WELCOME to the MAD MAD crazy world of BLAIR’s BRITAIN of 2007
S – Short-Termism and Sleaze – yes – others might call it CORRUPTION and
H - Harassment and Hungry for change - yes
I - Incompetence – yes
T - Terminal Decline – most definitely…
Led by a Dysfunctional pathological Liar - distracts us from his personal and political problems – focus on the Distraction – the “WAR on (deliberately brought about) TERROR” which was created for purposes of “giving the reason” by BUSH and BLAIR (for a major war to control World Oil Reserves).
Prime Minister BLAIR has an automatic IMMUNITY from prosecution: Why? He appointed:
i) Met Police Commissioner of Police - Iain Blair [LABOUR PARTY]
ii) Head of Legal system – Lord Chancellor – Charles Falconer
[LABOUR PARTY LORD - ex flatmate of Tony Blair]
iii) Head of Government Prosecution – Attorney General – Peter
Goldsmith [LABOUR PARTY LORD - friend of Tony Blair]
iv) Head of Prosecution Service – Director of Public
Prosecutions – Ken Macdonald [LABOUR PARTY - friend of Cherie]
v) Home Secretary – in charge of P- Police, I- Intelligence; M- Minister in charge of criminal justice is not accountable to the electorate [Miss Patricia Scotland comes from DOMINICA made a LABOUR PARTY peer made a member of the Labour Party Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) dividing British society and the Labour Party parachuted her into the unaccountable House of Lords] and P- Prison services policies.
The terror outrages were funded from Saudi Arabia – controlled by the United States - most of the countries of the Oil Producing Export Countries (OPEC) of the Middle East which are mainly feudal monarchies - are indirectly controlled by the United States.
1st Biggest Oil Exporter – SAUDI ARABIA – US controlled
2nd Biggest Oil Exporter – IRAQ – NOT US controlled – NEED for a WAR!!!
3rd Biggest Oil Exporter – UAE – US/UK (indirectly) controlled
4th Biggest Oil producer – IRAN – NOT US controlled - NEED for a WAR!!!
5th Biggest Oil producer – VENEZUELA – NOT US controlled – NEED for a WAR!!! [through Colombia acting as a convenient proxy for the US government!]
Afghanistan to the east of Iran and north of Pakistan which is to the south east of Iran which are the neighbours of IRAN [therefore US is building permanent bases in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ!] To the west of Iran is Iraq, where the US is building permanent bases.
Next in order to DEFEAT - CHINA and RUSSIA [UN Security Council: i) United States, ii) China, iii) Russia, iv) UK, v) France][Germany has observer status in many talks as unofficial head of the European Union of some 460 Million people]. The threats to the US control of the Oil producing countries are only from Iran
– as long as CHINA and RUSSIA keep out of any conflict!!!
Golden Rule: If you are a member of the NUCLEAR CLUB – you are safe!!!
UK is treated as the 51st state of the US – why? – as it allows the US to concentrate its intelligence gathering centres on UK soil under the name of an indigenous UK base to give it the degree of “acceptability” or “cover” as “Royal Air Force (RAF) – RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Feltwell, RAF Fairford, RAF Welford, RAF Alconbury, RAF Molesworth, RAF Upwood, RAF Croughton, RAF Barford St John, RAF Fylingdales, RAF Menwith Hill (interception of all telephone and computer traffic in the UK)”
UK has some 200+ Nuclear weapons.
ISRAEL is treated as the favoured 51st state of the US – why? – it serves as a platform to effect close strikes with US weapons against ANY country in the Middle East that might pose a threat to US control of Middle Eastern oil.
ISRAEL has some 200+ Nuclear weapons.
Middle Eastern countries CANNOT be allowed to control their own oil reserves.
The US message is that the US MUST control world oil supplies + Energy prices.
Why? Others will not cripple the WEST as the OPEC did to the West in the 70s and 80s that WILL never ever happen again. Otherwise the US economy will assuredly go into MELTDOWN.
Therefore “THE BIG LIE” has to be INVENTED - even if it means the deaths of a few thousand innocent people sacrificed [as the 911 (translated in UK as “999”) – CODE meaning an Emergency!!!
ACTION [911] – REACTION [opportunity to control IRAQ to be followed by IRAN!]
Why the problem – IRAQ and now IRAN are threatening to start an Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB)
While Iran's nuclear programme has become a major focus of the international media, the wiser more academic community are well aware that the programme is the COVER for the U.S. government's true motive in the ATTACK against IRAN.
Most academic analysts posit that the real concern for the United States is IRAN's plan to open ITS OWN OIL EXCHANGE — the Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB) — with the alleged goal of becoming the dominant centre of the Middle East's oil trade.
What makes the IOB the subject of such interest by the American government, which means that the financial exchange in the bourse will trade for oil in EUROS instead of the U.S. DOLLAR. The dollar has long been the dominant currency for international oil trade.
As long as the US controls the world currency of exchange of oil - the US control the world economy.
If, however, another country or currency is used instead of the US dollar - the US currency would immediately fall, inflation rise, recession set in, banruptcies take over, panic, suicides, death and disater.
The ONLY way to protect the US economy from the precipice is to either get US citizens and the west to be more responsible...
[get rid of government imposed immigration and government imposed multiculturalism which is destroying our culture as foisted on the population by the irresponsible betraying government.
The Blair government has only betrayed the people. It supports a consumerist throw away society promoting models promoting drugs, football stars, pop trash and a decadent drugs culture with a destruction of any sense of moral value...
...destroying discipline and parental responsible values and destroying predominantly JudaeoChristian culture and values...???]
there remains only one option remaining - WAR.
As the US has an horrendous deficit things are spiralling towards one outcome WAR!!!
The December drop off in foreign capital in the US came as the U.S. continues to face a massive shortage of homegrown savings. That's pressure enough on the U.S. to draw in the capital it needs. But against this already shaky backdrop, two new trends are emerging that add even more weight on U.S. finance and the dollar.
First, there is increasing evidence that foreigners are diversifying their assets away from dollar-denominated securities toward other currencies. CHINA, for example, recently announced it is forming a new agency to diversify $200 BILLION of its $1 TRILLION in FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES. Emerging-market economies are beginning to discover that U.S. INVESTMENTS, while relatively low risk, are also relatively LOW RETURN compared with other investment opportunities around the globe.
For now, the impact of these diversification efforts, while potentially harmful to the dollar, are less than clear. For example, even if CHINA diverts $200 billion from U.S. assets, it will continue to amass about that much each year as a result of its trade surplus and incoming direct investment. Nevertheless, countries from OPEC to Asia are taking a second look at their international portfolios, and the trend is certain to place further DOWNWARD PRESSURE ON THE US DOLLAR.
A second new threat is homegrown: Chances of outright protectionist measures, such as tariffs, appear to be rising. The new Democratic Congress shows signs it will be far more ACTIVIST on issues affecting trade, especially with CHINA and countries that manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage.
After several months of good news on the U.S. trade deficit, the December Trade GAP WIDENED SHARPLY, to $61.2 billion, up from $58.1 billion in November. That rise brought the annual deficit to $764 billion, with bilateral gaps with China, the European Union, and Japan, respectively, making up 30%, 15%, and 11% of the total.
Given the competitive pressures on U.S. producers, especially car makers, from the weakness in the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen, companies are sure to be more aggressive in pressing lawmakers for relief. The House of Representatives (lower house) leadership has already given the White House 90 days to present Congress with a plan to address several trade issues involving China, Japan, and the European Union. The implication is that after 90 days, it will come up with its own plan.
Any U.S. action that reduces Chinese imports, however, also will result in less foreign exchange for the Chinese to invest. That could make the CHINESE LESS INTERESTED IN the auctions of U.S. Treasury securities. China is second only to Japan as the largest holder of U.S. Treasury issues.
The core of America's need for foreign capital lies in its lack of domestic savings. That savings pattern seems likely to continue for a long time, given the long-term pressure on the federal budget and the current DOWNTREND IN PERSONAL SAVINGS.
There is a massive lack of confidence in the US economy.
Not surprisingly, with the BUSH determination to attack IRAN!
Holding the hand of MR BUSH – his partner in crime – the UNLAWFUL war – is MR BLAIR
WELCOME to the beginning of the unstable World WAR III
3 MAY 2007 – ELECTIONS in Scotland, Wales and England – 3 MAY 2007