There is nothing more desperate than a President who has bungled every challenge of leadership; the sick mind may imagine redemption comes in the form of a nuclear strike on Iran! But first an illegal attack on a nation unable to retaliate, Somalia.
After numerous defeats that extend back to the Korean war, America is careful to choose targets that have absolutely no hope of mounting a proportionate counter-strike. Somalia presents as an ideal target in this regard; the indiscriminate killing of innocent Somali civilians by the Americans is justified by a CLAIM that Al-Qaeda operatives were targeted – the lack of verifiable proof doesn’t seem to be an issue for a Whitehouse that has descended into the ethical standards of a Mafia hitman.
[We can be assured that ‘proof’ will be forthcoming as soon as it is manufactured!]
The attack on Somalia reveals the character of the antagonists. Somali warlords have recently taken to piracy on the high seas, a very lucrative ‘enterprise’ especially when oil tankers and bulk carriers are involved. Many complaints by large Financial (insurance) and Transnational (shipping) concerns were heard in Washington. The enforcement arm of corporate capitalism (U.S. military) was duly dispatched to remedy the situation – the highly embarrassing incident of ‘Black Hawk down’ added to the perverse satisfaction obtained from the mission.
In view of the criminal incursion into Iraq by the neo-cons, it would seem that a criminal syndicate, albeit a State (USA) was dispatched to attack a smaller criminal syndicate that was interfering with the profits of the more powerful criminal organisation. The dominant second layer of meaning the Somalia attack presents is clear, neither warring party holds any greater moral right than the other, as both are clearly criminal! A previous paper alluded to the criminal nature of modern government and its complete lack of any moral constraints. [See link]

I am writing this as Bush makes his long anticipated address on the future of occupied Iraq. Predictably, the Truth of the illegality of the invasion, the horrendous death toll and oil plunder are avoided. The U.S. has only confirmed its status as international Criminal State or rogue nation. In view of the new standard the world’s most powerful nation now openly displays, could anyone justifiably condemn Somali warlords for doing their ‘best’ with the limited resources they have available? [This writer in no way approves of any criminal activity regardless of how ‘powerful’ the perpetrator appears to be.]
I would digress briefly to make the comment that the ‘solution’ that Bush proposes for Iraq would only increase the death toll and further destabilise the region, but the OIL must flow on! [What a perfect criminal travesty!]
It has been established that government today is indistinguishable from organised crime; the new paradigm that is presented to citizens is one of social collapse resulting from chaos – as each individual learns to grab whatever is desired by whatever means. The only prohibitive factor would be navigating competitive or antagonistic social forces – in other words, “abandon all hope”, “do what you will”, just don’t get caught! THIS IS THE LESSON THAT AMERICA NOW TEACHES THE WORLD -- the culmination of Capitalist doctrine is CRIME!
HOWEVER, the abused, enslaved people of the world may choose the JOY that results from Peaceful relations rather than the poisonous horror that free market capitalism presently offers. Today, the choice has never been easier, prevailing social forces/dynamics have forced the powers to display their REAL face to the world – IT IS THE FACE OF DESTRUCTION AND DEATH!
Humans share common characteristics and a common heritage. The desire for Peace and Joy has never been greater. We ARE and have ALWAYS been ONE. Alone we are nothing together we are able to heal the world.
Criminal governments and criminal leaders have made plain their future, more murder, horror and destruction. The people who lead today are extremely sick, as is clearly evident. The sooner they are removed from power the sooner we would be able to meet the challenges of the future together as one mutually cooperative global society.
We are ONE.