Hugo Chavez expresses almost universal sentiments against Bush/America. Today, nations need America like they need a ‘hole in the head’. America has displayed its contempt for all civilised conventions/laws and has undertaken a self-serving attitude toward the rest of the world, a stance that will inevitably end in war waged on the American mainland – the American pig against the civilised world!
With no external help America has defeated itself with its rabid, ultra-right, gung-ho policies. Who besides the slavish cowards, John (aluminium tubing) Howard and Tony (45 minutes) Blair did America hope to endear with its belligerent tactics? Slowly but very surely other superpowers (and smaller nations) are uniting against America; their mutual interests and political survival depends on a united front against the rogue that has marked its course with chaos, mayhem, murder and PLUNDER!
All the lies and deceptive tactics have failed to garner support for the murdering rogue, America now stands naked as the killer and avaricious pig of the world – the Bush administration has succeeded in destroying the USA, though the final act is yet to be played out. The script, however, is not written in stone but it would take a leader with the skill and intelligence of an Abe Lincoln to save the nation from certain annihilation – a quick review of U.S. leaders over the past few decades confirms the nation is lost.
Hugo Chavez understated the situation; the ‘cadaver’, President Bush, leads an entire nation of walking dead!
Powerful military nations that have undertaken an aggressive, self-serving, unilateral approach have always united the world against them. Without exception these nations have been vanquished by the combined strength of the nations they would dominate.
We are One.