Necessary campaign funds and media support is withheld from political parties that do not support the new paradigm. Political diversity is drastically reduced and the dissenting voice is virtually eliminated as a result of corporate manipulation at all levels of politics. The result for the majority of people is UNREPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT and contractionism!
It would seem laughable that a population would support a government that creates dire circumstances then argues THAT case (the creation and maintenance of disaster) to perpetuate its tenure – the political line pushed by conservatives to perpetuate the war in Iraq applies exactly the same lunatic logic! In both cases the proposition offered is absurd. Has the public realised the obvious? Perhaps, but they remain paralysed by the pressures of debt and constrained by rapidly diminishing alternatives/options – but that is the nature of the game.
The Federal Treasurer’s statements regarding the critical nature of Australia’s hole-in-the-ground, resource based economy and the ‘expertise’ required to manage the wholesale plunder of the nation, amounts to political rhetoric/double-talk. Failure on the part of the opposition to expose the diatribes of the conservatives would cast serious doubts on their ability to govern. Negating the tired and very thin arguments of the conservatives does not present as challenging after ten lying and criminal years of Howard and his front bench!
The past few decades have seen unprecedented Corporate profits on the local exchange, amounts now calculated in billions of dollars. These profits are primarily derived from the exploitation of the natural wealth of the nation yet the Australian population, numbering only 20 million – with less than half that amount in the workforce – are treated like non-citizens or indentured labour, perhaps that in itself is telling! As Corporate profits skyrocket, benefits for Australian citizens diminish – free high quality education with university places based on merit are a thing of the past. If corporations are unwilling to return some benefits to society (free education and health for example) then citizens would be justified in supporting radical reforms designed to eradicate the new corporate criminal class.
The public has been manipulated and deceived. Australians are now forced to endure artificially induced crippling debt, social disadvantage and other deprivations while foreign companies feast on the life-blood of the nation. Conservative governments ensure that real ownership of the nation remains in the hands of corporate criminals.
Today’s lacklustre opposition parties have been slow to expose the easily detectable manipulative strategies of the conservatives. Regardless of the extremely tired tactics of terrorism, war, economic disaster (FEAR in a word) the immediate reality of inequity and diminished living standards should be addressed. The question to ask of any government is whether conditions for the people and the nation have improved? In this regard the conservatives are abject failures. Conservative governments only serve the interests of the few.
The answer to, and remedy for, fear, alarmism and deception, are COURAGE and AWARENESS.
Share the nation’s abundant wealth equitably, repatriate David Hicks, and jail Howard for war crimes, treason and dereliction of his responsibilities to the people of Australia.
As always, the prerogative remains with the people.