One of the main propaganda sewers in the UK, the by the London warlords owned Financial Times* again proves its warmongering role and publishes a 'leaked' EU document.* Which as always is a lie, but fits their sick propaganda pattern. As the FT comments - and this is exactly what the London War Lords are aiming at: "The EU document is embarrassing for advocates of negotiations with Iran, since last year it was Mr. Solana and his staff who spearheaded talks with Tehran on behalf of both the EU and the permanent members of the UN Security Council." So here the warlords go again and like everywhere: don't talk, let's kill'm all and God will sort them out?
With an unintelligent London pawn like ex-communist PM Angela Merkel in Germany, now heading the EU for six months, this kind of blatant stupidity is very easy to fabricate. A bloody shame of course for anybody working in Brussels at the EU headquarters, with the by London named - not chosen - EU manager Peter Mandelsohn and his ilk. The FT knows perfectly well that what they write is absolute crap. Even if all the lies as usual are backed by a likewise crappy warmonger: the BBC. Totally deteriorated into a propaganda broadcaster, where the London War Lords placed their own brainwashing 'Goebbels', malignant Michael Grady. - Url.:

Raymond McGovern is a retired CIA officer turned political activist. A Federal employee under seven U.S. presidents over 27 years and he presented the morning intelligence briefings - now called National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) - at the White House for many years. Mc Govern (and I don't agree with all he says) publishes an article* today in which he sharply contradicts the global US junta's propaganda machine. The article has the title: Wake Up! The Next War Is Coming!" and a quote from his alarming article clearly shows who the real warmongers and real war criminals are, that the same lies and propaganda is misused again to lie to the people.
Writing about the idiocy and EU lies now again presented by the FT - and spread of course by the JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency*) and other mentally deranged warmongers - Mc Govern again points out that Iran has no nuclear weapons: "In any case, the 2005 NIE concluded that Iran would not be able to produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon until "early to mid-next decade," with general consensus that 2015 would probably be the earliest. Interestingly, since 1995, U.S. intelligence officials continually estimated Iran to be "within five years" of the capability to make nuclear weapons." [end quote]
Writes McGovern, and: "The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) still has found no conclusive evidence that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. (Does that bring back painful memories of Iraq four years ago?)" - And as ought to be known by now: Iran is also via US satellites checked twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. The US junta and its Pentagon parrots even can see, hear, measure, sniff and track an Iranian wheelbarrow rolling... They know that even if they had one Iran wouldn't dare to attack because Iran would disappear in a nuclear cloud. There are NO nuclear weapons in Iran.*
That never stops the zealots working for the ongoing proxy wars by the US/NATO junta, and today the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of course treats the FT lies from their own managers as 'Breaking News' and refers to the lies in the FT as facts, asking if the Iran A-bomb is inevitable?* It's so stupid it'll make anybody with some intelligence vomit. In the European Union the worst gutter level papers, take the disgusting Bildzeitung in their patsy's Angela Merkel's Germany or the junta's De Telegraaf-style papers and public Radio-TV NOS, one of the worst propaganda sewers in Holland: like the other media morons and criminal collaborators in the EU too, they all spread the same lies. (After the Nuremberg Trials propagandists were hanged for this. By the US)
Quote: "Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY. - The European Union has reportedly concluded that Iran cannot be prevented from attaining a military nuclear capability. "At some stage we must expect that Iran will acquire the capacity to enrich uranium on the scale required for a weapons program," the Financial Times newspaper on Monday quoted an internal E.U. document as saying.
"The Iranians have pursued their program at their own pace, the limiting factor being technical difficulties rather than resolutions by the UN or the International Atomic Energy Agency." The apparent admission by a major international bloc that diplomatic efforts to curb Tehran´s atomic ambitions have failed looked likely to fuel calls for preemptive military action against Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel and the United States had no immediate comment on the report." [END]
It is really easy to see for everyone on earth that the London War Lords - and their killing Quislings of the US/NATO junta's war machine - are the real global evil: threatening all of us.
Taking into account their criminal record and all the ongoing crimes against us, humanity, only one possibility is left: if we don't 'neutralize' those killing psychopaths, they will kill us all.
May I strongly suggest that we resist everywhere and get them first?
Otherwise, they'll get you too.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* ''WAKE UP! THE NEXT WAR IS COMING'' - by Ray McGovern - Url.:

* Financial Times - Iran on course for nuclear bomb, EU told - Url.:

* IAEA says NO evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons plan - Url.:

* War Propaganda- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY. - Url.:


* ''NATO Europe taking over more illegal US warfare'' - Url.:

* AND WHY THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY MAKE AN A-BOMB? - Buying an Mk-54 SAD-suitcase nuke 'off the shelf' only costs a fraction - Url.:

* UN Figures Show: US Controls Iran Permanently - Url.:

* Pew Poll - The radioactive image of the US

* UN report on DU poisoning - Url.:

* A death sentence here and abroad - Url.:

*US FASCISM: ''MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006'' - Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia - Url.:

* US CITIZENS: WATCH AND WEEP! Visit this site to check out what the war has cost your town or city or state. - Url.:


* WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? There is no law nor court anywhere in this world which can stop them. They are the 'untouchables' and are listed here at the 'BIS' - Url.:



* R.I.P. Habeas Corpus & Powerless judges - Are we entering America's darkest hour? - Url.:

* US "Death Squad Protection Act" - Url.:


* The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands
