For those who imagined that Australian government cowardice and the appalling habit of abandoning citizens is peculiar to John Howard and his lackey government think and research again. Gareth Evans, former Labor government minister, is a wealth of information regarding sordid deals involving the oil rich Timor Straits – disregarding the crimes of the politically well-connected, Yunus Yosfiah, was implicit to the arrangements made at that time.
Australia is the laughing stock of the region, for obvious (cowardly) reasons. It is time Australia abandoned its cringe mentality instead of its citizens! Until we assert our sovereign right and cease kow-towing to other nations (America/Indonesia) we will continue to be regarded as a piece of convenient real estate or a soft target by various groups that wish to gain notoriety. The enemy is FEAR not neighbouring nations or ‘terrorist’ bogey men.
We would issue the following warning to the powers:
You are dealing with a well-coordinated and highly skilled group of civilians and ex-military personnel. We are aware that Australia is perfectly able to defend itself in the region – need we remind you that skill and technology, not population numbers are the critical factors. Failure to repatriate Hicks and bring the Indonesian murderer to justice may result in those responsible accepting full responsibility for their inaction!
We are also aware of other sordid activities of previous governments; Paul Keating’s little enterprise of a money laundering Casino on Christmas Island is a perfect example. The Casino gained notoriety for its high rolling, socially prominent, Indonesian clientele bearing suitcases of cash from Indonesia – how many hundreds of millions Paul? If Geoff Clark can ‘go down’ thirty-five years after an ‘event’ then no one is safe from the ‘Law’, are they, Richo?
It is clear the two major Australian political parties are unable to lead Australia into the future as an Independent Republic. We operate on a new paradigm and morality, one that has no regard for present and past corrupt, cowardly, lackey governments, ministers, bureaucrats and corporate directors (of the Macquarie Group genus in particular).
Gentlemen, your brazen actions would indicate that you may be labouring under the misapprehension that you are invulnerable or immortal. Let me assure you how accessible and perfectly vulnerable you all are! A nation is not a convenient piece of real estate; it is the land and its people, some of whom have had enough of exploiters and the cowardly, lackey cringe!
With special reference to the ‘aluminium tubing’ Prime Minister and his front bench – did you really think you would get away with it? Please inform your boss, Dick Cheney, that Australia is a wonderful place for a heart attack holiday.
[You have been advised, you miserable, murdering, cowardly, scum!]