All my mates and the Internet is a buzz with the fact that we're being duped rotten.
Blair duped us. Labour Party deceived us. Notting Hill Housing Trust betrayed us.
All my mates and the Internet is a buzz with the fact that we're being duped rotten.
Blair duped us. Labour Party deceived us. Notting Hill Housing Trust betrayed us.
Blair corrupted us with Notting Hill Housing Trust. Told to do business, so I've started my business. No half measures, I've started a factory! Now into property.
Everyone now knows that Notting Hill Housing Trust is giving away our best homes not for us from the Caribbean but for those claiming asylum and immigration. I've told all my friends Blair wants more drugs from the Caribbean.
Many of my friends have started up drugs factories in their Notting Hill Housing Trust homes and they're making a fortune. Management encourage it. They say that's fine. That's OK. It's a lifestyle choice. Management say it's best to get some guy with mental problems as a cover. Then they can't get you. Or if you want, just sub-let your flat. Management like that as well.
Private education, good college, wheels - black beamer, four wheel drive SUV -another house - like Tony Blair in Connaught Square, next to Edgware Road, London W2 in Westminster (near 'Marble Arch Food and Wine' where Tony will have to shop)(next to all the wealthy Arabs, all nouveau riche they call it, the neighbourhood is quiet, secure, enforced by law and residential) - in my case, in the caribbean - good pension - buy off cops - Notting Hill Housing Trust offer me a good flat with a garden, no disrepair, for a grand. I saw another give two grand cash for their flat. Yeah. They've got 19,000 flats worth a cool four billion (£4,000,000,000) yes, four billion, to give away and they're flogging them off as fast as they can. Besides, they're getting millions and millions of taxpayers money that can't be accounted for, far far faster than Notting HIll Housing can spend the money.
Just look at how senior management are all on the spend. Look at Kate Davies, the main manager, she really knows how to spend. They give her more than she could ever spend in a lifetime. She's Labour Party, so she got the job. The charity shops are all a cover. That's what they say. Just like a guy with mental problems is my cover for my factory. But it's not a factory. It's a place of sanctuary for the plants. I'm a bottanist. That's what Notting Hill Housing Trust management say I am. Just a bigger bottanist. I've got a big bottany. Other's call it a big arse. Lifstyle choice - innit! That's what they say to tell the law and I'll be OK. Notting Hill Housing Trust say that's OK. They are there to be bought. They're corrupt, so I can buy them. So that's OK. Like the Labour Party that control them. And that's OK. Go to bed with my female Caribbean Housing Allocations Officer. That's OK. Lifestyle choice! Get another flat.
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canada/england... same same
03.03.2007 23:32
Takes balls to come forward and shine a bright light on them cockroaches that call themselves politicians.
I would suggest a hair sample for the lot of the labour party to see if they have more than a spliffy wiffy in their system.
Makes me sad when i read what you write and i understand completely. They are doing the same thing exactly in Halifax, Nova Scotia which currently houses the largest black population in any one Canadan province... you wouldn't want to know how the black children suffer there... absolutely appalling how the government via their media promote what I deem Nazism.
Blair and Blair the naughty pair. So like my hometown...
Tony Blair and his evil henchman Sir Ian Blair - chief of Metropolitan police force are all up the piggy trough with their political cronies and drug buddies in the greatest landgrab of crown land which belongs to the people and is being sold off in vast quantities without a check nor a balance in the governments cookbooks.
Charity? Housing trust? We had a very similiar situation in Kent with MHS gobbling up council properties and no money trail leading back to the public coffers, only into a few obvious hands. Apparently they feel very comfortable with their newfound ill-earned wealth.
The plant propagation is a new twist... but then again, not really... where ever police are up for sale... shit happens,
What a pathetic state of affairs eh?
And who judges society? The bloody nonse who sits on the benches of democracy placed by some jackass name Tony or one of the last bunch of assholes - conservative muppets?
The law society is an old boys club where Tony is head prick and Sir Shite of the met is chief whip. What a steaming pile of shit that they call the truth.
Good on you for telling some truth.
Charity XXX
Charity Sweet