“My view is that the United States’ special relationship with Israel obligates us to be helpful to them in the search for credible partners with whom they can make peace, while also supporting Israel in defending itself against enemies sworn to its destruction,” said the Illinois Democrat. “Israelis want more than anything to live in peace with their neighbors, but Israel also has real—and very dangerous—enemies.”
Obviously, this “special relationship” consists of the United States acting as a nanny and cash cow for the Zionist state. Since 1973 alone, the blinkered taxpayers of America have forked over $1.6 trillion to Israel, estimated to be more than $5,700 per person, according to Thomas Stauffer, a consulting economist in Washington. “Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid. It is already due to get $2.04 billion in military assistance and $720 million in economic aid in fiscal 2003. It has been getting $3 billion a year for years,” the Christian Science Monitor noted in December, 2002.
“Since 1949 the US has given Israel a total of $84,854,827,200,” explains the Palestine Monitor. “The interest costs born by US taxpayers on behalf of Israel are $49,937,000,000—making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $134,791,507,200 (more than $134 billion).”
As for the myth Israel wants “more than anything to live in peace with their neighbors,” Mr. Obama should read the Personal Diary of Moshe Sharett. Please understand Moshe Sharett wasn’t your garden-variety antisemite—in fact, he was a former Prime Minister of Israel (1954-55) and director of the Jewish Agency’s Political Department and Foreign Minister (1948-56). “Sharett’s diary reveals in explicit language that the Israeli political and military leadership never believed in any Arab danger to Israel,” writes Ralph Schoenman. “They sought to maneuver and force the Arab states into military confrontations which the Zionist leadership were certain of winning so Israel could carry out the destabilization of Arab regimes and the planned occupation of additional territory.”
The Sharett diaries document a longstanding program of Israel’s leaders from both Labor and Likud: to “dismember the Arab world, defeat the Arab national movement and create puppet regimes under regional Israeli power.” Sharett cites cabinet meetings, position papers and policy memoranda which prepared wars “to modify the balance of power in the region radically, transforming Israel into the major power in the Middle East.” Sharett reveals that far from Israel “reacting” to Nasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal for its war of October 1956, the Israeli leadership had prepared this war and had it on their agenda from autumn 1953, one year before Nasser came to power. Sharett recounts how the Israeli cabinet had agreed that international conditions for this war would mature within three years. The explicit intent was “the absorption of the Gaza territory and of the Sinai”. A timetable for conquest was decided at the highest military and political level. The occupation of Gaza and the West Bank was prepared in the early 1950s. In 1954, David Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan developed a detailed plan to instigate internal Lebanese conflict in order to fragment Lebanon.
In the preface of Livia Rokach’s “Israel’s Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary and Other Documents” (Livia Rokach is the late daughter of Israel Rokach, Minister of the Interior in the Sharett regime), Naseer H. Aruri writes:
The policy portrayed [in Sharett’s diary], in its most intimate particulars, is one of deliberate Israeli acts of provocation, intended to generate Arab hostility and thus to create pretexts for armed action and territorial expansion. Sharett’s records document this policy of “sacred terrorism” and expose the myths of Israel’s “security needs” and the “Arab threat” that have been treated like self-evident truths from the creation of Israel to the present, when Israeli terrorism against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and against Palestinians and Lebanese in South Lebanon, has reached an intolerable level. It is becoming increasingly evident that the exceptional demographic and geographic alterations in Israeli society within the present generation have been brought about, not as the accidental results of the endeavor to guard “Israel’s security” against an “Arab threat,” but by a drive for lebensraum.
The Israeli “policy” of provocation and ethnic cleansing was further elucidated in 1982 “while advance preparations were being completed for the invasion of Lebanon and the massacre of Palestinians in the camps around Beirut, Sidon and Tyre,” according to Schoenman.
The author of this further explanation was Oded Yinon, formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Yinon’s article, first published in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization, revived “the idea of former Labor Foreign Minister Abba Eban that the Arab East is a ‘mosaic’ of ethnic divergence,” Schoenman continues. “The form of rule, therefore, appropriate to the region is the Millet system of the Ottoman Empire, wherein administrative rule was based upon local functionaries presiding over discrete ethnic communities…. The ‘new’ strategy of the eighties is the old imperial dictum of divide and rule, which depends for its success upon the securing of corrupt satraps to do the bidding of an aspiring imperial order.”
Israel would implement this “new strategy” on several occasions in Lebanon with deadly consequence. “Lebanon was the model, prepared for its role by the Israelis for thirty years, as the Sharett diaries revealed. It is the expansionist compulsion set forth by Herzl and Ben Gurion even as it is the logical extension of the Sharett diaries. The dissolution of Lebanon was proposed in 1919, planned in 1936, launched in 1954 and realized in 1982,” and once again attempted in 2006 with disastrous consequence for both the people of Lebanon and the Israeli military.
Of course, the “expansionist compulsion” of Herzl and Ben Gurion—and in recent times Netanyahu, Sharon, Olmert, and indeed the entire political caste of Israel—is almost completely obfuscated, buried under a meticulously engineered series of myths portraying noble Israelis as victims of venal and hateful Arabs.
In recent years, Israel’s “New Historians,” including Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé, Avi Shlaim, and Tom Segev, have systematically dissected these convenient myths, although predictably their conclusions—most notably the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, Israel’s military superiority over its Arab neighbors, and the indisputable fact it is primarily to blame for the absence of peace in the region—have endured consistent and repeated criticism from historians and corporate media scribes shucking the official mythology.
For Obama and the Democratic leadership, these criticisms are not only anathema, they are indeed almost entirely nonexistent in a political milieu dominated by AIPAC and the “New York money men.”
As Shmuel Rosner writes for Haaretz, the so-called “Israel Factor” panelists—including Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs—need “more time to trust him,” that is to say they are waiting for an unequivocal endorsement of the Israeli state from Obama. “A position paper outlining Obama’s views is in the making, and will be distributed to as many Jewish voters as possible,” writes Rosner.
Obama is not finished, not by a long stretch, Rosner tells us. “This week I was told that while the venue has yet to be selected, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs conference in Washington at the end of February is one possibility. There’s also a chance that he will make his comments on Israel at a Washington rally calling for the release of the abducted Israeli soldiers [i.e., captured on the Lebanese side of the border] or while speaking to a group of Chicago Jews. One thing is quite clear: It will happen in the next two to three weeks.”
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17.02.2007 01:25
February 16, 2007
I was hoping that when Barack Obama threw his hat in the ring for the Democratic nomination he would give Hillary a 'run for the money'. Instead, he is 'kissing up' to the Lobby with statements about Israel.
Instead of proposing recognition of the new Palestinian Unity Government, he is already hinting that they are the enemy of Israel. Instead of offering a new platform for peace he seems to be willing to keep things just as they are.... seeking out enemies and finding ways to protect Israel from them.
All he has to do is look carefully at the present US Administration, the enemy is right there. They are the ones that have prevented a real peace process from ever developing in the Middle East, they are the ones that have supplied Israel with arms to be used against the civilian population of Palestine.
Yes, Israel must be protected against its enemies, starting with the United States.
The following report is from this morning's HaAretz.....
Obama: U.S. must help Israel defend itself By Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent
WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, a Democrat from Illinois who is competing for his party's presidential nomination, told Haaretz on Thursday that the United States should help protect Israel from its "dangerous" enemies.
"My view is that the United States' special relationship with Israel obligates us to be helpful to them in the search for credible partners with whom they can make peace, while also supporting Israel in defending itself against enemies sworn to its destruction," he said.
"Israelis want more than anything to live in peace with their neighbors, but Israel also has real - and very dangerous - enemies," Obama said.
Obama, the first black candidate with a real chance at the Democratic nomination, intends to present his policy regarding Israel soon, and his staff has been drafting a speech on the subject.
In his speech, Obama intends to remove any doubts that the Democratic Party's donors and constituents, many of whom are Jewish, may have about his support for Israel.
This report reminded me of the following story I heard long ago...
The Little Bird, The Cow and The Cat
Little bird was enjoying a flight in the the last rays of warmth for the day before settling down into his cozy nest for the night. As he dove and swooped across the sky, he noticed a flock of birds flying as though the devil himself was at their tail feathers.
"HEY!" he called. "Where are you going?"
"We’re flying south," they called over their wings. "Winter’s coming and we have to be in South America before it hits!"
Little bird was puzzled. This was his first winter and he hadn’t heard of such things. "Why would you do that?" he asked.
"It’s going to get colder yet!" they called. "There’ll be no food! Now hurry or you won’t make it!"
Little bird waved them good-bye and considered what they’d said. He’d felt cold before in the dark of night and it wasn’t really that bad. He always just nestled further into his nest and fluffed his feathers around him and was fine. No food? With all of the other birds gone, there’d be plenty of food for him! Flying long distances was hard work and he’d fare much better staying behind! His mind was made up.
He was right, for a while. Little bird was living high on the land with the other birds down south. There was plenty to eat in the dying fields and the bugs were slow from the cold. He lay back in his nest, fat and happy, laughing at the silly birds who had gone south.
The next morning, he wasn’t laughing. He awoke to freezing rain pelting down on his nest, rudely awakening him from his restless sleep. It was c*o*l*d. He shuddered and pulled his feathers closely around him, but he still could not shake off the chill that permeated his little bones. Shit. He had to get south and get there fast. He took flight, trying without success to fly above the rain clouds. The higher he got, the colder it got. He felt ice forming on his wings and he panicked as he began a downward spiral. He hit the ground hard.
It was Little Bird’s darkest hour. Or so he thought. As he lay there on the frozen ground, the icy rain pelting onto him, he stared up at the gray skies and asked for help, from somewhere, anywhere. Unbeknownst to him, Little Bird had landed smack in the middle of a cow pasture. Old Bossy Cow was feeling quite an urge and she was making her way through the sleet and rain and let go with a pie of epic proportions, which landed, ripe and steaming, right onto Little Bird.
"Fine," he thought. "Just fine. As if injury was not enough, now he had a hot pile of insult all over him. As Little Bird lay, defeated, in the pile of cow shit, he found, to his surprise, that the heat from the cow plop was thawing out his wings. (?!) His tiny bones and muscles soaked up the warmth and soon he was feeling just fine again. It was a miracle…the very one he’d asked the heavens to send. He was so overjoyed, that he began to sing, "Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day!"
In the barn, not far away, Old Tabby Cat was curled up in a pile of hay, dreaming of spring when the birds would return and he would have warm food instead of cold, hard Friskies. Suddenly, his ears perked and his head shot up. "What? Could it be??" Curious, he padded out of the barn and cocked his head. "HA!" Evidently, some bird had NOT flow south. What could it have been thinking? He rushed out into the rain to investigate. He came upon Little Bird, singing for all he was worth from the middle of a pile of cow shit. Old Tabby Cat did not let his puzzlement keep him from swinging into action.
"Pssst," he said, "Little Bird, what are you doing in that pile of cow shit?"
Little Bird laughed. "I was DYING here in the icy rain and that cow over there saved me! It was amazing!"
"Wow. That is absolutely fascinating," OTC purred. But I can’t help but notice that you are covered in cow shit now. Can I lend a hand? Let me pull you out and help you get cleaned up. Then you can really enjoy your new lease on life!"
Little Bird was jubilant. Not only had he been saved from the jaws of death in a most unexpected way, but he’d been helped again by a most unlikely source. He reached out his wing and OTC hoisted him onto his back, grimacing at the still warm cow plop droppings that were sinking into his fur. Little Bird rode the cat back to the barn, where he was taken to the horse stables. The bodies of many of the large animals had made this part of the barn the warmest and Little Bird happily dove into a puddle of water and began washing his wings. After he was perfectly clean, OTC helped him settle down into the warm hay until he was perfectly dry. Little Bird settled into a comfy sleep, whereupon, Old Tabby Cat promptly ate him.
The Moral of the Story:
*Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
*Not everyone who helps you is your friend.
Desert Peace