We do not make light of Hicks’ decision to fight -- anyone who has been incarcerated and tortured knows exactly the supreme heroic effort required to FIGHT IN THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES and we all take our hats off to Hicks. The stinking Howard government has tried unsuccessfully to extinguish all Aussie values BUT FORGOT to consider the Australian son they abandoned to the yanks. This same abandoned Aussie may just prove the downfall of the Australian conservatives and awaken the nation to its true values and identity!
[International law and convention wait patiently for Howard, Bush and Blair.]
Regardless of all other considerations we remain steadfast in our support for David Hicks and defiant to those who would illegally impose their poisonous lying, murdering and plundering values onto the world.
The Following is a short report by Stefanie Balogh from the Adelaide Advertiser:
March 04, 2007 -- ACCUSED Taliban fighter David Hicks intends to plead not guilty to terrorism charges, his US civilian lawyer said yesterday.
Joshua Dratel also said "the way it looks right now there is no prospect for a plea-bargain" for the Adelaide-born terror suspect.
"He'll be pleading not guilty," said Mr Dratel, who is based in New York.
"Ultimately the decision is always going to be David's as to what to do. But David right now is ready to continue the course. He's ready to challenge the system."
On Friday Hicks became the first Guantanamo Bay detainee formally charged under the Pentagon's new US military commission system.
He faces one charge of providing material support for terrorism after he allegedly trained in al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. Plans to charge him with attempted murder were dropped.


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