Downer, mirroring his leader’s desperate political flailing, confirmed the cowardly character of the government by revealing that our participation in the Iraq war is the price we pay America for its protection in our region – the South Pacific and South East Asia. If any member of the Australian public doubted the cowardice and incompetence of this government then doubt no more. Unlike tiny island nations and various Asian nations in the region, Australia alone needs to be protected! From what Mr. Downer, the Asian hordes or the dark-skinned Polynesian and Melanesian islanders? Downer’s revealing admission leaves the Australian public in no doubt regarding the fearful racism, parochialism and xenophobia of the conservatives but the most revealing aspect of Downer’s statement is that the Howard conservative government is unable to lead an independent sovereign nation in its own right!
In spite of the massive efforts of corporate media to ignore the death toll in Iraq and the war crimes of the coalition, the Australian public has finally determined the truth behind the lies of the Howard Government.
Australia has outgrown the extremely insulting, compromising and destabilising 19th century colonialist attitudes of the present government. The opposition leader is perfectly correct in his accusation that Howard’s racist and xenophobic attitudes compromise our security in the region.