me want you pay me house for each childs give me house like you tell me
get out engklish give me houses for childs like you say me
wifes want more childs to give more houses hammersmith wil do
we bring more wifes to london you give houses for all
we get rid engklish drinking womans we kill in my country drinking womans
we wil make country good muslim country
you give me more house for more wifes
more babies with more money from engklish
tax more engklish me have more baby have more wifes
we get rid drinking in london drinking bad very bad
all engklish woman drinking slut we put in burkha
we give many lashes whipping womans for drinking alkohol
womans obey man
man lash woman dirty engklish slut drinking alkohol
Allah akhba Allah akhba Allah akhba
In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful