclear weapons, he is counting on
our lack of knowledge and clarity of the facts and tries to exploit your
fear of the unknown and your desire to abolish the scourge of nuclear
weapons in the world. Do not fall for his scheme.
This was exactly the sleight of hand the spokesmen of the government played
for blurring our sights before the war on Iraq: if we all hated and feared
Saddam enough, then getting rid of him was justified by a U.S. war. Our
memories are not so blurred now.
For us Iranians more than ever before, our people need us at this critical
time. For us Americans, we need to distinguish between the forces for peace
and the small group of jingoists who have no shame on the amount of blood
that flows, as long as they get their footholds and contracts.
Instead of demanding to bring the U.S. troops home months from now or
perhaps years from now, after tens of thousands of fatalities and
casualties, the time to demand "Get Out of Iraq - Stay Out of Iran" in NOW,
before the White House plunges America once again into another war against
another people thousands of miles away. The nation of Iran has not done any
harm against the people of the United States. We are not going to repeat
what is common knowledge around the world today: that the U.S. government,
Republicans and Democrats, fabricated lies about Iraq then and about Iran
now. We ask that you not fall for more lies of the State Department and the
It is our conviction that only the truly democratic-minded American people
can stop the war appetite of the U.S. ruling oligarchy. Don't put your
hopes on a Congress that has historically complied with the military and
arms industry, although we must let them know that their power of governance
comes from us, the people of America. That is why we demand NO U.S. Wars of
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