On 31 December 2001
...The Israeli soldiers stationed on the roof of the Palestinian woman Naziha Abu Dahood broke into her bedroom early in the morning. She was alone with a sick child when she saw the Israeli soldier exposing his penis and telling her that he "had a big one for her which is better than the small one she had".
When he husband tried to stop the soldiers they killed him
...In Hebron I used to hear obscene verbal proposals, such like, "whore, bitch, nice fucker..."
In one case an IDF soldier pressed his body against me and touched my breasts in the public in Al Shuhada street. This happened on 25th April 2000 during the peace time.
In another case I witnessed, the IDF soldiers were collecting the underwear and bed clothes of Zohoor Al Atrash, and exposed them in front of others. This happened during an operation to demolish Zohoors house during June 1998, during what was called peace.
The soldiers were dropped Zohoor in a big ground hole after they ripped off her clothes, they then brought her alternative bed clothes, a "baby doll" to put on ... The soldiers then told her, "this will look nicer on you", the other soldiers laughed ...
In yet a different case, I witnessed the IDF soldiers raising up their penis and exposing themselves in front of other Palestinian women, they were behaving in this way to prevent the women from passing through the border between area H1 and area H2 in the city of Hebron.
Sawsan Abu Turky, a nine year old girl from Hebron was attacked by the IDF soldiers on her way back home on July 5, 2001. At a checkpoint, one soldier allowed Sawsan to pass, but the other one said no, you should return. When Sawsan tried to pass anyway, the soldier pushed her on the ground and kicked her head with the butt of his rifle.
Sawsan was hospitalized for five days, but when she released she was still having pain. On September 6, 2001, Sawsan was arrested because she had tried to kill an Israeli soldier.
Sawsan was raped twice at Israeli jail on the first day of her incarceration ...
15 August
Hebron Border Police Beat and Rape Palestinian Youth
by Mark Frey
HEBRON, West Bank -- According to local sources, a 17-year-old
Palestinian youth was beaten and raped in the Hebron vegetable market
by two Israel Defense Force (IDF) Border Police officers on Tuesday
evening, 12 August, at 7 p.m.
On Friday, August 15, CPTer Anne Montgomery accompanied a Hebron
journalist to a vllage outside of Hebron in order to talk
to Walid Kafisha, a witness to the incident.
On Tuesday evening, Abed (not his real name) was detained by a Border
Police patrol in front of the Avraham Avinu settlement in the center
of Hebron. Soldiers checked Abed's ID and physically searched his
clothes, finding nothing. Among the patrol were two officers who
then took Abed into a tunnel further inside the old market and
barricaded the narrow tunnel with scraps of sheet metal, posting two
Border Police at the entrance. One of the officers was approximately
165 cm (5' 5") tall and dark complected; the other was overweight,
approximately 2 meters (6' 6") tall with two white stars on his
uniform's shoulder, light complected with light blond hair.
Kafisha reported that he heard shouting from Abed for between 45-60
minutes, and that he sought out TIPH (Temporary International Presence
- Hebron, international observers) but had difficultly communicating
because he spoke no English and these TIPH personnel did not speak
Arabic. Eventually, when TIPH observers approached the scene, the
soldiers and officers stopped the assault and took Abed to a nearby
checkpoint. Kafisha began to strongly argue with the chief officer
involved while TIPH observed.
Abed was then released and he and Kafisha went to the DCO (a joint
Israeli-Palestinian security force) to file a complaint. After
quickly stating he had been beaten by the IDF officers, Abed left
ahead of Kafisha. When Kafisha later found Abed, he lay on a street
in the market near the CPT apartment and cried, "They raped me! They
raped me! I couldn't move! I couldn't move!" Kafisha urged Abed to
return to the DCO to file a statement regarding the rape, but Abed
refused and returned to his home outside of Hebron.
Later Palestinian Preventive Security questioned Abed, and he
described the beating but not the rape. The journalist who
interviewed Kafisha this morning also tried to interview Abed, but his
family said he had run away, his whereabouts unknown.
A lawyer who knows the family said they are very conservative and
would not be supportive of a family member who had been raped because
it shames the entire family; no woman would marry a man who had been
raped. According to Palestinians CPT Hebron talked to, it is highly
unlikely that a male in Palestinian culture would falsely claim to
have been raped, since victims of rape are often ostracized by their
family and/or society.
Did a military police officer rape a Palestinian man? The IDF soldiers on 17 May arrested Asad Saed Al Hemoni, who is 30 years old. On 28 April 2002, Mr. Al-Hemoni was transferred from Al-Naqab prison on the day before the appeal in the military court session in Beit El. Mr. Al- Hemoni said, "On my return from Al-Naqab to Offer prison, I was accompanied by two officers. When I felt the need to use the toilet, the officer from Al-Naqab gave me permission but the other said no and insulted me. I told him that I had asked in a polite way to go to the toilet but he continued to curse at me. He said, “I will show you what you need. Follow me.”
This officer asked a military policeman to accompany them. They took him to the back of the toilet and the officer put on gloves and smeared Vaseline on them. He then asked Mr. Hemoni to take off his pants, but he refused. The officer asked the military policeman to take off Mr. Hemoni's pants but he too refused and said, "I am not ready to do something illegal." The officer told him to leave and then demanded that Mr. Hemoni take off his shirt. He did so. Then the officer handcuffed his hands behind him. He then proceeded to rape and torture Mr. Hemoni. As a result Mr. Hemoni sustained injuries including a badly bruised left hand. As Mr. Hemoni screamed, other police officers arrived and took him to a medical clinic. He was told to keep silent because he was being accused of beating the officer.
At the first opportunity to meet lawyers visiting the prison, he filed a complaint that was forwarded to the Red Cross and Al-Damer Human Rights Organization. The jail administration began an investigation and informed Mr. Hemoni that he was accused of beating the officer. He said, "How could I do this with hands cuffed?"
On 20 May 2002 Mr. Hemoni called me on my cell phone and told me the story. I have called some Israeli Parliament members who advised me to write the story and send it to them. I decided to publish the story in Al Ittihad newspaper in Haifa under Appeal to the Israeli Parliament Members, a Military Police Officer Raped a Palestinian man in Offer Prison. The story was published on Friday, 24 May 2002. Mr. Isam Mekhol, a Member of Parliament phoned me. He said, "I will send the complaint to the Police Ministry and to the Israeli State Observer after I speak about the issue during the Parliament session. Mr. Mekhol sent me a copy of his letter. He said, "After that I received telephone calls from the Israeli TV and Radio and another from an Italian journalist".
In Acre four soldiers raped a girl and
murdered her and her father. In Jaffa, soldiers of the
Kiryati Brigade raped one girl and tried to rape several
more. At Hunin, which is in the Galilee, two girls were
raped and then murdered. There were one or two cases of
rape at Tantura, south of Haifa. There was one case of rape
at Qula, in the center of the country. At the village of Abu
Shusha, near Kibbutz Gezer [in the Ramle area] there were
four female prisoners, one of whom was raped a number of
times. And there were other cases.
Usually more than one soldier was involved. Usually there
were one or two Palestinian girls. In a large proportion of
the cases the event ended with murder. Because neither the
victims nor the rapists liked to report these events, we
have to assume that the dozen cases of rape that were re-
ported, which I found, are not the whole story.They are just the tip of the iceberg.
Channel 1 television on Wednesday reported than Israel Defense Forces doctor who examined kidnapped Lebanese guerrilla leader Mustafa Dirani found physical evidence to back his charge that he was raped. The channel quoted from a document where the doctor, identified as Lieutenant Colonel Chen Kugel, wrote, “on the basis of my examination of Mr. Dirani… the results can substantiate the essence of the complaint” that he was raped
On the morning of August 12, 1949, the Platoon Commander at the Nirim outpost in the Negev, Second Lieutenant Moshe, organized a patrol with six soldiers. During their patrol, they shot and killed a Palestinian after he threw down his rifle and was running away. Later, they captured two unarmed Arab men with a girl. The men were driven away with shots fired over their heads, but the girl was taken back to the outpost at Nirim. The patrol had decided that she was “fuckable.” On their way back to the outpost, the patrol shot and killed six camels, leaving them to rot.
At the outpost, while Moshe was away on another patrol, the Platoon Sergeant, Michael prepared the girl for rape. He removed her traditional garments, forced her to stand under a water pipe, and washed her with his own hands, while everyone watched. The washing done, he dressed her in a jersey and shorts, and took her back to a hut where he raped her. When the girl complained to Moshe about the rape, he ordered his men to wash her – again – “so that she would be clean for fucking.” The soldiers cut the girl’s hair, washed her head with kerosene, placed her under the water pipe, and sent her back to the hut in jersey and shorts. She was now clean.
Later the same day, the soldiers at the Nirim outpost gathered in a large tent for the festivities of Sabbath eve. The Platoon Commander, Moshe, inaugurated the Sabbath by blessing the wine, a soldier read from the Bible, after which there was singing, eating, drinking, jokes and fun. Before the party ended, Moshe asked his men to decide the Palestinian captive’s fate with a vote. They had two options: the captive could work in the kitchen; or they could have her. The girl’s fate was decided democratically. The soldiers chanted, “We want a fuck.” Commander Moshe carried out the will of the majority. He and his sergeant went in first, leaving the girl unconscious.
The next morning, when the Palestinian girl protested, the Platoon Commander threatened to kill her. And, indeed, later, he ordered Sergeant Michael to execute the girl. They stripped her before execution; a soldier wanted his shorts back. The Sergeant, accompanied by a medic and two soldiers, took the girl out in the desert and shot her in the head as she ran. Overcome by pity, just in case she was alive and in pain, a soldier pumped a few more bullets into the girl’s body. Washed clean, her hair cut, raped repeatedly, the Palestinian captive now lay dead in a shallow grave.
Second Lieutenant Moshe drove down to Be’er Sheva later that same evening to watch a movie. At the theatre, he met his Battalion Commander, Major Yehuda Drexler, who had ordered that the Palestinian captive be taken back to where she had been found. When the Major asked his subordinate if he had done so, Moshe replied: “They killed her, it was a shame to waste the gas.” A Palestinian’s life is not worth a gallon or half of gas.
When Captain Uri, the Company Commander, asked Second Lieutenant Moshe to explain what had happened to the Palestinian girl, this is what he wrote in his report:
“In my patrol on 12.8.49 I encountered Arabs in the territory under my command, one of them armed. I killed the armed Arab on the spot and took his weapon. I took the Arab female captive. On the first night the soldiers abused her and the next day I saw fit to remove her from the world (emphasis added).”
That was all. It was dismissive in its terseness, as if to say it would be a waste of our time discussing the rape-murder of a Palestinian. However, if you insist on a report, here it is: We found an Arab girl, raped her, and “I saw fit to remove her from the world.”
Atrocities escalated, "no doubt precipitat[ing] the flight of communities on the path of the IDF advance" (Birth, p. 230). Consider the massacre at Ad Dawayima in late October. A soldier eyewitness described how the IDF, capturing the village "without a fight," first "killed about 80-100 [male] Arabs, women and children. The children were killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead." The remaining Arabs were then closed off in houses "without food and water," as the village was systematically razed.
One commander ordered a sapper to put two old women in a certain house ... and to blow up the house with them. The sapper refused. ... The commander then ordered his men to put in the old women and the evil deed was done. One soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her. One woman, with a newborn baby in her arms, was employed to clear the courtyard where the soldiers ate. She worked a day or two. In the end they shot her and her baby.
The soldier eyewitness concluded that "cultured officers ... had turned into base murderers and this not in the heat of battle ... but out of a system of expulsion and destruction. The less Arabs remained — the better. ...
Morris reports the following (very partial) inventory of IDF atrocities committed in the October fighting, as presented to the Political Committee of Mapam:
SAFSAF — "52 men tied with a rope and dropped into a well and shot. 10 were killed. Women pleaded for mercy. [There were] 3 cases of rape. ... A girl aged 14 was raped. Another 4 were killed."
JISH — "a woman and her baby were killed. Another 11 [were killed?]."
The eye witnesses from the old market said that Sawsan had thrown a knife at a military patrol on tour in the old market and then ran to hide herself in the closest shop.
On the first day of her arrest, Sawsan was raped twice by the Israeli police. She was forbidden from receiving visits. During her trial at Beit Il military court she had her hands tied and was placed behind bars. The child was indicted and tried at court for attempting to murder an Israeli soldier.
Khaled Al Nawagah, also from Hebron, was raped by an an officer of a border police unit while on his way back to Yatta village in 1998. Mr. Asad Al Hemony was raped by an Israeli officer in prison on June 2002.