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Notting Hill Housing Trust

scot | 02.02.2007 19:06 | London | World

Notting Hill Housing Trust is indirectly controlled by Tony Blair

Labour Party members control the Board of Directors

It is an unaccountable entity that abuses any of its tenants that make legitimate complaints in writing

Just as Mr Blair indirecty controls Notting Hill Housing Trust he lies to inflict the unbelievable effects of his evil mind...

the permanent effects of Depleted Uranium...

Mr Blair now deploys Depleted Uranium and it is argued by some that it will be used as a tool to reduce world population which is rising unsustainably at too great a level for all to access the earth's natural resources...

It is a basic fact that the earth's population is rising far too fast...

It is another basic fact that the earth's population is far to high...

It is another basic fact that the earth's population cannot be subject to democratic debate...

So what is the solution...

Is it war...?

Is it population control.... this did not work in China?

This subject is highly sensitive and it appears that it cannot be debated democratically.

Stealth appears to be the key. Wars are being used more and more as a means for the most powerful to access more and more of the earth's scarce natural resources.

It appears that this truth of stabilising world population cannot be given to a democratic population...

but what is the solution to halt the inexorable rise of the world population...

Just as noted by the WMD Blair fiasco which was the reason for a war to seize the second largest oil reserves in the world and primarily the fact an Oil Bourse to trade oil in Euros instead of US dollars was the trgger-point for war in Iraq.

Since then Blair's secret has been discovered by the public. The war needed a lie.
Blair's lie - or one of them - was the dodgy dossier - the flimsy file put together by those dodgy reprobates by the likes of John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan (both avid Labour Party supporters, where Jonathan B is a director of Notting Hill Housing Trust, based at Hammersmith Grove) who were located at the secret lie factory based at the secret spy factory right next to Vauxhall Bridge.

MI6 is in the sole business to concoct lie upon lie for the Labour Party Prime Minister...

MI6 is meant to be not linked to politics, yet politics controls it...

It is controlled by those from Oxford and Cambridge or is it 'Ambridge' without the 'C', just like the politically entrenched BBC... also controlled by the Labour Party...

Depleted Uranium or DU can now be used as a battlefield weapon as it has been used 'successfully' in Iraq as an effective means to wrest control of a greater share of the world's oil and natural resources. This leaves a genetic legacy for any woman trying to bear children - the effects to the progeny are utterly horrific with genetic mutation assured - often the offspring are born with one eye or horrendous abnormalities such as the entrails outside the body or servere oncological (caner) or renal (kidney) defects.

IRAN has 'challenged' the West as IRAQ did - the real reason for the invasion of IRAQ - due to their proposed oil bourse where black gold was proposed to be traded in Euros, not in Dollars.

This was far too much for President Bush and the oil oligarchies.

Now IRAN proposes exactly the same!

Though the Congress of the United States of America is now predominantly Democrat - Bush '43' remains constitutionally the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and he has two more years in power - until 2009!!!

Much can be done in that time.

Just as IRAQ was the victim of an attack at Osirak Nuclear power station in northern Iraq in 1981, the same can be carried out in the very near future. Is that not the reason why a second carrier force has recently been deployed in the Persian Gulf?

This is a complete re-run of the deployment on IRAQ.

Then IRAQ now IRAN...

but now there is greater potential for destabilising the whole of the Middle East with the prospect of sending the financial markets into a tailspin...

Wars are always good for coward bullying politicians who have never ever seen any fighting involving real people... and bloodship ... and severed limbs... and family bereavement... destitution, poverty and economic collapse...

If you consider the dangers of man made pandemics, such as AIDS and the successor to the 2005 SARS, the Bird Flu, the scourge of Depleted Uranium or even just of the normal application of pharmaceutical medicine, which has become one of the major causes of death, it does not take a vivid imagination to see destruction awaiting a significant part of the planet's population...

... unless, of course, we should manage to wake up in time and take back control from those who would lead us to the brink of extinction to forward their policy objective of a marked reduction in population numbers.

Think about it.

Population Reduction...

NEWS BRIEF: "UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program: Five admirals, Carlyle Group and RAND (CIA controlled Research ANd Development government agency) takeover", SF Bay View, Part 6, by Leuren Moret, 11/10/2004

"Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies ... During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce. Depopulation, also known as eugenics ... was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter’s administration by the National Security Council’s (NSC) Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy..."

While it is true that depopulation was proposed for Third World countries under the Carter's administration, the original concept was proposed several years earlier, by Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under President Gerald Ford. Let us return to this article, above:

"National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled “Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests,” says:

“Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.’ He quoted reasons of national security, and because '(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.' ..."

"Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger ... the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the 'population crisis' is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than 'nuclear annihilation'. In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation 'GLOBAL 2000' document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared.

"It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski – all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the 'Bilderberg Group', is in favor of depopulation ... "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels"

"Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons LEVEL 3 and LEVEL 4 labs at many places around the U.S. – even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons LEVEL 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons LEVEL 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S."

Incredibly, this article reveals that an aggressive attack on the populations of Third World Countries originated through Henry Kissinger in April, 1974 (still Secretary of State under President Ford), through President Jimmy Carter, and ending at Defense Secretary (Donald) Rumsfeld of the Bush Administration. Thus, you can say that depopulation of Third World Countries has been a major part of American foreign policy for the past 30 years and is continuing today; further, you can say that this policy is completely bi-partisan, as it was supported strongly by both Democrats and Republicans through numerous administrations.

We have long stated that the 'Illuminati' plans a 66% decrease in the population of the world. New Age author, Bill Cooper, writes about the severe depopulation plans in his book, "Behold A Pale Horse", and every former Satanist with whom the author worked since 1991 has stated that the 'Illuminati' plans this degree of death. Once we discovered the Pentagon's New Map which is currently guiding our invasions of IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, The Solomon Islands, and Indonesia's Aceh Province, we realized that Kissinger's depopulation plan probably is aimed at all "Non-Integrating" countries of the world, and is continuing today.

This SF Bay View article finishes by speaking of one of the greatest depopulation weapons ever deployed -- Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions.

"Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam ... The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with Depleted Uranium (DU), which ... will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions ... ." (

As you read of our fierce battles in IRAQ, remember that a very large percentage of the munitions we are exploding is Depleted Uranium (DU). Thus, we are daily spreading more D.U. in IRAQ, adding to the nearly three thousand (3,000) tons we have already expended.

This SF Bay View article does not mention another major weapon being used to achieve depopulation -- the 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' (AIDS) Virus.

Let us quickly review this depopulation subject by turning to New Age author, Bill Cooper, in his monumentally important book, "Behold A Pale Horse":

"To reduce population quickly ... you have to pull all males into the fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age females." [Page 171]

This revelation that the 'Illuminati' is carrying out a deliberate campaign to reduce populations in Third World Countries brings to mind a terrifying British report last week (which was a massive under-estimate), stating that over 100,000 IRAQI civilians have been killed so far, before we attacked Fallujah. Listen:

NEWS BRIEF: "Where is the world's shame and rage?: Civilian casualties in Iraq", By Scott Ritter, senior UN weapons inspector in Iraq between 1991 and 1998, reported in Dawn International, 02 November 2004,

"The full scale of the human cost already paid for the war on IRAQ is only now becoming clear. Last week's estimate by (British Lancet Medical Journal) investigators, using credible methodology, that more than 100,000 IRAQI civilians -most of them women and children - have died since the US-led invasion, is a profound moral indictment of our countries ... Civilian deaths have always been a tragic reality of modern war. But the conflict in IRAQ was supposed to be different -US and British forces were supposedly dispatched to 'liberate' the IRAQI people ...
War always needs a cover story - the excuse - the LIE...

Reading accounts of the US-led invasion, one is struck by the constant, almost casual, reference to civilian deaths ... The fact that most bombing missions in IRAQ today are pre-planned, with targets allegedly carefully vetted, further indicts those who wage this war in the name of freedom. If these targets are so precise, then those selecting them cannot escape the fact that they are deliberately targeting innocent civilians at the same time as they seek to destroy their intended foe ...

'We' (the West) invaded IRAQ to 'free' IRAQIs from a puppet-dictator (deliberately placed there by the West to whom we sold our weapons - so we were very aware of the weapons he held in store in IRAQ) who, by some credible accounts, oversaw the killing of about 300,000 of his fellow subjects - although no one has been able to verify more than a small fraction of the figure. If it is correct, it took Saddam Hussen decades to reach such a horrific statistic. The US and UK have, it seems, reached a third of that total in just 18 months." [It goes without saying that it is far far easier to control a far far smaller population...]

The bottom line of this revelation is that the 'Illuminati' is using many weapons right now to decrease the population, from AIDS to Depleted Uranium (DU), to biotech weapons, to massive conventional warfare against civilian populations


IRAQI CANCERS, BIRTH DEFECTS blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium


SOUTHERN DEMILITARIZED ZONE, Iraq -- On the "Highway of Death," 11 miles north of the Kuwait border, a collection of tanks, armored personnel carriers and other military vehicles are rusting in the desert.

They also are radiating nuclear energy.

Paul Kitagaki Jr. / P-I
Six-year-old Fatma Rakwan, being held by her mother at the Basra Hospital for Maternity and Children, was recently diagnosed with leukemia.
In 1991, the United States and its Persian Gulf War allies blasted the vehicles with armor-piercing shells made of Depleted Uranium -- the first time such weapons had been used in warfare -- as the IRAQIs retreated from Kuwait (former IRAQ). The devastating results gave the highway its name.

Today, nearly 16 years after the use of the super-tough weapons was credited with bringing the war to a swift conclusion, the battlefield remains a radioactive toxic wasteland -- and Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions remain a mystery.

Although the Pentagon has sent mixed signals about the effects of Depleted Uranium (DU), IRAQI doctors believe that it is responsible for a significant increase in CANCER and birth defects in the region. Many researchers outside IRAQ, and several U.S. veterans organizations, agree; they also suspect Depleted Uranium of playing a role in Gulf War Syndrome, the still-unexplained malady that has plagued hundreds of thousands (100,000's) of Gulf War veterans.

Depleted Uranium (DU) is a problem in other former war zones as well. Yesterday, U.N. experts said they found radioactive hot spots in Bosnia resulting from the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) during NATO air strikes in 1995.

With the war in IRAQ, scientists and others are concerned that the side effects of Depleted Uranium munitions -- still a major part of the U.S. arsenal -- will cause serious illnesses or deaths in a new generation of U.S. soldiers as well as IRAQIs.


Depleted Uranium, known as DU, is a highly dense metal that is the byproduct of the process during which fissionable Uranium used to manufacture nuclear bombs and reactor fuel is separated from natural uranium. DU remains radioactive for about 4.5 billion (4,500,000,000) years.

Uranium, a weakly radioactive element, occurs naturally in soil and water everywhere on Earth, but mainly in trace quantities. Humans ingest it daily in minute quantities.

Paul Kitagaki Jr. / P-I
Dr. Khajak Vartaanian, a radiation expert, holds a Geiger counter next to a hole in an IRAQI tank destroyed by Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The shell holes show 1,000 times the normal background radiation level.

DU shell holes in the vehicles along the Highway of Death are 1,000 times more radioactive than background radiation, according to Geiger counter readings done for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer by Dr. Khajak Vartaanian, a nuclear medicine expert from the Iraq Department of Radiation Protection in Basra, and Col. Amal Kassim of the IRAQI navy.

The desert around the vehicles was 100 times more radioactive than background radiation; Basra, a city of 1 million (1,000,000) people, some 125 miles away, registered only slightly above background radiation level.

But the radioactivity is only one concern about DU munitions.

A second, potentially more serious hazard is created when a DU round hits its target. As much as 70 percent of the projectile can burn up on impact, creating a firestorm of ceramic DU oxide particles. The residue of this firestorm is an extremely fine ceramic Uranium dust that can be spread by the wind, inhaled and absorbed into the human body and absorbed by plants and animals, becoming part of the food chain.

Once lodged in the soil, the munitions can pollute the environment and create up to a hundredfold increase in Uranium levels in ground water, according to the U.N. Environmental Program.

Studies show it can remain in human organs for years.

The U.S. Army acknowledges the hazards in a training manual, in which it requires that anyone who comes within 25 meters of any DU-contaminated equipment or terrain wear respiratory and skin protection, and states that "contamination will make food and water unsafe for consumption."

Just six months before the Gulf War, the Army released a report on DU predicting that large amounts of DU dust could be inhaled by soldiers and civilians during and after combat.

Infantry were identified as potentially receiving the highest exposures, and the expected health outcomes included CANCERS and KIDNEY problems.

The report also warned that public knowledge of the health and environmental effects of Depleted Uranium could lead to efforts to ban DU munitions.

But today the Pentagon plays down the effects. Officials refer queries on DU munitions to the latest government report on the subject, last updated on Dec. 13, 2000, which said DU is "40 percent less radioactive than natural Uranium."

The report also said, "Gulf War exposures to Depleted Uranium (DU) have not to date produced any observable adverse health effects attributable to DU's chemical toxicity or low-level radiation. . . ."

In response to written queries, the Defense Department said, "The U.S. Military Services use DU munitions because of DU's superior lethality against armor and other hard targets."

It said DU munitions are "war reserve munitions; that is, used for combat and not fired for training purposes," with the exception that DU munitions may be fired at sea for weapon calibration purposes. [Sea pollution and pollution of fish stocks... polluting of our food...]

In addition to IRAQ and BOSNIA, DU munitions were used in KOSOVO and SERBIA in 1999.

Paul Kitagaki Jr. / P-I
In 1999, a United Nations subcommission considered DU hazardous enough to call for an initiative banning its use worldwide. The initiative has remained in committee, BLOCKED primarily by the United States, according to Karen Parker, a lawyer with the International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project, which has consultative status at the United Nations.

Parker, who first raised the DU issue in the United Nations in 1996, contends that DU "violates the existing law and customs of war."

She said there are four rules derived from all of humanitarian law regarding weapons:

1) Weapons may only be used in the legal field of battle, defined as legal military targets of the enemy in war. Weapons may not have an adverse effect off the legal field of battle.

2) Weapons can only be used for the duration of an armed conflict. A weapon that is used or continues to act after the war is over violates this criterion.

3) Weapons may not be unduly inhumane.

4) Weapons may not have an unduly negative effect on the natural environment.

"Depleted Uranium fails all four of these rules," Parker said last week.

On Oct. 17, 2001, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., introduced a bill calling for "the suspension of the use, sale, development, production, testing, and export of Depleted Uranium munitions pending the outcome of certain studies of the health effects of such munitions. . . ."

More than a year later, the bill -- co-sponsored by Reps. Anibal Acevedo-Vila, Puerto Rico; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; Barbara Lee, D-Ca.; and Jim McDermott, D-Wash. -- remains in committee awaiting comment from the Defense Department.


Gulf War veterans faced a wide array of potentially toxic materials during the war: smoke from oil and chemical fires, insecticides, pesticides, vaccinations and DU.

Of the 696,778 troops who served during the recognized conflict phase (1990-1991) of the Gulf War, at least 20,6861 have applied for VA medical benefits. As of May 2002, 159,238 veterans have been awarded service-connected disability by the Department of Veterans Affairs for health effects collectively known as the Gulf War Syndrome.

Paul Kitagaki Jr. / P-I
There have been many studies on Gulf War Syndrome over the years, as well as on possible long-term health hazards of DU munitions. Some researchers said the previous studies on DU, conducted by groups and agencies ranging from the World Health Organization to the RAND Corp. to the investigative arm of Congress, weren't looking in the right place -- at the effects of inhaled DU.

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, director of the private, non-profit Uranium Medical Research Centre in Canada and the United States, and center research associates Patricia Horan and Leonard Dietz, published a unique study in the August issue of Military Medicine medical journal.

The study is believed to be the first to look at inhaled DU among Gulf War veterans, using the ultrasensitive technique of thermal ionization mass spectrometry, which enabled them to easily distinguish between natural uranium and DU.

The study, which examined British, Canadian and U.S. veterans, all suffering typical Gulf War Syndrome ailments, found that, nine years after the war, 14 of 27 veterans (nearly half) studied had DU in their urine. DU also was found in the lung and bone of a deceased Gulf War veteran.

That no governmental study has been done on inhaled DU "amounts to a massive malpractice," Dietz said in an interview last week.


Dr. Doug Rokke was an Army health physicist assigned in 1991 to the command staff of the 12th Preventive Medicine Command and 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. Rokke was recalled to active duty 20 years after serving in Vietnam, from his research job with the University of Illinois Physics Department, and sent to the Gulf to take charge of the DU cleanup operation.

Today, in poor health, he has become an outspoken opponent of the use of DU munitions.

"DU is the stuff of NIGHTMARES," said Rokke, who said he has reactive airway disease, neurological damage, cataracts and kidney problems, and receives a 40 percent disability payment from the government. He blames his health problems on exposure to DU.

Rokke and his primary team of about 100 performed their cleanup task without any specialized training or protective gear. Today, Rokke said, at least 30 members of the team are dead, and most of the others -- including Rokke -- have serious health problems.

Rokke said: "Verified adverse health effects from personal experience, physicians and from personal reports from individuals with known DU exposures include reactive airway disease, neurological abnormalities, kidney stones and chronic KIDNEY pain, rashes, vision degradation and night vision losses, lymphoma, various forms of skin and organ CANCER, neuropsychological disorders, Uranium in semen, sexual DYSFUNCTION and birth defects in offspring.

"This whole thing is a crime against God and humanity."

Speaking from his home in Rantoul, Ill., where he works as a substitute high school science teacher, Rokke said, "When we went to the Gulf, we were all really healthy, and we got trashed."

Rokke, an Army Reserve major who describes himself as "a patriot to the right of Rush Limbaugh," said hearing the latest Pentagon statements on DU is especially frustrating.

"Since 1991, numerous U.S. Department of Defense reports have said that the consequences of DU were unknown," Rokke said. "That is a lie. We warned them in 1991 after the Gulf War, but because of liability issues, they continue to ignore the problem." Rokke worked until 1996 for the military, developing DU training and management procedures. The procedures were ignored, he said.

"Their arrogance is beyond comprehension," he said. "We have spread RADIOACTIVE WASTE all over the place and refused medical treatment to people . . . it's all arrogance.

"DU is a snapshot of technology gone crazy."


At the Saddam Teaching Hospital in Basra, Dr. Jawad Al-Ali, a British-trained oncologist, displays, in four gaily colored photo albums, what he says are actual snapshots of the NIGHTMARES.

Photo albums are filled with masses of photos of deformed infants -- examples, he says, of the surge in birth defects in southern Iraq that he blames on Depleted Uranium.

The photos represent the surge in birth defects -- in 1989 there were 11 per 100,000 births; in 2001 there were 116 per 100,000 births -- that even before they heard about DU, had doctors in southern Iraq making comparisons to the birth defects that followed the atomic bombings of HIROSHIMA and NAGASKI in WWII.

There were horrific photos of infants born without brains, with their internal organs outside their bodies, without sexual organs, without spines, and the list of deformities went on and on. There also were photos of CANCER patients.

Cancer has increased dramatically in southern Iraq. In 1988, 34 people died of cancer; in 1998, 450 died of cancer; in 2001 there were 603 cancer deaths.

On a tour of one ward of the hospital, doctors pointed out boys and girls who were suffering from leukemia. Most of the children die, the doctors said, because there are insufficient drugs available for their treatment.

There was one notable exception, a young boy whose family was able to buy the expensive drugs on the black market.

Al-Ali said it defies logic to absolve DU of blame when veterans of the Gulf War and of the fighting in the Balkans share common illnesses with children in southern IRAQ.

"The cause of all of these CANCERS and deformities remains theoretical because we can't confirm the presence of Uranium in tissue or urine with the equipment we have," said Al-Ali. "And because of the sanctions, we can't get the equipment we need."

What are we doing to Humanity?

Abusing good Humans by other good Humans through the lies of evil politicians, just like the wholesale abuse of the Human Rights of good tenants of Notting HIll Housing Trust by its management bent on evil practices by its Labour Party directors and Labour Party management...



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02.02.2007 22:41

I'm confused, does Notting Hill Housing Trust make DU?

Or is this just a bizzare peice of non news?



05.02.2007 16:09

DU links to control of Iraq and Iran, the next war

Those who indirectly control NHHT are Tony Blair, Tom Sawyer, Clive Soley, John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan. All are members of the Labour Party, all involved with the decision to call for war and the use of DU in Iraq, use next in Iran.

Tony Blair is similar to Hitler and the last weeks of Hitler's 1,000 year Reich, trying to lie and deceive his way out of his bunker. Did he succeed? No

Legacy of lies

Decadence of Deceit

Complacency of Corruption

Sinking ship of spin

- n -


05.02.2007 17:38



Tony Blair indirectly controls NHHT
NHHT management are all members of the (intolerant totalitarian?) Labour Party
Too many good tenants are being set up by the management to suffer harassment and abuse for submitting legitimate complaints in writing and are then being targeted by management at NHHT

Tony Blair and his good friends: Tom Sawyer, Clive Soley, John Scarlett, Jonathan Buchanan and Michael Levy, all members of the Labour Party, were indirectly responsible for the consequences of the tragic war in the middle east.

Many dream of a day when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kristol, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Libby, et al are paraded before TV cameras in orange jumpsuits, shackled and humiliated, and to suffer the fate Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Rudolf Hess at the Nuremberg Trials were obliged to suffer. Yet the USA did not sign up to the ICC, unlike Mr Blair.

However, the people of the United States of America (not unlike the good people of Nazi Germany or the good people of Stalin's Russia before them, who were targeted, when millions upon millions of innocents suffered and were abused like far too many targeted Notting HIll Housing Trust good tenants for submitting legitimate written complaints, invariably ignored by the senior management, the entity indirectly controlled by Tony Blair and members of the Labour Party), as Wilhelm Reich knew before he was thrown in prison, "give impotent people with evil intentions the power to represent [them]. Only too late do [they] realize that again and again [they] are being defrauded. [They] must come to realize that [they] make [their] little men [their] own oppressors, and that [they] made martyrs out of [their] truly great men." Our oppressors, fast at work undermining what remains of our constitutional legacy, are the elective dictators linked to the Straussian neocons of the United States.

In the meantime we need to see who exactly our oppressors truly are...

Blair says, according to his interview with the tame BBC Radio 4 interviewer, John Humphrys, of the Blair controlled Blair Broadcasting Corporation (BBC - Blair does select the BBC Chairman!), that the lowest 10 per cent of the British population is a 'basket-case', so why is it that far far more than the lowest 10 per cent of the British population (the 'basket-cases') are represented in the Blair Cabinet? Are all the members of British cabinet 'basket-cases'... as Blair appears to have no qualms in pejoratively describing the lowest 10 per cent of the British population?

How can Blair cite such a statistic that 'the lowest 10 per cent of the British population is a 'basket-case' '... unless of course Blair has personally carried out a survey of the British population outside the Blair Bunker and does he exclude himself from his highly anecdotal survey?

Has Blair looked in the mirror recently? He needs to...

Blair's tenure at 10 Downing Street is effectively over...

Blair's integrity is non existent...

The longer Blair stays on, the worse will be the vote for the Scottish, Welsh and English local constituency election returns for the Labour Party on 3 May 2007...


Blair wants to destroy the Labour Party, as all the grandees are far too weak or cowards to do anything... so that Gordon Brown will look so damaged that the Labour Party will appear an electoral disaster, so that with a General Election to appeal for a mandate, a Conservative Government will take over...

Blair was indeed the most devious viper ever to be a British Prime Minister...

Yes, it's over Blair in the Fuhrer's Hitlerian Bunker of the 1,000 year Reich...

Labour Loyalty is fast collapsing...

Meltdown Meltdown Meltdown is becoming virulently contagious in the party...

Madman Blair blames the Police and anyone and everyone else...

Tony Blair is doing exactly the same as Adolf Hitler before him...

Hitler blamed the Gauleiters...

Stalin blamed the Commisars...

Blair now blames the Commisars, the Gauleiters, the Cronies, the Puppets, the Muppets and even the Wombles...

Blair is so weak, cowardly and pathetic he is even trying to blame the poor police...

Iain Blair, John Yates and his brave colleagues (attacked by the weak bullying cowards: Kinnock, Blears and Kelly) know full well that Tony's two close political friends will decide if there is a prosecution. If Blair remains in office he can control everything...

After all, good Ken - Ken Macdonald (DPP - head of the CPS) makes an 'independent' decision and decides if there are grounds for a prosecution, but he is a member of the Labour Party who worked in Matrix Chambers, where Mrs Cherie Blair works. He was recommended to the job of DPP by Cherie Blair, as he was her ex head of chambers and therefore automatically nominated by Tony Blair (pillow talk does work wonders, eh Cherie?)!

After all, good Pete - Peter Goldsmith (AG) makes the final 'independent' decision if there are grounds for a prosecution, but he is a member of the Labour Cabinet and an ardent Labour Party flagwaver. Hardly an independent decision and he was nominated by his buddy Tony Blair!

After conducting 90 interviews - 35 connected to Labour, including all the current Cabinet plus senior Downing Street advisers and Alan Milburn, who ran the 2005 campaign, and 29 connected to the Conservative Party - Yates wrote to the Commons Public Administration Committee (PAC) to inform them there had been "major developments" in the cash-for-honours inquiry that had not yet been made public. Entering what he called the "final stages" of what will have been a nine-month investigation, he said he expected a file to be delivered to the Crown Prosecution Service (whose head is the DPP, Ken MacDonald - it is bad to get a conviction for drugs offences, eh Ken?) very soon.


if Blair stays... and ruins the Labour Party... an acquittal...

if Blair goes... and supports the Labour Party... a potential conviction...?

This means the chances of any support for the Labour Party are grim indeed...

The ship is sinking fast...


Blair's career collapses in ignominy, a devastating disaster of the messianic self-righteousness which enables Blair to deceive himself as easily as he does others...

The Fuhrer Hitler or is it the Bombardier Blair in his besieged bunker?

Blair has lost it...

Blair has lost all touch with reality...

Blair besieged, isolated, corruption complete... deceit... lies... the lethal legacy

..the war in Iraq... based on the biggest lie of all...

...hundreds of thousands of deaths of innocent men ('insurgents' fighting for their raped country), women killed and maimed and the children...

...Depleted Uranium, Cancers and liver failures, these are the radioactive effects of DU and the meaning of Gulf War Syndrome, with hundreds of children born just to die... see the photos of their horrific injuries... evil beyond measure... it matters not a jot to Blair and his cronies...

...the toxic evil intolerant totalitarian legacy of Blairism promoting the apostles of hate, the politically correct obsession with multiculturalism and attacking good people as racialist (for shouting the outrageous word 'nonsense') like the poor, vulnerable and defenceless 82-year-old Walter Wolfgang, the victim of Nazi oppression, who was ejected at the Labour Party conference for exercising his only last right of freedom of speech (another outburst of intolerant totalitarian control-freak Nazi tactics?), but Blairism enjoys emphasising ethnic differences at the expense of a shared British identity...


...far too well known

c. prince


07.02.2007 16:29

Notting Hill Housing dem blair big scam in hammersmith

run by Labour

Blair throws dem taxpayer millions into dem

Nice one if you dem immigrant bad one if you a Brit

Worse one if you a honky

better one if you not



08.02.2007 13:41

Far too many fellow tenants I've met have been stitched up by housing advice centres in my west london borough.

I've discovered that advice from what is often described by my local authority as the 'independent' law centre which is funded by my conservative local authority (of a different political allegiance) has senior officers who have the same political allegiance as those in charge at the law centre, the same as those who control my housing association (all labour) which receives millions of pounds in funding from central government with the same politics as my landlords.

I was getting advice from a black woman called 'Beverly' who is the manager at the law centre. I now understand why she didn't want to give me her family name - she is exactly the same woman whose photo appears as one of the directors of my housing association - the notting hill housing trust (labour controlled).

How dare she tell me not to go to a law court to bring a case against notting hill housing trust!

The law courts are the only way to expose their lies and complicity with the local authority housing department.

The housing ombudsman ensures things remain private and are not exposed to the media - oh no!

I have since discovered that the planning department, the electoral services department and even the tenancy relations department of the local authority controlled housing department all seem to act in league with my landlords.

If any tenant who is in receipt of housing benefit from my local authority complains in writing to my landlords, the local authority housing department are contacted by my landlords and my local authority housing department immediately place a stop known as an inhibition on my housing benefit. These actions have been confirmed by numerous staff. All very devious.

I have been told that this reaction to my landlords instructions is because my landlords are the biggest housing association in my borough which provide flats and houses to the housing department of the local authority, in return for no court action taken by my local authority against my landlords for deliberately breaking planning law, electoral law, housing law and now I even discover... even criminal law?


ABUSE - Linked to Government

11.02.2007 23:00

Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings might it assist the End For His Career

Exclusive to Propaganda by Mike James in Frankfurt: March 11 2003

NATO boss and BLAIR government insider Lord Robertson has threatened to sue Scotland's leading independent newspaper over internet allegations that he not only used his influence as a FREEMASON to procure a gun licence for child killer Thomas Hamilton, but was also a member of a clandestine paedophile ring reportedly set up by Hamilton for the British elite.

On 13 March 1996, Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on a junior school class, killing 16 children and one teacher before turning the gun on himself, shattering forever the idyllic 13th century Scottish town of Dunblane.

The controversy could challenge the Blair government, which has already issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names of known paedophiles within the British executive, including at least two senior ministers; and the case highlights the government's antipathy toward the Sunday Herald and its brand of independent journalism that has, among other things, exposed the role played by the domestic security agency, MI5, in helping the IRA to carry out terrorist atrocities.

As reported by this journalist last month at Propaganda Matrix and Counter Punch, and by the Sunday Herald's Home Affairs Editor, Neil Mackay, the British intelligence services are actively engaged in preventing any further child sex revelations that could incite further hostility to an already unpopular Blair Prime Minister and destroy the morale of troops in Iraq. An intelligence officer told Mackay that "a 'rolling' Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests were ever to occur."

Some commentators, mindful that one of Tony Blair's closest confidante's is a practising paedophile, are even suggesting that this particular scandal, and not Blair's repeated lies and fabricated reports in regard to Iraq, may well assist the downfall of a government mired in sleaze and corruption.

The Sunday Times (under Rupert Murdoch) is reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon.

The latest allegations came to light following a campaign to lift the secrecy on the Dunblane massacre. Large sections of the police report were banned from the public domain under a 100-year secrecy order. Lord Cullen, an establishment insider, also omitted and censored references to the documents in his final report. Parents and teachers were advised to concentrate their efforts on a campaign to outlaw handguns instead of focusing on how the mentally unstable Freemason, already known by the police to be a paedophile, had obtained a firearms licence for six handguns. Hamilton allegedly enjoyed good relations with both local Labour luminary George Robertson and Michael Forsyth, the then Scottish Secretary of State and MP for Stirling. Forsyth congratulated and encouraged Hamilton for running a boy's club. Hamilton was also found to have exchanged letters with the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth.

The rumours and allegations concerning Lord Robertson's ties to Hamilton, and the possibility that the American intelligence services may be blackmailing Tony Blair into continued support for a U.S. invasion of Iraq, have been given fire by internet investigator and intelligence expert Michael Keaney:

"An additional, and potentially explosive, aspect of US leverage over Blair is the FBI's investigation of users of child porn websites which has already claimed a number of high profile scalps. [....] The biggest two fish that come to mind are indeed high profile: firstly there is George Robertson, who today has announced that he will step down as NATO Secretary General after four years and two months in the job. Were he to be fingered the fall out would be spectacular but short-lived -- he's been a long time out of the cabinet and is sufficiently distant from Tony to be regarded as not requiring the presentational finesse of a "rolling" Cabinet committee, whatever that might be. However, our second candidate is most certainly very closely identified with the prime minister, and retains a high profile [and] continues to operate at a very high level indeed, whether in Europe, Japan, or even the Middle East."

"Peter Mandelson began political life as a member of the Communist Party, soon "seeing the light" and instead getting involved with the CIA/MI6-financed Socialist International youth wing and the Labour Party, through which he rose in parallel with his experience working at London Weekend Television with other A-list regulars like John Birt and Michael Maclay, now public mouthpiece of Hakluyt, the private sector spook outfit run by a bunch of "ex" MI6 types (like JONATHAN BUCHANAN, a director at NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST) including the widow of ex-Labour leader JOHN SMITH. This sort of background and connections makes MANDELSON very useful in the sort of corridors-and-alleyways diplomacy and networking that is the real substance of international relations and intelligence gathering. [....] If Mandelson is indeed the suspect, then the damage this could cause may fatally wound Blair."

"An interesting development that may, or may not, be related to this, is the publication of an article in last Sunday's Observer by David Aaronovitch (Arch Blairite). He and Mandelson are longtime friends, having been together in the Communist Party and at London Weekend TV. Aaronovitch was, until recently, a leading political commentator for the Independent, on whose "international advisory board" (the standard vanity collection of august persons put together for the ego of newspaper proprietors like Tony O'Reilly and the discredited Conrad Black) sits Peter Mandelson."

"Since switching to the Guardian Media Group at the beginning of this year or thereabouts, Aaronovitch authored an article on child abuse in which he pleads for common sense to prevail, rather than the lynch mob: 'Strangely I trust the police to act sensibly (because, like the analysts, they’ve seen it all): it's the rest of us I worry about.'"

"That much depends upon the behaviour of the US Justice Department, which ultimately has responsibility for the investigation, must be a worry for Blair. One need only imagine how this must colour the views of John Ashcroft regarding the moral fibre of British cabinet ministers and the laxity of the prime minister who chose them in the first place. How easy would it be for the suspect to be named in a story that miraculously surfaced outside of the UK (thereby circumventing the D Notice and leading potentially to a re-run of the Spycatcher fiasco of 1987)?

"Whoever is on the suspects' list, we can see that already this 'rolling' cabinet committee is busy leaking stories that serve at least to delay the shock of the inevitable, eventual revelation, buying valuable time if nothing else. Thus you can depend on the Guardian to save the day for Tony, and here's some helpful tip-offs courtesy of MI6 that help to distract from what's really going on, whilst bolstering the reputation for integrity and financial propriety that has marked Blair's dealings with businesspeople like Bernie Ecclestone, Richard Desmond, Lakshmi Mittal, etc."

"I have come to the considered conclusion," says a correspondent of Keaney, William Palfreman, "that the events surrounding the Dunblane massacre, and the subsequent submissions to the Cullen enquiry that have been put under to 100 years of secrecy, far out weigh in political significance issues such as our opposition to the EU [and] what it entails. It is inconceivable that T Blair, Jack Straw [and] Gordon Brown can survive in office as this matter becomes known. It totally undermines the Labour government, and could easily be a case of the Queen feeling she has to use reserve powers to call an emergency general election, such would be the loss of confidence."

"This scandal is far more important that anything that has happened here in living memory, in fact I can think of no parallel for it. It certainly pisses all over anything that happened to Kennedy or was done by Nixon. I am surprised, given the gravity of this matter, that [an] attempt has yet to be made on his life, for surely we are dealing with desperate people here. It also explains a few strange things, such as just why T Blair & co. were so keen to ban all handguns, and why such obviously talentless nobodies like George Robertson have risen from being backbench nobodies a couple of years ago to Defence Secretary, and now Secretary-General of Nato."

"[....] Now where in this is there a national security risk so great, that documents part of the public enquiry are now state secrets to be held for 100 years? Funny kind of public enquiry. Why, when Thomas Hamilton's application for a gun licence was turned down, due to him being regarded as a man of unsound character [and] him being the object of several paedophilia investigations, did his MP, our friend George Robertson (now Lord Robertson, Secretary-General of NATO), write him a glowing character reference, and personally see to it that his application was successful, when he knew the grounds for the original refusal were because he was suspected of procuring boys for sexual services?"

"Or take a certain boat seized on Loch Ness [Loch Lomond] by the Strathclyde Police. It is a very rare thing for assets to be seized in the UK, as [there] are no asset-forfeiture laws. When it does happen, there is normally a trial at least, with things only being seized if they are proven to be bought with money proven to be consequence of a proven crime. Even then, they are sold by public auction. How come, then, was this very valuable boat sold for the tiny sum of £5000, without an auction, to none other than our friend Thomas Hamilton, a man of no financial means whatsoever, nor a sailor, nor lived anywhere near any open water. Why did not the boats owners complain about having their property stolen from them in this manner? I can only conclude because it was being used for some very serious criminal activity, and those on board were merely glad to escape prosecution. Also, it seems rather odd in such circumstances that not only were the owners happy to avoid prosecution enough to lose a valuable boat, but that the Strathclyde Police were not willing to prosecute. And yet, after these improbable events, it wound up in none other than our friend Hamilton's hands. Could he have been a blackmailer as well as a paedophile?"

"But the main thing is what might explain sections of the public enquiry are now under the hundred year rule. There are only three levels of secrecy in the UK for state secrets, the 30 year rule, the 80 year rule and the 100 year rule. Normal secrets, like Cabinet discussions, government papers, espionage, all that, are under the 30 year rule. Only a very small number of things ever reached the 80 year rule, particularly events in the Sudan with Kitchener in 1902, where it seems that an act of genocide was committed, and some things that happened 1914-18, as well as things like potential peace negotiations in 1941, and just about everything to do with the IRA (after all, people are still alive after 30 years) come under the 80 year rule. Of them, the darkest of state secrets, when the events of '02 were getting a bit close to their limit for comfort, a further class of secrets was created to last a hundred years, and tiny number of things were put in it - e.g. Kitchener in '02, some World War I things."

But none of these things can be said to apply to Dunblane. That was a case of a common criminal [and] sexual pervert committing some fairly ordinary murders, of a kind that happen from time to time. Even if a backbench Labour MP was implicated, or may have been involved in a large paedophile ring in Scotland, that is not a matter of vital national importance. You have a prosecution, there is a bit of a scandal, everyone is disgusted and one MP goes to prison. Big deal: such things happen. You certainly would not make such information a state secret just to save one unnamed backbench nobody's miserable neck. Governments simply don't go to such extreme lengths to save nobodies - power broking just doesn't work like that. There must be issues of profound national importance working here, and I put it to you that anything that involves certain events in Scotland is more likely to be someone of cabinet level than anything else.

If the physiologically flawed [although Thomas Hamilton was these were the words of Tony Blair when speaking of Gordon Brown] Thomas Hamilton was the centre of a paedophile ring in Scotland that procured boys to people of the amongst the highest rank, and Tony Blair [and] Jack Straw covered this up by the Official Secrets Act (They would do the covering, as both the Prime Minister's [and] Home Secretary's permission is needed to put some something under the 100 year rule.) it is hard to see how they or their close colleges could possibly remain in office, even if they were never inclined to such flawed behaviour themselves. The government would fall."

That prospect seems to be energising a government now considered to be fighting for its political life, even to the extent of killing the review process by which some of the banned sections of the Cullen Report would be made public, arguing that freedom of information would somehow harm other abused children in Dunblane.

In a recent interview with the Guardian newspaper, Michael Matheson, the Scottish National Party's shadow deputy justice minister, said: "There are more documents covered by the 100-year rule than this police report. Some of them have nothing whatsoever to do with children. We need to look at why such a lengthy ban has been imposed on them. I have been contacted by a number of families affected by the tragedy who are anxious to ensure this information becomes public. And so far we have no guarantee that it will. We only have a review."

"It is important we make available, if it is at all possible, any information that is available about people in the public eye," said the Scottish first minister, Jack McConnell.

When Tony Blair took office following a landslide victory in 1997, few commentators would have suggested that this man would be willing to drag his country into a war of unjustified aggression against a people that have done no harm to the British public. Nor would anyone have surmised that a Labour government would hitch its political fortunes to a shabby cabal of fanatical neoconservative Zionists working to make real their much-touted biblical Armageddon. And no one could have predicted that Blair's nominally "Christian" administration would transform itself into a licentious club of flamboyant homosexual cruisers and out-of-control paedophiles.

But it is now becoming shockingly clear that the slavish adherence of Tony Blair and Jack Straw to the Bush line on Iraq may have less to do with principled arguments, and much more to do with the fear of CIA and FBI revelations that would make them two of the most hated politicians in modern British political history.

There is only one way out for Tony Blair - resign.

(The British Labour government, 1997-2007)



Robertson considers action over web allegation

Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine

Call to lift veil of secrecy over Dunblane,3605,895056,00.html

MP aide facing porn charge,,2-2002400885,00.html

Child porn arrests 'too slow'

Don't look now,6903,877634,00.html


NHHT - Notting Hill Housing Trust - indirectly controlled by LABOUR Party Blair

12.02.2007 14:40

Who would have thought that Mr BLAIR ('Princess Tony') and his nominally "Christian" administration (that truly torments and tangles the truth) would transform itself into a licentious club of flamboyant homosexual cruisers and out-of-control paedophiles.

It is now clear that the slavish adherence of Tony Blair and Jack Straw to the Bush ('43') line on IRAQ and the slavish adherence of Tony Blair and his replacement for Jack Straw to the Bush ('43') line on IRAN
{T A R G E T T E H R A N - heightened tensions are beginning to mount in Washington - talk is now focusing on the long anticipated briefing blaming weapons and training directed by Tehran for the deaths of US personnel in Iraq - the claims flew in the face of previous admissions by the Bush administration that its case against IRAN could not be proved, less than 10 days ago by Robert Gates, US Defence Secretary to US senators that it could not be said with certainty that Iran was supporting such attacks. But the timing is on cue, the US is provoking IRAN as part of a 'black psy-ops operation'. The claim is framed as though this was "a matter of direct Iranian government transfer to the deadliest guerillas." (Prof. Juan Cole, professor of Middle East history at University of Michigan and author of respected blog. The allegations come a week after the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) supposedly the collective view of the US intelligence community, said that while "Iranian lethal support for select groups of Iraqi SHIA militants clearly intensifies the conflict... the involvement of these outsider actors is not likely to be a major driver of violence... because of the self-sustaining character of Iraq's internal sectarian dynamics". Many commentators have pointed out that SUNNI insurgents rather than SHIA militias are responsible for most attacks against US forces. The creeping concern about the heightened level of tension between IRAN and the West is now very apparent in IRAN.}
may have less, far less to do with principled arguments, and much much more to do with the fear of CIA and FBI revelations that would make them two of the most hated politicians in modern British political history. {The very reason why the little-used 100 year secrecy rule was invoked by TONY BLAIR ('Princess Tony'){we remember all the private parties of Robin and Dwina-Murphy Gibb and Ben Bradshaw of Sedgeford road)!!!

There is only one way out for TONY BLAIR - RESIGN after THURSDAY 3 MAY 2007.

(The British LABOUR government, 1997-2007)



12.02.2007 17:56

I am so disgusted with MR BLAIR and his indirect control of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST - the discredited evil LABOUR PARTY controlled landlords based in Hammersmith west London - that I had to submit this report from the Parliamentary debates.

Let no EVIL person say that the evil actions of LABOUR PARTY prime minister TONY BLAIR are not true. He is a corrupt evil man.

Many of the poor tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust are living in THIRD WORLD style hovels with rodent and insect infestation that surrounds them as living partners.

The management are evil, as any tenant that raises any legitimate complaint in writing is targeted by the management with false rent arrears and confronted with harassment from management.

All the members of senior management are staunch members of the corrupt Labour Party, controlled by prime minister Tony BLAIR.






Mr. Greg Hands (Hammersmith and Fulham) (Con): I am delighted to have been called in this debate as the HOUSING CORPORATION and the HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS and REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS (RSLs) that it oversees have a major impact on the lives of my constituents. According to the last census, 13.5 per cent. of HAMMERSMITH and FULHAM residents rent a property belonging to a HOUSING ASSOCIATION or another RSL, which is more than twice the national average. It is one of the highest rates in the United Kingdom, especially for a local authority that has not yet undertaken any significant large-scale voluntary transfers.

Our most important housing associations in Hammersmith and Fulham include the NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP, the Peabody Trust, and the Shepherds Bush Housing Association. Each has more than 1,000 housing units. The NOTTING HILL GROUP alone has more than 4,000 homes in Hammersmith and Fulham (altogether it has over 19,000 properties). We have 49 different housing associations operating in all. The main RSL that will feature in my speech is the NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP. It has treated many of its tenants DREADFULLY in the recent past, and I wish to discuss the Bill's impact on them. Many tenants were TREATED SO BADLY that they became ACTIVISTS in the general election for me last year, knocking on doors, stuffing envelopes and so on. In fact, they are the original NOTTING HILL TORIES, converted to the blue cause not by lizards changing colour, as one sees on ridiculous Labour party leaflets, but by FINDING A CANDIDATE WHO TAKES AN INTEREST IN THEIR PROBLEMS AND COMPLAINTS.

We all share an interest in seeing the HOUSING CORPORATION and HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS operating effectively, so I welcome in general the Bill's provisions. However, I believe that WE NEED A LARGER DEBATE ON THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL HOUSING AND HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS in general, and the Bill therefore represents something of a missed opportunity. Given the demand in the House for

25 Apr 2006 : Column 527

more discussion of these issues, it seems a great pity that a whole day of Government time has been allocated to debating essentially one paragraph of a technicality, even if it is an interesting technicality. I mentioned to many HOUSING ASSOCIATION TENANTS in HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM that this debate was coming. Certainly, a number are concerned that previous decisions made by the HOUSING CORPORATION may NOT HAVE BEEN LEGALLY VALID. Equally, a number are interested in an opportunity to see some of those decisions reversed. So THIS KIND OF BUREAUCRATIC MISTAKE DOES NOT REFLECT WELL ON OUR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, INCLUDING PARLIAMENT, which passed the Bill in the first place.

I want to talk about some of the missed opportunities in the Bill, but first I want to mention its shocking cost—£1.50 for only 22 lines is the price recorded on the reverse by The Stationery Office, which represents incredibly poor value for money.

The first problem is the POOR ACCOUNTABILITY OF HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS. The Bill is all about accountability, so this is indeed a missed opportunity. Let us contrast HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS with councils as landlords. I am disappointed that the hon. Member for North-West Leicestershire (David Taylor) has departed because I want to say something about council management of homes.

The council has an advantage in being directly accountable in that it is, of course, elected. Obviously, it is not only its tenants who vote in council elections, but no candidate or local councillor can afford to ignore the voice of council tenants. In many London boroughs, the MARGINAL WARDS can almost be defined as those that have a sizeable number of council tenants.

In the borough of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM, the ward in which I live—Fulham Broadway—is a key marginal, largely because of the presence of the Clem Attlee estate, which is mostly council-owned. One of the most influential people in the borough is Val Barker, who chairs the Clem Attlee Rocque and Maton residents association, which she does very well, taking scrupulous care to remain politically neutral. Her voice is influential, but she does not have a powerful equivalent in neighbouring REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORD estates. We therefore need to do more to improve tenant involvement and RSLs' ACCOUNTABILITY TO TENANTS. Council officers effectively deal with day-to-day matters on council estates, including repairs, the collection of refuse, the investigation of antisocial behaviour reports and so on. Most council tenants know that if things do not go well, they can call or contact their councillor. In turn, the council officer has a constitutional duty to address practical concerns by listening to the councillor, at the very least. That is not categorically NOT THE CASE FOR HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS. Better HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS listen to cases brought by individual councillors, but MANY DO NOT DO SO AND GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO OBSTRUCT COUNCILLORS' INQUIRIES.

To return to the HOUSING CORPORATION, such political influence is not afforded to HOUSING ASSOCIATION TENANTS. By contrast, private sector tenants, who lack council tenants' political clout, often have a more responsive landlord. We have all dealt with hundreds of cases in our constituencies involving nightmare private landlords. In my experience, however, I RECEIVE FAR FEWER COMPLAINTS ABOUT PRIVATE LANDLORDS THAN ABOUT RSLs or the council,

25 Apr 2006 : Column 528

which leads me to conclude that private sector landlords are usually more responsive to problems and complaints.

In short, Housing Associations, like Notting Hill Housing Trust are unaccountable and totally out of control.

Notting Hill Housing Trust, for one, just do not listen to their tenants. Worse, NHHT deliberately confront their best tenants if any tenants have made legitimate complaints in writing!


Indymedia UK seenms to be friends of NHHT

12.02.2007 18:15

Many independent web sites refer to UK Indymedia as being controlled by MI5

All the Blair and Labour Party comments have been covered over by the need to click on the one dot comment - it appears to give credibility to the oft repeated claim that IMCistas are linked - even if indirectly - to MI5. NHHT management often try to say that they can control UK Indymedia by their Labour Party grandees - threatening to pull the plug on the publishing of anything that might embarass our dear leader in our dear elective dictatorship


notting hill housing trust is now a creature of BLAIR's LABOUR PARTY

18.02.2007 22:25

Britains Housing Policy is a dog's breakfast - where is it taking us? to war...
Britains Housing Policy is a dog's breakfast - where is it taking us? to war...



If you have recently been stitched up by Notting Hill Housing Trust for writing in legitimate complaints let the world know.

Notting Hill Housing Trust do not want to know the truth, that is why they
confront tenants every time.

As creatures of the Labour Party their signature is clear as they use confrontatoion and harassment never consultation.

That is also why so many sites opened up by tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust have been closed down. The Labour government control many of what seem like independent internet sites which in truth are controlled by LP IMCistas



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