Horst Teltschik, organizer of the NATO-security conference in an interview given to BR 2

german in original:
"Es ist die Tragik jeder Demokratie, dass bei uns jeder seine Meinung öffentlich vertreten darf und dass man politisch Verantwortliche in einer Demokratie schützen muss. In Diktaturen würde so etwas nicht passieren."
Thousands protested against militarism and capitalism in Munic.
Although the protests were peacefully, police captured and hurt many people.
On of them was thrown by cops from the top of a sculpture (near Telecom-building) and lost his conscience. I saw an old man near Gärtnerplatz beaten up by 3 police men for minutes.
Undercover police agant, agents provocateurs, were all over in the black bloc and in between the "normal" protesters.
Bevore the demonstration, busses were hindered to enter Munic and some people were arrested out of busses by the entering police.

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