Who are the pigs really? War criminal pigs who all should be blindfolded and sent to trial at the Hague war criminal court for their crimes against humanity.
Once that's done then we can line up the complicit Labour pigs and the complicit Murdoch, and ABC press pigs for some therapy too for lying to us, terrifying us, inciting violence against us and producing this garbage today again, instead of information that would allow us to asses corruption in public office which is ripe at the moment and has been for some 5 years now and needs serious scrutiny now!
But instead all we get is diversion tactics and division in the community to cover up for their ignorance and destruction of the very fabric of our society.
Sheikh's martyr, pig comments condemned
The Muslim community has moved to distance itself from comments made by a Sydney cleric calling for children to be encouraged to die as Muslim martyrs.
[But has anyone asked the John Howard government if it has distanced itself from the islamophobic propaganda by his big media and political establishment? A war criminal government who 'have killed' tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi children? No!]
The head of the Global Islam Youth Centre, Sheikh Feiz Mohammed, has also [alleged] to have] referred to Jewish people as "pigs", in a video of one of his lectures.
[I must admit though some Jewish people like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC sound very much like pigs if you ask me because of their pig attitude]

[But they wouldn't have any influence on our big media or political establishment over here would they now?]
The DVDs were reportedly found being sold by children outside a mosque in Britain.
[But pig media sell their propaganda to our kids in the papers, on TV and in the main scream media every day of the week]
Islamic Friendship Association spokesman Kaysar Trad says the comments do not reflect the sentiments of the wider Muslim community.
"As a community, it is quite disconcerting for us that these comments are found from time to time and they're broadcast all over the news," he said.
"They certainly give the public an erroneous impression about Islam and Muslims."
Acting Attorney-General Kevin Andrews has condemned Sheikh Mohammed's comments.
"The importation of hatred in Australia is unacceptable," he said.
"It's offensive to the Australian people, it's reprehensible.
[But the killing of 655,000 innocent men, women and children in Iraq is okay?] But the torture and rendition of Australian citizens is okay, but keeping David Hicks in Guantanamo Bay for 5 years without charge or trial is okay?] But draconian laws are okay? But 20 years for thought crimes is okay? But encouraging the jury to push on to find Faheem Khalid Lodhi guilty is okay?] Why is that?]
Andrews: "It's particularly outrageous that certain groups in Australia, such as the Jewish community, have been highlighted in these comments, and we condemn the comments."
[But Jews have nothing to do with highlighting these comments or complaints about someone they believe is anti Semitic?] Most likely Rupert Murdoch is not even a Jew?] Huh!]
[Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to Rival AIPAC]

[By the way whom else did they ask? Indymedia?] No!

Rudd says Sheikh's comments incite terrorism
[But what is the difference between the real holocausts in Iraq and someone who is alleged to have incited terrorism by big right wing media propagandists?] Plenty!]
[One party Liberal is already guilty and the opposition Labor party is already complicit] Huh!]
The Federal Opposition is calling on the Government to take action against a Sydney cleric for encouraging Muslim children to die as martyrs.
[But not to take any action against war criminal John Howard and his cronies? Or to take any action against Labor's complicity in those war crimes against humanity, amongst many others even at home that were and are being committed now? Why is that?] Huh!]
The head of the Global Islam Youth Centre, Sheikh Feiz Mohammed, also referred to Jewish people as pigs in a video of one his lectures.
[Some of them are pigs no doubt even worse than pigs, pig dog criminals to be precise, in my humble opinion] When you take into account their criminal acts.]
[Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land: Documentary Examines US Media Coverage of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict]

The DVDs were reportedly being sold by children outside a mosque in Britain.
The Muslim community has distanced itself from the comments.
Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says the comments are obscene and wants the Government to act.
"The Attorney-General should now be examining what action can be taken under Australian law against Sheikh Mohammed," he said.
[But no one is taking any action or examining the lies, propaganda, rendition, torture and criminal acts including draconian laws at home by, not just the John Howard government but complicit Labor and big media establishment] Why is that?] Huh!]
Rudd: "As I see it, Sheikh's Mohammed's statements add up to an incitement to terrorism."
[Alleged incitement to terrorism? Here we go again what is the difference between acts of terrorism committed and those alleged? What is the difference between complicity to war crimes by Labor and the political media establishment? And alleged incitement?]
Sydney's Muslim leaders are concerned comments made by the Liverpool cleric will tarnish the wider Muslim community.
[But not tarnish the Howard government war crimes and complicit Labor party and entire political and media establishment at home here in Australia and abroad for their illegal and degrading war crimes and complicity?] Huh!]
Islamic Friendship Association spokesman Kaysar Trad says he is doubtful the Sheikh's comments will radicalise young people, but he is concerned it will reflect badly on the rest of the Muslim community.
"Jihad means different things to different people but these type of comments do unfortunately create a misunderstanding," he said.
"It's best to talk to the person himself and unfortunately I understand he's not in Australia."

But what is worse an alleged incitement to terrorism or terrorism itself? Far better to chase down those war criminals who are guilty and have committed and who are committing terrorism now, than to speculate on what someone has alleged to have incited overseas and something not yet proven obviously raised by the Jews as anti-Semitic.
In other developments:
Islamophobic Australians attack peaceful Aussie mufti
January 15, 2007 - Aussie mufti Sheik Taj al-Din Hilali's recent comments during an Egyptian TV interview have triggered more Islamaphobic outrage in Australia, with a number of politicians, including Federal Immigration Minister Senator Amanda Vanstone, laughing him off as an "irrelevance" or demanding he "stay in his native Egypt if did not like Australia."

Sheik's comments spur calls to Immigration Dept?
Now it's alleged that the Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilali comments spurred calls to the Immigration Department? What was the point of the pr exercise if people weren't going to call her? Why does she distance herself from her government and political media establishment's xenophobic pr campaigns?

Bill Moyers: "Big Media is Ravenous
Bill Moyers: "Big Media is Ravenous. It Never Gets Enough. Always Wants More. And it Will Stop at Nothing to Get It. These Conglomerates are an Empire, and they are Imperial."

Man refused bail over rocket launcher charges, discrepancies?
Peter Debnam is also a 'chip off' the old neo-liberal rocket launcher 'war criminal', block, John Howard, who has a very good reason to hype up and generate fear in the community for an illegal and degrading war in Iraq. Sinister?

Xenophobic rocket launcher, so why was it reported really?
Police say they are unsure if the claims, published in a 'Sunday newspaper', are true and they are now being investigated. [So why was it reported today by howard's 'abc' and the 'Melbourne age'?

Australian media seizes upon Muslim cleric’s comments to whip up xenophobia
There is now an inescapable necessity for all those opposed to militarism and war, and committed to the defence of democratic rights, to develop an independent political opposition to the xenophobic campaign being directed against Muslims. No faction of the media or political establishment has any opposition to the drive to militarise society under the banner of “Australian values”, and all are complicit in the cultivation of anti-Muslim communalism.

debnam has got to go!
The New South Wales Flopposition Leader, peter debnam, says an anti-American statement made by Sydney cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly was a virtual declaration of war on Western society. So debnam actually thinks war crimes against humanity and the death of 665,000 Iraqi men, women and children for democracy is a fair argument? Sack him before it's too late, please!

Homegrown war criminal's 'a serious problem in Australia'
Jump, scream, run and hide the muswims are coming to get you! Everywhere I turn there is another terrorist. I opened the sugar bowl this morning and there was a terrorist cockroach just waiting to get me, after stealing my sugar mind you. So we must be very alert and very alarmed. How else would a war criminal get re-elected after a holocaust and what looks like a third interest rate rise this year? Mostly, Howard's goals can only be attained, amongst other things, if he pushes race hate buttons and whilst you continue to live in fear.

Why does backbencher preach hate?
A Federal Liberal backbencher in now preaching racial hatred in Australia when we have laws against inciting violence and preaching racial hatred. How come he doesn't know the laws? And who put him up to it?

Community Speaks Out: War Crimes
We just can't believe that the country would not support this, we say this for all Australia but we also say this for the International community and all those dead Iraqi people.

War criminal doesn't deserve to lead Australians
I think a lot of the responsibility lies with the Australian communities themselves and they need to rise to that responsibility here and take action.

When is Howard's ABC going to stop bullying the Sheikh?
There is still uncertainty concerning the future of the ABC executive that took a John Howard Government and Opposition led media packed frenzied attack on Sheikh Al Hilaly for over a week and are responsible for bullying the Sheikh until he had chest pains and was rushed to hospital yesterday. Now this morning they've attacked him again. Are they trying to kill the man?

Todays English Lesson
Hello girls and boys today we discover the real meaning of Clean, Cleansed, Lies, War Criminal and last but not least the word Rid!

Al Hilaly pulls out of Islamic festival as kevin rudd and howard's abc managed to changed his original comment to suit themselves. Now suddenly his words have been changed? "Clean" has now turned into 'Rid' by floppositon mp rudd and the abc. How say you rudd?

Tourists may be warned to stay away from Sydney
Fears that travel advisories such as those warning Britons and Canadians about race violence in Sydney last year will cause a massive loss of income for Australian tourism this summer season.

Australian Government Enforces Racism
What concerns us most of all is that decent people, and there are very, very many of them, would also be very upset about racial scapgoating for the war criminals war on terror that killed over 665,000 innocent musilm men, women and children in Iraq and their having a tough enough time as it is.

Latest campaign to demonise Islam and intimidate the Muslim Community
“The public furore ignited in response to the reported comments made by Sheik Taj Al-Din Al-Hilali has little to do with the question of crime or culpability. What is clear is that a consistently negative view of Islam and Muslims is being generated in this country with the aim of demonising Islam and silencing the Muslim community.”

Christians United for Israel
Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to Rival AIPAC
We take a look at a new recently established group called Christians United for Israel - an evangelical organization that believes supporting expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical imperative." We speak with investigative journalist Max Blumenthal who reports they lobbied the Bush administration to adopt a confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a free hand in its attack on Lebanon.

Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land: Documentary Examines US Media Coverage of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
How has the US media covered the conflict in the Middle East? We play an excerpt of the documentary “Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” The film was directed by Bathsheba Ratzkoff and Sut Jhally of the Media Education Foundation.

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