So-called security agencies and other organisations responsible for torture and illegal detention centres would also be held accountable for their flagrantly obvious crimes, as would those at the top of the chain of command -- Rumsfeld and other commanders included. Retrospectivity would be applied to the period of planning the Iraq misadventure. The heinous death toll in Iraq would be addressed with the view to apprehending the wider network of criminals involved in all illegal activities – this would include various factions operating in Iraq at the present time.
After the immediate arrest of Bush, Blair, Howard and their support networks, a neutral nation and venue (not the NATO controlled ICC) would be chosen to host these trials and proceedings. In this regard I would nominate New Zealand as probably the most neutral and suitable nation in the world today.
A truly universal solution would be on offer to remedy the criminal destruction in Iraq and the subsequent destabilising influence the American misadventure has had on other nations. The heads of State from ALL nations, or their representatives, would be invited to participate and agree on (by vote) a solution. That solution would then be jointly enforced by all the participating nations. Nothing less than a final settlement for Iraq AND THE MIDDLE EAST, would be acceptable – this region can only be stabilised if all nations and involved parties are involved in the decision-making process; all participants would be honour-bound to abide by the majority decision and no weight would be afforded to so-called superpowers -- we affirm that all men and women are equal!
The above should be viewed as quick response, nevertheless the above approach as it stands is far superior to anything the clearly biased and unnecessarily violent Bush administration has been able to achieve to date. Perhaps history will view the present challenge as the most intelligent act of George W Bush’s entire career!
We accept your challenge, Mr. Bush!
[Please forward and link this response to all interested parties -- together we can heal the world.]


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