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AIPAC “Money People” and the Iran Attack

Kurt Nimmo | 04.02.2007 02:47 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | World

It is precisely “pro-Israel,” “New York money people,” “influential in the Democratic Party” who are calling the shots, demanding Democrats “toe the line.”

“Calling Iran a danger to the U.S. and one of Israel’s greatest threats, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that ‘no option can be taken off the table’ when dealing with that nation,”

Iran does not have a single nuclear bomb. Iran is experiencing apparently insurmountable problems enriching uranium. Ahmadinejad did not call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Instead, he quoted Khomeini who declared the “regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” The words “Israel” and “map” were inserted by the New York Times, based on a deliberate mistranslation by MEMRI, an organization run by a former Israeli intelligence officer.

Iran is not helping the Sunni resistance in Iraq, a claim almost as absurd as Saddam and Osama cooking up the attacks of September 11, 2001. Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted at a Pentagon news conference that he had no evidence of the Iranian government sending military equipment or personnel into Iraq—and yet, in the corporate media, this illogical fallacy and the fiction Iran is well on its way to manufacturing a nuke are accepted as demonstrable fact.

In response to the charge of Holocaust denial, Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki “repudiated that his state would want the Jewish state Israel ‘wiped off the map” and declared “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been misunderstood. ‘Nobody can erase a country from the map.’ Ahmadinejad was not thinking of the state of Israel but of their regime…. We do not accredit this regime to be legitimate.’”

“Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime,” writes Arash Norouzi, co-founder of the Mossadegh Project. “This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase ‘rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods’ (regime occupying Jerusalem). The mistranslated ‘wiped off the map’ quote attributed to Iran’s President has been spread worldwide, repeated thousands of times in international media, and prompted the denouncements of numerous world leaders. Virtually every major and minor media outlet has published or broadcast this false statement to the masses. Big news agencies such as The Associated Press and Reuters refer to the misquote, literally, on an almost daily basis.”

In response to the other commonly repeated myth—Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier—Manuchehr Mottaki “accepted that the Holocaust really took place in a way that six million Jews were murdered during the era of National Socialism.” Ahmadinejad, according to Anneliese Fikentscher and Andreas Neumann, “speaks of the exploitation of the Holocaust,” its rendering from historical fact to exploitable myth and propaganda stratagem (for an American perspective on this, see Norman Finkelstein). “By the use of misrepresentation and adulteration it apparently succeeded to constitute the statements of the Iranian President to be part and parcel of the currently fought propaganda battle,” write Fikentscher and Neumann.

However, in the context of the impending Iran attack, correcting the deliberate and thus tactical misrepresentations attributed to Ahmadinejad would be nothing less than an exercise in futility, as the political establishment and the corporate media continue to “broadcast this false statement to the masses,” as Norouzi explains, “on an almost daily basis.”

For instance, consider Hillary Clinton’s recent speech, delivered to the AIPAC gathered.

“Calling Iran a danger to the U.S. and one of Israel’s greatest threats, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that ‘no option can be taken off the table’ when dealing with that nation,” reports the Washington Post. “U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. In dealing with this threat … no option can be taken off the table,” including the “option” of slaughtering Iranian innocents. In addition to repeating the nuclear bomb canard, Clinton exploited the baseless accusation of Holocaust denial. “To deny the Holocaust places Iran’s leadership in company with the most despicable bigots and historical revisionists,” the latter prosecuted and imprisoned in Europe for the crime of historical research, now considered “despicable” bigotry if it questions the Holocaust orthodoxy.

One cannot help but ask if Clinton is running for political office in the United States or Israel. But then, as Wesley Clark made the mistake of stating during an interview with Arianna Huffington in response to a United Press International column by Arnaud de Borchgrave, “New York money people” are providing “office seekers” with an infusion of cash. “The phrase ‘New York money people’ struck unpleasant chords with many pro-Israel activists. They interpreted it as referring to the Jewish community, which is known for its significant financial donations to political candidates,” writes Nathan Guttman.

In regard to the influence of “New York money people” and the orchestrated stampede to invade Iran, undeniably led by Likud Zionists in Israel—and no shortage of Kadima and Labor Israelis—Matthew Yglesias, a Jew, writes: “Everything Clark said … is true. What’s more, everybody knows it’s true…. Clark did not stigmatize American Jews. Indeed, he went out of his way to note that the American Jewish community is divided on the issue [of attacking Iran]…. If you’re offering commentary that’s supportive of America’s soi-disant [claimed without justification] ‘pro-Israel’ forces … it’s considered perfectly acceptable to note, albeit elliptically, that said forces are influential in the Democratic Party in part because they contribute large sums of money to Democratic politicians who are willing to toe the line. If, by contrast, one observes this fact by way of criticizing the influence of ‘pro-Israel’ forces, you’re denounced as an anti-Semite.”

It is precisely “pro-Israel,” “New York money people,” “influential in the Democratic Party” who are calling the shots, demanding Democrats “toe the line.” David Shipler, writing for the New Yorks Times in 1987, noted, AIPAC “has gained power to influence a presidential candidate’s choice of staff, to block practically any arms sale to an Arab country, and to serve as a catalyst for intimate military relations between the Pentagon and the Israeli army. Its leading officials are consulted by State Department and White House policy makers, by senators and generals.”

Since 1987, AIPAC—formerly the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs—has increased its influence to such a degree that it runs the foreign policy of the United States, particularly in relation to issues concerning the Middle East. As the parade of above mentioned Democrat and Republican presidential hopefuls before the “money people” of AIPAC demonstrates, the lobby not only “has gained power to influence a presidential candidate’s choice of staff,” but indeed has the influence to decide presidential elections with the persuasive rattle of its “ATM for American politicians.”

It appears, however, the AIPAC “money people” are less than satisfied with Hillary. “Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton drew grumbles at a pro-Israel dinner in Times Square … when she encouraged ‘engaging’ with Iran before taking stronger action [i.e., bombing the country to smithereens] to keep it nuke-free,” reports the New York Sun. “Clinton’s remarks at the Marriott Marquis were met with little applause, and after she left the stage, several people said they were put off by the presidential candidate” because “the pro-Israel crowd wanted to hear tougher rhetoric.” In other words, they want assurances Iran will be attacked and grandmothers and toddlers slaughtered in large numbers.

Obviously, for AIPAC, demonstrably the most influential lobbying cabal in Washington, only dyed-in-the-wool neocons need apply for the presidential selection process.

Kurt Nimmo
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Hide the following 11 comments

They got no choice

04.02.2007 05:32

The US invested their money and they want it back. To get it back they have to get the job done. Bummer!


2% in charge

04.02.2007 13:10

Led by the nose into a war for israel.

How can this have happened?

Did you know, a personal friend of both the clintons and bibi - one marc rich, resident presently of israel - who was pardoned in the very last act of the [first] clinton era from his culperbility in fraud, currency speculation and various forms of curruption (both of money and young people) was their main money man - a sort of american lord levy?

Did you know that ALL the central and importent positions within the democratic party[sic] are occupied by leading zionists - is this the ZOG they [don't] speak of?

All the major news outlets in america are vermently pro-zionist and have a highly distorted religious affiliation (in relation to the 2% of the population that can in any way be called jewish)?

Finally, did you know that you can safely ignore these and other words like them, because you can invoke the anti-semitic get out clause (just break glass and scream 'he's an anti-semite')?

There IS NO SUCH THING as an anti-goy - not allowed, no sir.

Now hide this.

majestic 12

How this can happen

04.02.2007 14:49

The US is NOT a "parliamentary democracy" with strong party discipline. Instead of the system being designed to put together a ruling coalition which makes ALL the political decisions it functions as a system which negotiates in such a way that minority interests can get SOME of what they want in exchange for supporting or at least not opposing what other interests want.

In other words, a compact interest group of 2% is HUGE if
a) It wants very little except one or two things. Nothing else with which to be "bought off"
b) It is willing to trade or cooperate in exchange with almost any other interest
c) It has good political memory (punishes opponents when the chance arises)
d) Is not DIRECTLY opposed by a countervailing interest just as single minded in opposition.

That is why the American Zionists "own" the issue. And BTW, the US is a "federal" system with strong states and the Jews are NOT uniformly distributed (are about 10% in the states where there is a significant presence and almost absent elsewhere). But even in the states where the Jews are few in number it STILL doesn't gain you any votes to go against what they consider their interest in Israel. In other words, there is almost nobody who will vote FOR you because you take an anti-Israel stand irregardless of your position on all the other issues and whatever Jews there are WILL vote against you on that basis alone. Also BTW, in terms of VOTING the 2% figure is deceptive. Americans in general tend not to bother voting (only about 50% overall) but the Jews vote about 80%. So their EFFECTIVE voting influence is 3-4%. Keep in mind that winning by more than 5% is a "landslide" by American standards and you'll understand better.

Get it? There is no undue influence here, no mystery to solve. In order to "own" THIS issue the American Jews are in effect giving up their say on other matters. ANY interest group in the US is free to do that if they can.

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

Ah, Goebbels, were that you were alive today

05.02.2007 00:38

to see your good work so ably being carried on in your regrettable absence.


ah, a classic

05.02.2007 11:00

from super nincompoop sceptic:

falstall debate on the facts by envoking the spectre of the nazies

the man you mention twit, had more than a few meetings with leading zionists at the time

I believe the spoke of tatics to force emigration to the land of Palestine and of how they could neutralize moderate jewish voices opposed to such

those who learn nothing from history ...

la gaza ladra

Goebbels 1933

05.02.2007 11:35

"Is it surprising that the German Revolution also broke this unbearable yoke? When one further considers the alienation of German intellectual life by International Jewry, its corruption of German justice that finally led to the fact that only one out of every five judges was German, the takeover of the medical profession, their predominance among university professors, in short, the fact that nearly all intellectual professions were dominated by the Jews, one has to grant that no people with any self esteem could tolerate that for long. It was only an act of national renewal when the National Socialist revolution took action in this area."

Substitute American for German, and even you might be able to see the connection.


yes, also consider

05.02.2007 12:06

that the germany of the 30's had been reduced to a pale version of the germany of bismark, following a path of warfare (financed by wall street) and subsequent retribution from the international banking community (the versailles peace[sic] conference)

that this banking community consisted of the same shadowy figures that met at jeykel island to form the federal reserve and were almost universally drawn from the old european banking families (rothschilds, kuhn loeb, shiff, warburg) and staffed by jewish zionists EXCLUSIVLY

that america today is in hoc up to its throat to the very same international banking community and is following a pathway of war

again ... those that refuse to learn the lessons from history REPEAT them

magik flute

those that refuse to learn the lessons from history REPEAT them

05.02.2007 12:42

My point exactly.

So, what does history tell us? That according to you, German in 1933 and the US today suffer from the same problem: 'jewish zionists'. What's the solution then? The Final Solution?


now you are being dense

05.02.2007 13:30


the point is that, germany of the thirties and america in the zeros are very similar entities - fascistic in outlook, warlike in action and dim in ability to comprehend the consequences of their actions

that we cannot discuss the pernicious influence of various strains of jewish thinking in both is disturbing

were we to attempt to discuss the stupidity of various christian influence in government - say the position of 'pro lifers' or that of the vermance towards homosexuals - many more voices would raise themselves in agreement and sympathy

were we to attempt to raise the issues of theorocratic backwardness within the ranks of islamic nations - the same sympathetic ears would turn in our direction

make the mistake of criticising the STATED & WRITTEN goals of zionism (based on earlier talmuldic teachings of jewish supremacism and dominance) then one finds out who one cannot safely question without wrath decending and scared faces turning away from you

no doubt much of the eventual misfortune of germany under the nazies, was as a direct result of their own selfish, stupid and arrogant beliefs

it is also true to say that these failings were exploited by those with zionist plans and outlooks from within the centres of financial power ... true, but unacceptable to those who will bare no criticism and who are supported in such by legions of hysterical ignoramii

the favourite modus oparandi of this diversion is to attempt to link, lump and liken all such investigation into the narrow remit of certain nazi/neo nazi thinking

I don't think that you are that dumb (on the evidence of your numerous appearences in this place) that you believe all opposition to pernicious jewish supremacist outlooks are motivated by a desire to rejuvinate a forth reich, that you would persistantly indicate the exact same nonsense is testimant to the fact that you have an axe to grind and a master to defend and to hell with truth

well, to hell with you fool!

either we deconstruct the nexus of power drawing our world into conflict and generations of enslavement to money, debt and centralisation of power (what is liberally known as 'capitalism' but is actuall more like feudalism)

or we don't

nobody is born jewish or christian or evil

that some see themselves as such is A PROBLEM

I was always tought that one must not indulge the insane, the disturbed or the foolish in their notions in order to help them and to ensure justice around them ... allowing the pernicious influence of various strains of jewish supremacist outlook to go unchallanged helps nobody, least of all those suffering under its nonsense

no gods no masters

heathen, blasphema & heritic


05.02.2007 14:10

Socialism is the answer ( although not national socialism ), so that foreign policy is no longer dictated by the capitalist system perpetual need to expand into new markets, where the economy is no longer propped up by mindless, environmentally destructive consumption. Where special groups can no longer concentrate power in their hands through accumulation of wealth, which is what zionists have done, but obviously not just zionists are guilty of this.

The whole capitalist system creates a sense of selfishness and competition. Where ethnic minorities are concerned, it creates a sense of having to look after the 'groups' interests, rather than just the individual, and so you get members within that community working very hard to get money, and then help each other with jobs and money, until you get some very powerful communites that help each other within the capitalist framework of competition and greed. A social mentality is much stronger than an individualistic mentality, and for that reason groups like the Jews becoming very wealthy and influential, ( and in their case who were also motivated by their desire to get into a powerful position in order to escape historical persecution ).

And so, this wouldn't be bad, except that within capitalism, the gain of this group means the loss of the other. One group has money, can act as bankers, and hold the others in their power through debt. The group that has money can employ and dismiss people at a whim, and if they are seen to favor people from their own ethnic group or their own political position for the better jobs, well, this causes resentment and frustration amongst those that are excluded, even though the excluded ones are in fact ethnically the majority.

Nazi Germany appeared out of the excesses of capitalism. It was a product of the First World War, which was a war between capitalist powers fighting for control over empires and markets. At the end, Germany was forced to pay reparations. Because of this nature of capitalism, all the wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few people, and a lot of them were Jewish.

This is not the fault of the Jews. They were simply trying to look after themselves within a naturally competitive and brutal system. It is the fault of capitalism. In fact, to some extent, the racist arguments of the BNP are based upon this principle, of ethnic minorities coming and 'taking our jobs', although they also mix it with other arguments like 'Islam is evil', and stuff like that. But generally, the main reason for this racism is that capitalism forces people into competition with each other, and those that form ethnic or social groups within that system can come out on top by helping each other, and so capitalism ends up forcing ethnic groups against each other.

So sceptic asked for a solution, and I give one. Socialism. But not dictatorship. A socialism for the 21st century, built upon democratic foundations.


oh goy

08.02.2007 14:59

still sniggering at the back here

try ?c=all

hide that





and you is fightin the power innit

oh boy


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