It claims a greater number of Australian citizens than previously estimated - 15 Million - are actively involved in planning attacks on political non-military targets.
The document claims the risk of an attack will rise this year and that the US, UK and Australia will soon supersede Iraq as the location for terrorists planning attacks against politicians who lie.
Previous publicly released estimates had the total number of suspects in Australia at 10 Million people.


ADA defends security despite rocket launcher theft
"There were all these hysterical stories a couple of weeks ago about military armouries being open to terrorists and it just wasn't true," he said.

High Court More Vulnerable To War Criminals?
Lawyers for Mr Thomas have argued the order imposed by the Federal Court is at odds with the Constitution.

If you're waiting for Lib/Lab then you're just waiting for a catastrophe!
What about all the scapegoats the Howard government has produced for their war on terror/resources? Most, still languishing in isolated segregation prisons and still waiting to be heard. Rendition and torture of our citizens? 20 years for thought crimes? Jury asked to push on when they couldn't make up their mind? Rules of evidence and standards lowered in our local courts? 5 years in Guantanamo without trial or charge? Military style Kangaroo Courts, Control Orders? Detention Orders? Indefinite Detention? Then we have Australian citizens being held in detention and even being deported?

ADA defends security despite rocket launcher theft
"There were all these hysterical stories a couple of weeks ago about military armouries being open to terrorists and it just wasn't true," he said.

In the face of mounting opposition, Australian government backs new Guantánamo courts
“It is time for the 50,000 members of the profession—from High Court judges to articled clerks—to have the courage to withdraw their services for a day to make it clear to John Howard and Philip Ruddock that we are ashamed of them. Both of them obtained law degrees predicated on the belief in the presumption of innocence. They are a blight on the profession,” Birrell wrote.

Australia: Here we go again more Howard gov't lies

Another scapegoat or two bite the dust!
John Howard the rocket launcher and his AFP now lay the blame of lost rocket launchers on a scapegoat in custody. Typical propaganda to make himself look good. Again! But now there is a specific target and I strongly suggest it's John Howard's war on terror and how much of a boost he can give to his fear factor so he can continue war mongering!

Xenophobic rocket launcher, so why was it reported really?
Police say they are unsure if the claims, published in a 'Sunday newspaper', are true and they are now being investigated. [So why was it reported today by howard's 'abc' and the 'Melbourne age'?

Community probe reports of AFP training with CIA and M15
"We can determine that there have been other reports about the illegal and degrading wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the complicity of the AFP in the Bali bombing in 2002, and now the fire sale of Australian military hardware, including a rocket launcher found on a tip. After the rocket launchers that went missing from the Australia War Force just recently and that's part of the inquiries that we are making," They said.

Australia Complicit in CIA Bali Bombings: Community
[There is] no doubt whatsoever of the CIA's involvement and the complicity of the Australian goverment and that view is shared by us and by our counterparts in Indonesia.

hoWARd's connections with the abc in Australia and abroad
[So you have to have a story behind it to make up for the distance between false flag opps in Indonesia all the way across to Iraq and Afghanistan that's a huge leap to cover without a terror tale to hook into? What about the Icon of the Terror movement G W Bush? At least we know he's guilty! Osama bin Laden hasn't been found guilty of anything, yo!] And Indonesia has been blowing up bombs in their own country just to move people out of villages for years!]

Australia: Anti-Muslim “terror plot” unravels
Without waiting for any evidence, Prime Minister John Howard and his ministers immediately claimed that the arrests provided disturbing new proof that “home-grown” terrorists were preparing attacks in Australia. Howard told parliament: “If they have broken the law or been involved in terrorism, well they deserve everything they get.”

The American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay must be closed. Let the people go free. Pardon them. Show them Christian charity. Stop this evil.

International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay

Anti-terrorism laws target non-suspects: expert
The forum will look at Australia's legal response to terrorism but would be minded to think of it as scapegoating for john hoWARd's illegal and degrading war of aggression on Iraq that's errorism on purpose. In short, the 'fear' of the politics of a war criminal!

The Sydney Morning who?
Mum asks Downer to help sons in prison and the Sydney [Boring] Herald thought they would help out?

Sydney Daily Telegraph (Murdoch owned) skirt the anti terror censorship laws with deliberately false yet cunning stories?

Australian media seizes upon Muslim cleric’s comments to whip up xenophobia
There is now an inescapable necessity for all those opposed to militarism and war, and committed to the defence of democratic rights, to develop an independent political opposition to the xenophobic campaign being directed against Muslims. No faction of the media or political establishment has any opposition to the drive to militarise society under the banner of “Australian values”, and all are complicit in the cultivation of anti-Muslim communalism.

Homegrown war criminal's 'a serious problem in Australia'
Jump, scream, run and hide the muswims are coming to get you! Everywhere I turn there is another terrorist. I opened the sugar bowl this morning and there was a terrorist cockroach just waiting to get me, after stealing my sugar mind you. So we must be very alert and very alarmed. How else would a war criminal get re-elected after a holocaust and what looks like a third interest rate rise this year? Mostly, Howard's goals can only be attained, amongst other things, if he pushes race hate buttons and whilst you continue to live in fear.

Another Gov't Scapegoat Denied Freedom
However the governments criminal acts and clergy all lie and cannot be believed to the gross dissatisfaction of the general community which have no confidence in the violation of human rights and dignity based on hearsay and rhetoric about thought crimes.

Standardising terrorism in the prison population?
Try giving us hope, access to our communities, a sense of caring by the outside community. And letting us out to make restitution instead of building festering anger.

hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
Now they go on in the article to describe themselves as intelligence officials? But I'm sorry to say that any group of people who ask another group of people to believe what they believe based on no evidence is amongst the most unintelligent and lost group of people the world has ever known.

Australian prisoners' linked to Bin Laden: Ten News
Hatzistergos: "For example, because of a perceived risk that they may engage in, or incite other persons to engage in, terrorist activities."
Terrorist prisoners held in a "box within a box" with no "fresh air or sunlight" at Goulburn HRMU may incite alleged terrorists in Long Bay to blow up Long Bay Prison's Twin Towers?

Mercy for murderers
Every family member of a 'victim' must feel this way. So when you think of the innocent victims in Bali then also think of the innocent victims in Iraq and Afghanistan the very reason for Bali.

hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.

Australia's Terrorism Wake Up Call [164]
The horrific bombings of the Sari Club and Paddy's Bar in Bali, on October 12, 2002, considerably strengthened the hand of the CoW in pursuing the War on Terror. Here was an opportunity to harden the hearts of the Australian and US public against Islamic fundamentalists. It was also a chance for the Indonesian government to justify harsh measures in the war against terrorists and secessionists, such at those in the province of Aceh.

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