Crucial to neo-conservatism is the requirement of a GLOBAL enemy. Universal enemies are required to justify perpetual war/conflict and facilitate military neo-colonial expansionism and the exploitation/plunder of weaker nations. Neo-conservatives faced with an American industrial-military economy geared for a cold-war world were unable to adapt to the challenges of a world without a universal enemy after the abrupt end of the cold war. In order to serve the vested interests of the techno-industrial-military complex and sustain the status quo (war economy) neo-conservatives were obliged to create a universal enemy and arrange an attack in order to obtain the sweeping executive powers that war would provide – the rest as they say is history!
The world is extremely familiar with Cheney’s attempts to create a universal enemy; the Saddam-Bin Laden ‘link’ was one of the more memorable woeful attempts. In his desperation to create a new bogeyman, Cheney exposed the fact that he is a war monger, pathological liar and psychopath, however, these facts seem to have escaped the attention of the mass media!
Predictably, Cheney’s speech was dedicated to the continued demonisation of Islam; few wish to acknowledge the fact that disparate Muslim extremist groups numbering less than the American Mafia have absolutely no hope of ‘dominating the world’! Also, it is widely known that criminals who ply their nefarious trade under the banner of Islam are regarded with contempt by the vast majority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.
Try as they might, Cheney and his fellow conservatives will never convince a world that 1.6 billion people are on the offensive. The REALITY for Cheney and his neo-conservatives is there is no universal bogeyman. The civilian casualty rate is an excellent criterion for assessing terrorist activity and to date the numbers indicate the USA and its allies as the world’s most dangerous terrorist threats. The few thousand killed by disparate criminal groups pales against the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by the USA – this fact also seems to have been overlooked by the mass media
Cheney did mention China and indirectly reminded the audience that war with that nation is inevitable. We cite the following reasons as ample evidence:
America’s failure to harness the masses to the neo-con cause; failure in every respect in Iraq; the increasing dominance of China in the world’s economy and its increasing military strength; loss of confidence in the basic tents of U.S. capitalist philosophy (global warming and pollution) and a host of other reasons not least of which is the incapability of the USA to meet the challenges of a new world cooperatively and peacefully.
We therefore call on all the world’s nuclear powers to form a military alliance to prevent the USA from wreaking further havoc on the world. America is obviously in the hands of madmen who are clearly unable to defer to peaceful solutions or relinquish power. Their tactics and their ‘final solution’ are predictable, as the imminent nuclear attack on Iran will demonstrate!
We also call on our comrades in the Australian services to make ready for an all-out strike on Pine Gap and other critical installations in the event that the USA would attempt to plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust – the presence of Australian nilitary personnel in these installations in therefore imperative.
The madmen must be stopped!