Concerns the question: "Is there really nothing one can do to stop this disastrous scenario from unveiling?' - by 'gul' - from Robert Fisk' article. - Url.:
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Mon Jan 22, 2007 - The main thing at first - everywhere on earth - is to get back the media platforms to let our voices and other information be heard again. Grab the megaphones and microphones from their blood drenched claws and 'follow the money'. Show family, friends and anybody you can reach on earth the main question and answers: Who Profits? And let's not quarrel about the effects: look hard at who and what is is the origin of the plague that has been pestering us, mankind, for such a long time.
This group - (and wherever on our world you are, forget about religion, politics and similar escapisms like football, shopping, faked monarchies or other dividing idiocies) - well, this group of usurers has taken our voices, and in many cases our votes. Many times cowardly 'helped' by disgusting local traitors and puppets on 'government' gutter level. And this money and power mafia for ages has been turning our blood into their gold. What this racket runs is perfectly described in 'The Evil Empire Revisited' - Url.:
But, never generalize like we more or less are taught by 'their' propaganda and the books 'they' print. Don't just say it's the Jews, (even if many claim to be and/or are jewish) Catholics, Dutch, Turks, the US Americans, Russians, Arabs, Chinese, Africans, Latin Americans or English, the Greeks or the by this US junta home-made boogeyman al Qaeda and other 'false flag' operations like their inside job, 9/11. Never listen to what the warlords say: just look at what they are doing. And if you and yours don't like it: say it. Speak up and help to stop them.
What their managers let the US junta and its war machine do, is comparable to the serial killings of this pig farmer in Vancouver, Canada. He's in court now and not only covered up his crimes but used the bodies of the human victims in a profitable way in his butchery. He sold their flesh in his meat products.
Many, as I wrote, are falsely claiming for instance to be 'jewish' to be able to use and abuse the low brow expression like "anti-semitism". Which covers their malpractice, and that's why 'they' run the global media... The expression 'anti-semitism' is very often used by the defenders of the London warlords profit system and is a very stupid accusation which holds not a drop of water. There are a lot of creatures who try to use this utter nonsense because they keep hiding behind it.
Like police minister Sarkozy (a.k.a. Tzarkozy) in France and George 'Bilderbugger' Brown Blair's financier, who both plan to rule and further bleed France and England when becoming Prime Minister or 'president'. We're talking about 'running' earth as a profitable factory, a farm, and not as a place for human beings.
Many as I said claim to be 'jewish' but are maybe Khazars or born into some other group/tribe. And some of the criminal cabal which is permanently wrecking humanity and the rest of our world and which are managed by the malignant moneymakers in London's "the City" too, are not even 'jewish' or real semites like the Arabs and others. - Url.:
Because if - like I've done for decades too - one keeps insisting that also semitic people like the Palestinians and Lebanese for instance are human beings like you and me - am I than a pro-semite? Or what? Anybody using this phrase about 'anti-semitism' when usurers are attacked, shows immediately that they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Anybody anywhere who supports what the US junta is doing with it's war machine, including the cancerous radiation of radioactive dust poisoning the people and earth and also including the usurped NATO cannon fodder plus the mercenaries, anybody who does accept or even support this is a war criminal and must be judged and severely punished as such.
I'm against capital punishment, but life time in jail with hard labor is the least they and their propagandists everywhere on earth should get. If the criminals can survive the justified global anger, the mushrooming resistance and cry for revenge. Like many the world over I'm also getting moral problems about only using words against their weapons. When the US junta's CIA with its international collaborators 'suicided' democratically elected president Salvador Allende of Chile and the dreams of the Chilean people in September 1973, killing and torturing them for more than thirty years, I was living there until I was declared 'Persona non Grata' in July 1974. And I learned that it's better to die standing on your feet than to live in abject slavery on your knees.
But those criminals which are killing millions of us will only be stopped (and jailed) thanks to all our united and raised voices and more information which will make the - according to for instance the Geneva Conventions - fully legal resistance against 'them' further grow. This resistance is not only a legal right but also a plight. It also means that the US population has the biggest responsibility right now to immediately stop this racket and jail the responsible crooks. Of all and double nationalities...and before they kill the rest of us too in their mad quest for world dominance with brutal power and profit.
Many wish that the 27th of January demonstrators in Washington will just sit down and not leave before all those junta criminals on Capital Hill (intended) are in jail and prosecuted for their crimes against us, humanity.
And that means spreading a lot of information which never anywhere was in our history books but can be checked and relayed via Internet and good sites like these. So fight for Internet too. Every day. I've read that sixty-four-thousand blogs an hour enlarge this huge library in cyberspace, and the tsunami of anger will flatten those warlords. Today for instance I'm writing this in Europe, but know it can be read as soon as it is published on my blog and via other Internet sites from the North Cape to Cape Town and from Hiroshima to Honolulu. And as I always said: if only 25 of the people who can read this will understand what's the gist of the matter, what's happening to their lives, it will be a good day.
Because on Internet nearly all people with own views, experiences and knowledge try to describe in their own way the reality as they see it and can phrase it. Everybody has something to tell and everybody is a reporter I've learned in my life as an independent professional journalist/correspondent. One learns more every day, and can give facts with often personal information, inform about a reality which mostly isn't in line with the ideas of the lies of the managers of the juntas who say "We are an Empire and create our own reality." The by them created 'reality' is not for human beings but only for this group of insane 'humanoids'. - Url.:
Spread information about the US junta's aims and finances and help each other to end the sick ideas the 'crazies' have. Those 'humanoids' and their collaborators fight back however: many of all the 'good' people are silenced, and quite some of my friends are killed too.
The - as far as is known - latest one in The Netherlands, Louis Sévèke, was one of the last journalist/researchers of Dutch secret services and the by them produced 'state terror'. Sévèke wrote about the direct need to open the books concerning their home made terror groups and the weapons they for instance had given the so called Hofstad terror group. That's one of the 'boogeymen' started by the Dutch secret service AIVD, (Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst) to falsely scare the 16 million inhabitants of this small but very rich US manager's colony and tax haven. Like in the US and other countries before the hemorrhage of jobs and money took over. In Holland it's the same as in the UK, US etc.: so called 'terror' or 'great depressions' are made by those who profit. Colleague Louis Sévèke who investigated and maybe came too close was professionally shot with two bullets into the head 14 months ago, on November 15th 2005, 300 meters from where this is written. The killer of course is never 'found' and the faked 'investigation' is a shame for anybody involved. Those who ordered it are not in jail yet. - Url.:
But 'they' keep on killing journalists all over the world who investigate and ask questions about their systematic slaughter. One of the latest being US journalist/lawyer Paul Sandford who apparently was 'suicided'. The junta with it's professional murderers will kill anybody who is 'a bump in the road to their BIS bank', in many personal cases making it look like suicide or just declaring it 'suicide'. Even when they are shot with two bullets into the head...
The US with it's junta fascism is similar to many other countries where 'they' rule a totalitarian state, and the killers think they can get away with those inhuman actions - their Might makes Right - by declaring it necessary 'for national security' or on 'Presidential Order'. Paul Sandford earlier on Google - [
But one of the main things the managers of those inhuman juntas and their vile collaborators abhor is publicity.
It's one of the reasons I think, that people like Chomsky, Zinn, Hitchens, Fisk, Pilger etc. - and however OK they may be on other items - can not, will not or don't dare to 'follow the money' to find the real crooks. They'll only write about the mountain of manure and how it stinks, but never about the elephant in the room, the London warlords' economic and global holocaust-system.
Take Noam Chomsky who as some form of alibi was allowed to publish a lot of - what we think - are critical views. But who has in reality for 30 years and more been 'build and made' by one of the biggest defense-contractors of the US junta and its military-industrial-political complex, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And their own media enforce the standing of those ghostwriters. - Url.:
But I sincerely hope there's nobody around who thinks that you keep somebody like Chomsky, a jester at their court, for twenty-three years on the payroll if he doesn't do a good job? For them?
Any human being that's ever held a newborn baby and saw it grow up knows: we human beings all over the world are not born bad: we are made bad in many cases. Some of us are brainwashed into Golems for their war machine. - Url.:
The world is not divided in 'left' or 'right', and in the US there is absolutely NO difference whatsoever between the Golems called Democrats or Republicans, but the world we live in is divided in 'givers' and 'takers'. The Dems and Reps - including poisonous Pelosi and her clique - have with very few exceptions ALL voted for the US junta, the shredding of any social fabric left and it's war and embezzling plans against the US population and us in the rest of the world. They voted many times to enforce and realize the 'Project for a Nefarious American Cemetery' - the PNAC. With 9/11 as the trigger, their new 'Pearl Harbor'. They profit from it, that's the money trail to be followed.
And believe me, they hate it when we shine the light on their inhuman malpractices.
Those who are responsible for all humanity's misery and those collaborating with those humanoids are all guilty of war crimes and must be jailed for their deeds. Fast! And in whatever way possible be stopped. Whatever nationality or whatever they claim to be. And especially the former 'journalists', those turncoat traitors, the Judas pundits and infiltraitors (pun intended) which turned out to be dirty propagandists who keep fertilizing all the junta's battlefields with their miserable media manure.
Without their horrible and brainwashing lies and their despicable help - like the BBC* does - to the London War Lords and their juntas, the ongoing slaughter and genocides for world dominance, controlling energy sources and thus profit of us human beings: without any of those propagandists all this would never have been possible.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE WAR AND FOR HUMAN RIGHTS - January 27th, 2007 in Washington. - Url.:
* 'US FASCISM: 'MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006'' - Wikipedia - Url.:
* BBC - 'Broadcasting Blair's Crap' - and only two percent (2%) war dissident! - Url.:
* THE GOLEM - ''A manlike creature used to conduct errands.'' - Url.:
* US CITIZENS: WATCH AND WEEP! Visit this site to check out what the war has cost your town or city or state (NATO etc. tax payers are never informed about how many billions of their tax money is squandered by the people they thought 'represented' them and their humane ideas. The collaborators and their media betray mankind.) - Url.:
* WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? There is no law nor court anywhere in this world which can stop them. They are the 'untouchables' and are listed here at the 'BIS' - Url.:
* R.I.P. Habeas Corpus & Powerless judges - Are we entering America's darkest hour? - Url.:
* The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands